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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Christophe

    1. Ed, Just say hello to Dr Battushig... and enjoy your trip and stay there. Cheers. Ch.
    2. Thanks Ed, These, items + pics, are superb!!! Have a good rest !! Ch.
    3. Ed, Very nice. Please, post more... I'm sure you have other numerous pics of interest for us... Cheers. Ch.
    4. Franck, I propose : before the SOXMIS (in the British occupation zone) was based in B?nde, it was in Hannover. Cheers (and welcome to the Quiz ). Ch.
    5. Hi Jim, You're right, but do we have to talk about the logic or the logics ? Even if we found the decree, I doubt it will answer all our question ? Cheers. Ch.
    6. Hi Ed, Nice pics taken from you hotel room (I guess... ). Please, post more; Mongolia is a place I definitely need to go!!!!! Enjoy your stay there and come back soon with hundreds (thousands ?) of awards, badges, docs, stories to tell us!!! Cheers. Ch.
    7. Thanks Rick. Interesting. I have never seen such marks until now... Cheers. Ch.
    8. Rick, Another maker mark (I'm here making reference to the one from a plastic ribbon multiple suspension you posted a few weeks ago...). Do you have any idea where they are coming from ? Cheers. Ch.
    9. For Christian , new stats : This small game has now been launched 16 months ago now (on 1 Nov. 2005), and since : * 72 questions asked, * with 892 answers, * This quiz has been viewed more than 9230 times. * 29 Members of the Forum played, and 21 correctly answered at least 1 question : Nb of good answers : * 10 : Christian (Zulus) and Christophe * 9 : Bryan (Soviet) * 8 : Simon (Red Threat) * 4 : Ed (Haynes) * 3 : Andreas (Alfred) and Kim (Kimj). * 2 : Auke (Ferdinand), Belaruski, Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Ivan (Piramida), Jan (vatjan), Order of Victory, and Wild Card. * 1 : Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Dudeman, Rick (Stogieman) and Steen (Ammentorp). This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation. Bravo Christian!!! Now, let's continue to have fun with the 73th question... Christian's!!! Cheers. Ch.
    10. Dear Christian, Nothing is impossible to you ... Here are the answers : For the first time since Napoleon 1st, and during the Cold War era, a French Head of State visited Berlin. 1. When did this event take place ? 2. Where was it : West or East Berlin? 3. Who was this French Head of State ? The visit of French President Val?ry Giscard d'Estaing took place on 29 October 1979, in West Berlin to confirm the Allies commitment to a free city. Helmut schmidt was the Bundeskanzler. and as a bonus : 4. He pronounced a famous sentence relating to Berlin. Which one ? He said : "La libert? de Berlin, c'est aussi la n?tre" ("Berlin's freedom is also our freedom"). This sentence is now engraved on a bronze plaque in the Staatsbibliothek, in Berlin. After this visit in 1979, the next French President to visit Berlin will be Fran?ois Mitterrand, in October 1985. Christian, again, Congratulations!!! You are the winner!!! So you are again promoted to the 1st rank of Good Aswerers!!! Cheers. Ch.
    11. Let's quit Russia, and move to Berlin... My question... Question 72 For the first time since Napoleon 1st, and during the Cold War era, a French Head of State visited Berlin. 1. When did this event take place ? 2. Where was it : West or East Berlin? 3. Who was this French Head of State ? and as a bonus : 4. He pronounced a famous sentence relating to Berlin. Which one ? Who will answer at least the 3 first questions ? Good hunt and good luck. Cheers. Ch.
    12. Thanks Christian. These are good arguments that make sense. But, I continue to believe these practical reasons were only a part - even if a major one - of the numerous ones that lead to the radical change in regulation (new ribbons, position...). Ch.
    13. Thanks, Christian. I'm again the happy winner... "Burn by the sun" was in french "Soleil trompeur". My turn, now to find a new challenge... Cheers. Ch. Pic : The French and Russian versions.
