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Everything posted by Dave Danner
I doubt there's a list for the Independence War Medal. Best bet might be the Crew Chroniks for their Seekadett years, which even if they don't list awards (most don't) may have more detailed bios which will tell you if they were in Finland. I don't see 1900 or 1904 in the Ancestry collection. Did Rick not have hard copies of those years?
Just to update a bit. Hptm. Hugo Ritter von Kraemer was Btls.Fhr., I./3.IR Hptm. Balduin von Winckler was Kdr. III./3.IR Lt.d.R. Rudolf Ritter von Kardel was Btls.Adj. III./3.IR Kraemer was killed instantly ("Volltreffer" in his Kriegsrangliste entry). Winckler and Kardel died of wounds. I woudl guess there were other staff officers killed or wounded too.
A few more Cross of Liberty recipients. Besides the Wehrmacht officers above, there were also the two Körners in this thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/58803-ribbon-bar-with-two-finnish-liberty-crosses/. And some Bavarians from the artillery units of the Ostsee-Division: Kgl. Bayerische Gebirgs-Kanonen-Batterie 7 Seberich, Josef, * 4.3.1890; Obervet.d.R.; FinnFK3X 14.8.18) Schneider, Dr. Franz Xaver, * 2.7.1885; AA d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Fohler, Hermann, 23.11.1894; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Wächter, Kurt, * 14.9.1894; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Kachler, Josef, * 26.5.1894; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Grau, Ludwig, * 4.2.1893; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Moser, Karl, * 25.7.1882; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK4X (14.8.18) Beyschlag, Georg, * 26.5.1894; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK4X (14.8.18) Oberlinner, Sebastian, * 24.10.1882; Fwlt.; FinnFK4X (1.8.18) Schwarz, Bernhard, * 26.6.1889; Lt.d.R.; FinnFM2 (14.8.18) Kgl. Bayerische Gebirgs-Kanonen-Batterie 8 (H) Wülfert, Karl, *17.5.1884; Hptm.; FinnFK2X (28.5.18) Elssmann, Ferdinand, *9.3.1892; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Bullnheimer, Hans, *17.5.1894; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (25.5.18) Nieberl, Franz, *25.2.1875; Lt.d.L. II; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Krones, Ludwig, *1.3.1896; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Strebl, Josef, *30.1.1890; Feldhilfsvet.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Heselberger, Max, *23.11.1892; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Luther, Hans, *21.3.1895; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Robl, Georg, *7.1.1891; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Pilz, Curt, *4.9.1879; Lt.d.L. I; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Freise, Hans, *6.10.1879; Feldhilfsarzt; FinnFM1 (26.5.18) Hoffmann, Franz, *17.10.1893; Vizewachtm. u. Offz.Asp.; FinnFM1 (26.5.18) Kgl. Bayerische Gebirgs-Kanonen-Batterie 12 Gröber, Karl, *28.4.1885; Lt.d.R.; FinnFK3X (28.5.18) Kerschensteiner, Wolfgang, *28.2.1896; FinnFK3X (25.5.18) And two Lts.d.R. from JägB 14: Conrad, Edgar, * 22.7.1891; FinnFK3X Eichhorn, Georg, * 20.6.1893; FinnFK3X
On the Ostsee-Division Kriegsrangliste, it is only for the division staff, not the units which made up the division. So not quite the Grail, more like a blessed coffee cup. Besides Graf v. der Goltz, whom I'm sure you already have, these are the officers shown with Finnish decorations: Amelang, Gustav, Kr.Ger.Ob.Sekr., *20.9.1868; FinnFK3X (25.5.18) Arnicke, Bruno, Lt.d.R., *5.10.1885; FinnFK3X (25.5.18) [born in Finland] Bochow, Erich, OLt., *17.5.1891; FinnFK3X (24.5.18) Carp, Georg, Hptm., *16.5.1886; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) Crantz, Werner, Maj., *5.1.1881; FinnFK2X (12.4.18), FinnFK1X (28.5.18) Dannehl, Dr. Paul, OSA, *18.8.1869; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) am Ende, Rudolf, Lt.d.R., *21.2.1886; FinnFK3X (25.5.18) Falkenhorst, Nikolaus v., Hptm., *17.1.1885; FinnFK2X (15.5.18) Hamilton, Gilbert Graf, Maj., *20.3.1869; FinnFK2X (26.5.18) Hauger, Adolf, Kr.Ger.Rat u. Hptm.d.L., *26.7.1876; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) Heckmann, Ludwig, Rittm., *10.1.1884; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) Kaisenberg, Ernst-Moritz v., Hptm., *16.8.1882; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) Karmann, Friedrich, Hptm., *31.7.1885; FinnFK1X (15.5.18) Kreutz, Benedikt, kath. Div.Pfarrer, *15.1.1879; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) Matthes, Christian, Rittm.d.R., *24.2.1876; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) Nölle, Hermann, Lt.d.R., *8.1.1890; FinnFK3X (25.5.18) Scheferling, Otto, SV, *21.10.1875; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) Scheufele, Karl, Lt.d.L., *6.8.1877; FinnFK3X (25.5.18) Siebold, Hans, ev. Div.Pfarrer, *26.10.1882; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) Thiem, Otto, Hptm., *9.10.1886; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) Uckermann, Wilhelm Frhr. v., OLt., *6.8.1888; FinnFK3X (24.4.18) Vogel, Arno, Feldint.Rat, *22.2.1880; FinnFK2X (24.5.18) Regards, Dave PS, please let me know if you have different information on any of these. The Kriegsranglisten sometimes have errors on dates and classes.
