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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Christophe

    1. Hi usairforce, These pics are very nice and interesting. Could you tell us more about them ? Specifically where has been taken the pic #3 ? Thanks in advance. Ch.
    2. Hi, This photo seems very interesting. Are all these military guys Japanese, or are there other nationalities ? Ch.
    3. Jim is right. Specifically with "Chinese" from Japan... Ch.
    4. Wow Christian, quick answers!!! But not all correct... Let's comment... The Sword : 1a. Who were the two first Soviet military leaders who have been awarded such a Honorary Weapon (sword) ? You said : a) S. S. Kamenev & S. M. Budyonny Correct. We can just precise that Kamenev was Commander-in-Chief of all the armed forces of the Soviet republic. Budyonny, one of the legendary heroes of the Civil War, who has been awarded Tsarist area orders and medals and later became Marshal of the Soviet Union. 1b. When did this happen ? Particularity of this event, in terms of timeline ? You answered : 1920 ? This is not correct. The Firearm : 2a. Who were the two first Soviet military leaders who have been awarded the Firearm Honorary Weapon ? You answered : S. S. Kamenev & S. M. Budyonny. Correct. 2b. When ? Specific point about this ? You said : January the 26th, 1921, Order No. 28 by the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic. Correct. But, what is the specific point we could add about these Firearms and their awardees ? The 1930 Sword : 3a. Between 1921 and 1930, no Honorary Revolutionary Weapon has been awarded. Only one (a sword) has been since, in 1930. When ? To whom ? For which achievement ? You answered : S. S. Vostretsov "for outstanding feats in extinguishing the conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway in 1929". That is partially correct. What is the exact date when this sword has been awarded ? 3b. What is the specificity of this sword compared to the ones awarded in 1919-1930 ? You said : The sword shows a portrait of Karl Marx at the upper part of the grip. This is wrong. As you can see on the pic I posted, this karl Marx portrait was already on the 1919-1921 versions. Christian, all in all excellent answers!!!! I can say as soon as now that you are the winner!!! For the beauty of the game, do you want (or someone else) try to answer the unanswered questions, or do you prefer me to provide the complete answers ? I'll let you (all of you) try. If you don't find them, I'll post the remaining answers later in the day, and you will be able to post your new challenge. Again, bravo!!! Cheers. Ch.
    5. My question : Honorary Revolutionary Weapons These Honorary Revolutionary Weapons were a specific kind of decoration awarded in the Armed Forces of the USSR within 1919-1930. They followed a tradition already implemented by the French Revolution at the beginning of the XIXth century. These weapons were awarded by the Presidium of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee, and Revolutionary Military Soviet of the Republic. The decree dated 8 April 1920 says : "The Honorery Revolutionary Weapon, being an extraordinary distinction, is awarded for outstanding feats of arms performed by senior commanding officers of the Army in the field." The weapons took two forms : * a sword (cold steel) * a firearm (revolver) Both of them beared the Order of the Red Banner of the RSFSR. In total, 21 Soviet military leaders received this award. My questions, in 3 fold : The Sword : 1a. Who were the two first Soviet military leaders who have been awarded such a Honorary Weapon (sword) ? 1b. When did this happen ? Particularity of this event, in terms of timeline ? The Firearm : 2a. Who were the two first Soviet military leaders who have been awarded the Firearm Honorary Weapon ? 2b. When ? Specific point about this ? The 1930 Sword : 3a. Between 1921 and 1930, no Honorary Revolutionary Weapon has been awarded. Only one (a sword) has been since, in 1930. When ? To whom ? For which achievement ? 3b. What is the specificity of this sword compared to the ones awarded in 1919-1930 ? Quite an extensive range of questions about these weapons. The winner will be the first one to give me all the correct answers, or to answer the maximum of these 6 questions. Good hunt. Cheers. Ch. Pic : Soviet Honorary Revolutionary Weapon (sword) - 1919-1921