    14. I was reading again a few pages of Anatoli Kutsenko's book "Soviet Orders" when I fell on these comments (page 34) : "(...) Changing the way of fixing the Orders being instituted during the first war years was caused by numerous cases of loosing the rewarding insignia. It was favoured by war conditions and also by the absence of the system of straplets which could have been carried instead of rewards. Even if a "suspension" order was not lost at presence of other orders and badges, it could considerably spoil their enamelled covering. That's why the first samples of the orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky and Patriotic War had a special clutch on the reverse side of the order, keeping it from swinging on the strap. At the same time, mass heroism of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War increased the number of bearers of several orders. In 1943, many people rewarded with orders and medals had to transgress Unit 8 of the General Regulations of the USSR Orders, which said : "Orders of the USSR are to be carried on the left side of chest." There was simply no place over one pocket of a field shirt or a tunic. That's why the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR not only ratified the description of straplets, introducing them for everyday wearing on special straps, but also it changed the rules of placing orders on a bearer's chest. Since that time, the quadrangular straplet of the orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky and Patriotic War were abolished and these order insignia plus the Order of the Red Star started to be secrewed on the right side of a chest by seniority. Orders of Lenin, of the Red Banner of Labour and "the Badge of Honour" Order were manufactured with an orifice on the top of the insignia. Now, they were to be fixed on the left side of a chest with the help of a new five-cornered straps. Straps were covered with moire of colour individual for each order and could halfly be an element of general sets of 2, 3 and more sections. It was not an easy thing to change teh previously given suspension orders into the same but with screw clamp under war conditions and vice versa. Generally, it was done during the preparation for the Victory Parade in May-June 1945. (...)" Maybe this can bring light in our discussion... Cheers. Ch.
    15. Well, I think (and hope) there are a lot of misunderstandings here, and I think that differences of language don't help. I want to think there is nothing serious behind all this, and - that's the rule - our Chairman has got the final word. In my opinion, enough has been now said about this incident, and I propose we all shake hands now, remain vigilent, and go back to the quiz. Cheers. Ch.
    16. Christian, Here are my answers : 1.What are the exact names of the 4 family members? Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. Father. Russian author of children's books and satirical fables, he had the opportunity to write the lyrics of his country's national anthem on three different occasions. Natalia Konchalovskaya. Mother. Poet, she was daughter of the avantgarde artist Pyotr Konchalovsky. Andrei Konchalovsky. Older brother. Movie maker. Nikita Mikhalkov. Younger brother. Movie maker. 2.Which are the two best known works of the father? The National Anthem of the Soviet Union or the "Hymn". This new anthem was presented to Stalin in the summer of 1943 and was introduced as the country's new anthem on January 1, 1944. New lyrics have been written again by him in 1977, were approved on 1 September 1977 and were made official with the printing of the new Soviet Constitution in October 1977. The National Anthem of Russia, which was officially adopted in 2001. 3. Which was the first movie the older brother produced in America? Runaway Train (1985). 4. Which movie of the younger brother won the two most important competions (USA & France) for movies in the western world? Mikhalkov's Burnt by the Sun (1994). The film received the Grand Prize at Cannes and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, among many other honours. 5. Which movie had been the graduation-work of the younger brother at VGIK and what is the content of that short film? A Quiet Day at the End of the War (1970). I hoe I wuill get my 10th right answer and the Order of Meritorious Answerer to the GMIC Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz... Cheers. Ch.
    17. Welcome to the Club. I'm seriously thinking about it... Cheers. Ch. PS : Now, back to your question.
    18. Before switching completely to Christian new question, I have to give all the complete answers to my previous questions about the Soviet Honorary Revolutionary Weapons. The Sword : 1a. Who were the two first Soviet military leaders who have been awarded such a Honorary Weapon (sword) ? S. S. Kamenev & V.I. Shorin. I made a mistake earlier in saying that Christian's answer was correct . In fact, Budyonny was the 3rd one to been awarded such a weapon, on 20 November 1919. Kamenev was Commander-in-Chief of all the armed forces of the Soviet republic. Shorin, as Budyonny, were two of the legendary heroes of the Civil War. Byudonny, who has been awarded Tsarist area orders and medals and later became Marshal of the Soviet Union. 1b. When did this happen ? Particularity of this event, in terms of timeline ? It happened on 8 August 1919, for both of them (Kamenev and Shorin). The particularity is that the first rewardings of these weapons have been made before its official approval (8 April 1920). The Firearm : 2a. Who were the two first Soviet military leaders who have been awarded the Firearm Honorary Weapon ? S. S. Kamenev & S. M. Budyonny. 2b. When ? Specific point about this ? 26 January 1921, Order No. 28 by the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic. The specific point is that Budyonny and Kamenev were the only Soviet figures to have been awarded twice a Honorary revolutionary Weapon (sword + revolver). The 1930 Sword : 3a. Between 1921 and 1930, no Honorary Revolutionary Weapon has been awarded. Only one (a sword) has been since, in 1930. When ? To whom ? For which achievement ? S. S. Vostretsov "for outstanding feats in extinguishing the conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway in 1929". His sword has been awarded on 23 April 1930. 3b. What is the specificity of this sword compared to the ones awarded in 1919-1930 ? It beared the Order of the Red Banner of the Soviet Union (instituted meanwhile), and no more the Order of the Red Banner of the RSFSR. Ch.
