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    Everything posted by fregatte

    1. This is not a Luftwaffe original rank list, but it was made up by an official authority of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland, and only for official use. its main purpose was to be used for the pensionists claims by former Berufssoldaten. regards Juergen
    2. What is interesting is that the list was published 9 years after the end of WW II.The introduction gives credit to the wife of the late Generalstabschef of the Luftwaffe, General Koller. She had it on microfilm and gave it freely to the archivars. The son of General Koller, Roland Koller was my classroom neighbour at the LuitpoldGymnasium in Munich in 1952 and 1953. I was at the Koller Home occasionally. Roland Koller later became Polizeipr?disent of M?nchen and is the Minister of the Interior in Lower Saxony. The world is small J?rgen
    3. Wonderful medals and ribbons. It is amazing what thorough research on this website can produce. But please allow me to make a small remark as to the ranks. There is no zur See with a Kapit?nleutnant or a Korvettenkapit?n. The only addon with zS is with Leutnant, Oberleutnant and Kapit?n. Dont want to be picky, just add the last percent to the hundred for these comments regards Juergen
    4. is this any better?
    5. the same Officer properly dressed as Wachoffizier
    6. This is a picture of the I WO of Torpedoboot T 19 1944
    7. Here is another one from the family treasure box. Does anyone know about the maker? kind regards J?rgen
    8. I found this EK in my late Grandfathers cigarbox. Does anyone know more about this one? kind regards J?rgen
    9. Hello, yes you are right, absolutely no markings I include a picture of Z26 sinking in March 1942 after battling with HMS Eclipse and HMS Fur<y in a snow storm in the Barents Sea after trying to find Convoy PQ 13. My father was the only one of 10 F?hnriche zur See to survive. regards Fregatte
    10. Hello, this is my fathers Zerst?rerkriegsabzeichen, he served on Z26 and on Torpedoboot T19 regards Fregatte
    11. This is a clinometer from a US Navy destroyer, working condition. manufactured 1943. regards fregatte
    12. Hwello, each shipping company uses their own uniform, cap and also different buttons. There is no conformity in the Handelsmarine, like in the Deutsche Marine. regards Jurgen
    13. Hello, I have in my possession a Cape for KM Officers original This garment was called a "Spanier" and has two slots on the side for sticking your arms through. regards fregatte
    14. There is no Oberleutnant zur See in the Handelsmarine (merchant navy) two stripes is a second Mate or 2. Steuermann or 2. Offiziier. regards ffregatte
    15. I can assure you they are definetely not Bundesmarine. They must be Handelsmarine, (Merchant navy) from the engineering branch.
    16. picture taken 20 September 1943 onboard Cruiser Emden in the Baltic. from left to tight C.O. Kapit?n zur SeeHans Henigst (my uncle) , the IO KKpt Werner K?ppe and the Flottenchef Admiral Schniewind. enjoy Fregatte
    17. thank you very much. You were a great help. regards fregatte
    18. Oesten is of last week in hospital and hopefully will recover soon. he is one of the very few still alive. this message was posted in the MOV Nachrichten by Hardegen. regards fregatte
    19. Ritterkreuztr?ger Gysae in colour. regards fregatte
    20. Hello Bob, I would be very glad. I have no idea about his career. regards fregatte
    21. Here is a picture of the Crew of Torpedoboot T19 1944. My father is to the right of the CO (white cap) The picture was taken in a norwegian base.
    22. Thank you again for your great help. Yes, we had another relative The brother in law of my Grandfathers wife was Major aD Willy Schneider. The picture is said to have been taken around 1910 in Posen. It could well have been that it were his decorations. way too late to ask anybody of their generation. best regards Fregatte
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