    6. Thinking about it... Will post it tomorrow (for me). Ch.
    7. So, let's cool the air with a few stats... This small game has now been launched 16 months ago now (on 1 Nov. 2005), and since : * 69 questions asked, * with 865 answers, * This quiz has been viewed more than 8850 times. * 29 Members of the Forum played, and 21 correctly answered at least 1 question : Nb of good answers : * 9 : Bryan (Soviet) and Christophe * 8 : Christian (Zulus) and Simon (Red Threat) * 4 : Ed (Haynes) * 3 : Andreas (Alfred) and Kim (Kimj). * 2 : Auke (Ferdinand), Belaruski, Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Ivan (Piramida), Jan (vatjan), Order of Victory, and Wild Card. * 1 : Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Dudeman, Rick (Stogieman) and Steen (Ammentorp). This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation. Now, let's continue to have fun again with the 70th question... >Mine!!! Cheers. Ch.
    8. Ed, I agree. Simon's question was slightly off topic in this Soviet quiz, but... I hope we learnt something, here. Cheers. Ch.
    9. Thanks Simon. I'm afraid it will be my turn to post a question... Cheers. Ch.
    10. Indeed Ed, look at the ribbon of the Russian medal... It looks so Soviet!!! Ch.
    11. On 2 March 1994, the Russian Federation created a Medal of Nesterov, awarded to members of the Russian Air Force and workers in civilian aviation for acts of courage or merit. Ch.
    12. Simon, He is Pyotr Nesterov. Pyotr Nesterov (27 February 1887 - 8 September 1914) was a Russian pilot and aircraft technical designer. His bio : "The son of a Military Academy teacher, Pyotr Nesterov chose a military career. In August 1904 he left the military school in Nizhny Novgorod and went to the artillery school, considered one of the best of its kind. He became a second lieutenant and served in the 9th East Siberian artillery brigade in Vladivostok. In 1909, he came into contact with aviation when he was sent to an aircraft manufacturer. He built his first glider and learned to fly it. In 1911 Nesterov began formal training as a pilot and graduated on 11 October 1912. A short time later he also passed the examination to be a military pilot. In May 1913 he became leader of a relay in Kiev, completing night flights at that time. Nesterov believed that an aircraft could fly a loop, a feat not previously performed. Despite the doubts of his peers, Nesterov proved his theory on 27 August 1913 and became the first pilot to fly a loop. This achievement made him famous overnight. He soon thereafter founded the practice of aerobatics, stressing the value of these exercises for a military pilot. Nesterov improved the flight methods and designed new flight models without rudders. The First World War gave Nesterov the opportunity to test his air war theories in practice. He was particularly adept at controlling the bomb release. Aircraft were unarmed at this early stage, so Nesterov became the first to perform a suicide plane crash in the history of aviation. On 26 August 1914 he rammed an Austrian reconnaissance plane Albatros B.II of Observer Baron Friedrich von Rosenthal and pilot Franz Malina from FLIK 11. Eager to destroy enemy aircraft, he probably intended to hit it with a landing gear of his Morane-Saulnier monoplane, but he hit it with propeller and as a result, both planes fell. Both pilots and Observer died. The town of Zhovkva (currently in Lviv Oblast, Ukraine) near the famous air fight was renamed Nesterov, though it has since reverted to Zhovkva. Nesterov was buried in Kiev, Ukraine. His ramming method was used during the Second World War by several Soviet pilots with success and without their loss of life. The air-combat technique of ramming Nesterov pioneered became known in Russian as Taran. In honor of Nesterov the Soviet Union established the Nesterov's cup for the best aerobatics crew." Ch.
    13. Please, don't forget Brezhnev, Kim il-Sung and Tito... And, BTW, Montgomery and de Gaulle were not bad either... Ch.
    14. I think this looks more like a copy (for which use ?) than a fake made to deceive. Ch.
    15. Good point. Could it be a "museum copy" dating before the end of the USSR ? Who will ever know ? Ferdinand, if you don't want to keep it, please, let me know... Cheers. Ch.
    16. I agree. Looks bad. And I don't like the holes in the left arm and hand. Ch.
    17. I agree. But, who will ever know why this piece has been made... ?? Ch.
    18. Yes, for a film would be the best guess. But for a film that goes quite in details (it's not a Lenin or a ORB...)... I have no better theory... Ch.
    19. Here is a pic of the building, with the red cross. The Chancellery is on the right. Ch.
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