    19. He is Jean-Bedel Bokassa. Here are his orders and medals, as published in this site : http://mysite.verizon.net/respzyir/jean-be...okassa/id1.html D?corations Centrafricaines (Central African decorations): - Grand Master O. Academic Palms, - Grand Master O. Op?ration Bokassa, 1/12/1970, - Grand Master O. M?rite Centrafricain 1/3/1966, - Cdr O. M?rite industriel et artisanal 12/5/1967, - M?daille d'Or du Travail 5/8/1966, - Cdr O. M?rite Postal 5/8/1966, - Cdr O. M?rite Agricole 26/4/1966, - Grand Chancellor O. M?rite Centrafricain 1/3/1966, - GrCr O. M?rite Centrafricain 12/2/1966, - Etoile du M?rite Militaire 22/1/1966, - Off O. M?rite Centrafricain 20/11/1963, - Chev O. M?rite Centrafricain 28/11/1960, - M?daille d'Or du Travail, - M?daille Militaire Decorations de l?Arm?e Fran?aise (Decorated militarily by the French): - Chev L?gion d'Honneur ? titre militaire, - O. M?rite Militaire, - Croix du Combattant Volontaire de la R?sistance 28/4/1959, - Croix du Combattant 1/2/1958, - Off Etoile Noire du B?nin 29/4/1957, - M?daille Militaire de l'Arm?e Fran?aise 21/12/1954, - Croix de Guerre des Th??tres d'Op?rations Ext?rieures 23/11/1951, - M?daille Coloniale avec Agrafe AFL, - M?daille Coloniale avec Agrafe EO, - M?daille Comm?morative du Combattant Indochine, - M?daille Comm?morative de la Guerre 1939-1945, - M?daille des Engag?s Volontaires pour la Guerre 1939-1945, - M?daille de la France Libre en R?ponse ? l'Appel du 18 juin 1940 Decorations de Pays Amis (Decorated Abroad): - GrCr L?gion d'Honneur (France)(before Feb. 1971), - GrCr O. National du M?rite Tchadien (Chad)(before Feb. 1971), - GrCr O. National de la Valeur Camerounaise (Cameroun) (before Feb. 1971), - GrCr O. National de l'Etoile Equatoriale (Gabon) (before Feb. 1971), - GrCr O. National du M?rite (Congo Brazzaville) (before Feb. 1971), - GrCr O. National du L?opard (Congo, ex Za?re), - GrCr O. National du M?rite Malgache (Madagascar) (before Feb. 1971), - GrCll National O. Two Niles (Sudan) (before Feb. 1971), - Citoyen Soudanais ? vie et a re?u la cl? de la ville de Wad M?dani comme ville de r?sidence (Sudan) (before Feb. 1971), - Citoyen d?Honneur de la ville de Champs-sur-Marne (France) (before Feb. 1971), - Citoyen d?Honneur de la ville de Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) (before Feb. 1971), - Citoyen d?Honneur de la ville de Fort-Archambault (Chad) (before Feb. 1971), - Citoyen d?Honneur de la ville de Libreville et a re?u la cl? de cette ville (Gabon) (before Feb. 1971), - Citoyen d?Honneur de la ville de Pointe-Noire (Popular Republic of Congo) (before Feb. 1971), - Citoyen d?Honneur de la ville de Louqsor et a re?u la cl? de cette ville (Egypt) (before Feb. 1971), - Marin d?Honneur de la flotte de S?bastopol (USSR) (before Feb. 1971) - Citoyen d?Honneur de la ville de Ta?peh et a re?u la cl? de cette ville (Taiwan-Republic of China) (before Feb. 1971), - GrCollar O. Nile (Egypt)(before Feb. 1971), - GrCd O. Brilliant Jade (Taiwan-Republic of China) (before Feb. 1971), - 1st cl Star of the Socialist Republic of Romania (before Feb. 1971), - GrCd O. George I (Greece) (before Feb. 1971), - GrCd & GrCr O. Queen of Sheba (Ethiopia), - GrCdr O. Federal Republic of Nigeria (before Feb. 1971), - GrCr O. National du M?rite Ivoirien (C?te d'Ivoire) 28/2/1971, - GrCd O. Pioneers (Liberia) (before Feb. 1971), - Cdr O. Istiqlal (Tunisia) (before Feb. 1971), - Medal of Cdr M?rite Agricole de la C?te d'Ivoire 3/1971, - M?daille d'Honneur de la Police Fran?aise (France)(before Feb. 1971), - Citoyen d'Honneur de la Ville de Montmorency 3/3/1975, - Grand Ma?tre d'Honneur & Chev O. Confr?rie Internationale de la Philat?lie (before Feb. 1971) If I exclude all "fantasy" medals, and keep only one grade by order, it gives 40 awards for Bokassa. Ch.
    20. I was not sure, because of the white caps... Uniforms are not my thing... Ch.
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