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    Bernhard H.Holst

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    Everything posted by Bernhard H.Holst

    1. Hello: Here is a document for a Black Wound Badge co-signed by the Soldatenrat, dated 21 Jan.1919. In many units mainly frontline, Soldatenrat (soldiers councils) were not instituted because not compatible with military organisation or discipline. Note this unit is a Ersatz Bataillon ( replacement battalion) which were receptive to and easily reached with anti-militaristic propaganda. And yet the unit stamp still shows the hated Prussian Eagle. This man served peacetime in Inf.Rgt.162 (Hanseatic-Luebeck) and earned the E.K.II and the Hanseatic Cross Luebeck also. Bernhard H. Holst
    2. Hello Chris: 4. Chasseurs which is not one of the outstanding regiments of the Cavalry/Armor formations. Bernhard H. Holst
    3. Hello readers. This writer feels an obligation to bring to the attention of perhaps some of our readers, the fate of an outstanding officer of the French Army. On 28 September, 1958 Capitaine Xavier de Cacqueray-Valmenier gave his life for his country on the battlefield of Algeria at age 30. He died shortly after suffering several wounds during an attack on a much defended farm while attempting to cover the retreat of his men from the courtyard. His mother and his three surviving brothers all on active service in Algeria attended services but his father, the Brigadier General de Cacqueray, also on active service was unable to attend. The remains of Capitaine X. de Cacqueray were rthen eturned to his homeland where he now rests in the family burial ground. All four brothers at one time served in regiments of the French Foreign Legion, one of them lost a leg during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. The family can trace their military service to France back to the 1700's and it may go back even further. Capitaine X. de Cacqueray was made an Officer of the Legion of Honor after his death. The 2012 graduating class of the French Army Officers Academy, St. Cyr (Ecole Speciale Militaire) in accordance with tradition named itself after this gallant officer and had the honor shortly before graduation, to open the yearly parade in Paris on the occasion of France's National Holiday, 14 July 2012. The undersigned served under the orders of the then Lt. X. de Cacqueray in the north of Vietnam during 1952 - 1953 and again during a second tour of duty in early 1954 until this officer's return to Europe in 1955. Bernhard H. Holst ex-Brigadier-Chef 1.REC and Sergeant 1.RE.
    4. Hello Paul. I am unable to read the signature. A fairly low-level official who acted "im Auftrag". Bernhard H. Holst
    5. Hello: This document was issued by the Sicherheitsdienst (security service) to be sent in copies to several other German security-related services in Belgium, reporting the discharge from confinement of a Belgian woman. Signature by a Kriminal-(criminal) polizei official who also held SS rank or vice versa. Bernhard H. Holst
    6. Frequently mistaken for his brother Fieldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel, executed October 1946. Signatures resemble each other to some extent. Bernhard H. Holst
    7. Hello readers: I found this 1892 Berlin newspaper clipping buried in a document group in my care for some time. This clipping reports the latest additions/modifications of the Prussian Hohenzollern Red Eagle Order. I meant to send it to our Rick Research but... Here is the first section . I have not attempted to translate the contents because I am unsure of giving a correct translation with English being my second language. Bernhard H. Holst
    8. Hello: post # 37 : not a name but the usual note on unit stamp on clothing or equipment :from unit store room "Geprueft" or checked. Beautiful! Bernhard H.Holst
    9. Hello: Interesting picture # 19. The leather inserts of their breeches show very well. I for one am not tired to see more pictures. Bernhard H. Holst
    10. Hello Rick. Barracks under the Hohenzollern seemed built for eternity. They certainly outlasted the Monarchy. I entered one which in the 1980's housed the Bundeswehr Technische Lehrsammlung ( so called not to get into hot water by calling it a museum). Amazing how solid they felt. And then all the necessary utility buildings, even more for cavalry and artillery. Bernhard H. Holst
    11. Hello: As already mentioned in Post # 1 Jueterbog had considerable artillery facilities. The Rangliste 1913 lists it as the garrison for: Feldartillerie-Schiesschule mit Lehr-Regt.; Fussartillerie-Schiesschule mit Lehr-Regt. ( II.Lehr-Bataillon vorlaeufig Truppen Uebungsplatz Jueterbog) also Artillerie Depot. It is a strong possibility that these N.C.O's had a course in Jueterbog with photos made there and then produced as a postcard as frequently done and sent home or to other recipients. Paderborn then and perhaps even now had extensive army facilities. It may well have been an assembly point during the early war mobilization for all different arms. Interesting pictures thinks a former mounted infantry man who has some times cursed the artillery but more often welcomed the departing and then the arrivals... Just my two-cents. Bernhard H. Holst
    12. Hello Rick: Name is Andreas. For hose who would like to know what is written: Zur Erinnerung an den Feldzug 1914/15. Dein Bruder Andreas. And the translation: As remembrance of the campaign 1914/15, your brother Andreas Bernhard H. Holst
    13. Hello Rick. Trousers certainly look like the typical "Drillich" trousers worn for training in the field, K.P. duty and similar. Oftentimes together with short jackets of same material. Interesting pictures. Thanks for sharing them. Bernhard H. Holst
    14. Hello Naxos. I wonder after seeing this man's assignments and reassignments whether "they" did not quite know what to do with him. So he was shuffled around... Bernhard H. Holst
    15. Hello Chris: What a wonderful group. Rick would have loved it too. Thanks for showing it. Bernhard H. Holst
    16. Hello Chris. First off I like the word play. Then I do appreciate some exposure of the much neglected "Strippenzieher" and "Strippenflicker" on which depended so much. Whether artillery or where ever. Today and recently wireless makes those harsardous undertakings unnecessary. Thanks for posting this. Bernhard H. Holst
    17. Hello Chris. I have printed the article and will read it once my mind has returned to normal after Rick's untimely death. Bernhard H. Holst
    18. Hello. The German Volksbund contains no information which could be him. A Uffz.Johann Stempel is listed with DoD 1 Apr.1919, buried in Cologne is unlikely to be him. Prisoner and released after the war? Bernhard H. Holst
    19. Hello Kevin. The author is a former member of K.G.53. The book was first published in Germany in 1983 or 84. I have found a German language book already. Thanks for the information. BTW: Lt.Juditzki flew missions delivering V1 flying bombs towards Great Britain with which tasks K.G.53 was charged among others. Bernhard H. Holst
    20. Hello Kevin. Thank you for the information. I will keep a look out for it if I cannot find it in the German language. I am sometimes disappointed in English language translations. Bernhard H. Holst
    21. Yes, it has a number of flight log entries of a sad nature such as crew members who were lost and are so simply indicated by a cross behind their names. Both his pilot and Lorenzen had an early entry for training, pilot Juditzki even earlier as glider pilot. That was very popular as you most likely know about. Lt. Juditzki was later assigned to a trial Staffel (Erprobungsstaffel) of K.G.53. Of interest is Lorenzen training as Hilfspilot ( training as emergency pilot. Their trusted plane did not return from a mission with a different crew. Bernhard H. Holst
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