Here are a few from Wehrmacht personnel files. Let me know if you have these. It might give an idea of how close to complete your list is. Flotow, Alfred v., * 1.1.1888; OLt., Adj. Gouv. Oesel; FinnFK3X 16.8.18, FinnFKM18 3.7.19 Hartmuth, Karl, * 25.11.1888; Lt.d.R., JägB 14; FinnFK3X 25.5.18 Jacobi, Hans, * 2.7.1891; OLt., JägB 14; FinnFK3X 9.8.18 Jahn, Georg, * 2.1.1892; Lt.d.R., 1.Funkerabt. 512; FinnFK3X 25.5.18, FinnFKM18 3.7.19 Kaliebe, Johannes, * 6.7.1894; Lt., PB 29; FinnFK_X 12.5.18 [Stufe nicht gegeben] Knesebeck, Horst v. dem, * 2.4.1895; Lt., 1.GUR; FinnFK3X 25.5.18 Nickel, Kurt, * 16.2.1891; Lt.d.R., RIR 255; FinnFK3X 15.5.18 Oertzen, Henning v., * 5.3.1898; Lt., JägB 14; FinnFK3X 1918 Pezenburg, Benno, * 17.1.1892; Lt.z.S.z.R., Minenraum-Fltl. Reval; FinnFK3X 21.6.18, FinnFKM18 3.6.19 Strantz, Wilhelm, * 11.3.1896; Lt., 3.GUR; FinnFK3X 25.5.18, FinnFKM18 3.7.19 Wedel, Alexander, * 13.3.1890; OLt., b. Ch.d.deut.Gen.St. b. finn.Heer; "Finn. Offz.Kz. m.S." 10.12.18 [FinnFK3X?] FinnFKM18 is the Independence War Commemorative Medal.
Christer, I might have a bunch of names to add to your list. I know when I talked with Rick several months ago I had a lot of names which he didn't have on his list, which I thought was from you. Mine are mostly from Wehrmacht personnel files and from the Kriegsrangliste of the Ostsee-Division. Dave
The part about the „von Wulffen genannt Küchmeister von Sternberg“ doesn't matter - that was a different branch. Here is Eugen's descent from Ritter Albrecht Wulff: Albrecht Wulff, Ritter auf Tempelberg, *1333 --Hans, *1372, †1430 ----[there appears to be a gap here] ------Heintze, *1432, †1472 --------Jobst, *1453, †1481 ----------Anton (Tönnies), *1482, †1519 --------------Hans, *?, †1544 ----------------Kaspar, *1539, †1598 ------------------Adolf, *1.11.1581, †23.2.1663 --------------------Adolf, *29.3.1618, †5.6.1700 ----------------------Baltzer Dietlof, *28.3.1669 in Lossow, †25.9.1726 auf Steinhöfel ------------------------Adolf Friedrich, *22.6.1707 auf Steinhöfel, †11.7.1853 in Greisel --------------------------Balthasar Friedrich Rudolf, 20.10.1749 in Griesel, †9.12.1815 in Lippen ----------------------------Alexander Eduard, *14.7.1810 in Reichenau, †20.2.1874 in Schmiedeberg ------------------------------Eugen Louis, *25.7.1839 in Lippen --------------------------------Eugen Wilhelm, *29.1.1890 in Eberswalde
There is only one listing for a Kurt Eckmann from Hamburg in the Prussian casualty lists, althought they are only partially digitized. He was lightly wounded around June 1915 as a private in the 6.Kompanie of Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 265. There are several Eckmann's commissioned during the war, including one from Hamburg in Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 215 on 19 August 1916. However, the name is not uncommon and there are no first names in Prussian Army promotion and assignment lists. Also, as Chip notes, Germany had many enlisted pilots, so he might not have been commissioned at all. Dave
For Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, there is a "Verzeichnis der Inhaberinnen des Anna-Luisen-Verdienstzeichens". For Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, there is a folder entitled "Verleihung des 1918 gestifteten Anna-Luisen-Verdienst-Ordens". One would have to go through the whle folder to get all the names, dates and other information. I did not have time to go through these when I was in Rudolstadt.
Regarding the Centennial Medal, the non-Prussians - Bavarians, Saxons and Württembergers - who received the medal generally fell into two categories: 1. Non-Prussian units stationed in Prussia or Alsace-Lorraine, where they were thus under the control of the local Prussian Corps area. This included a lot of regiments in Alsace-Lorraine, but also a few smaller units, such as the Saxon and Württemberg companies of the Eisenbahn regiments in Berlin. For Württemberg, the main unit in this category was IR 126, stationed in Straßburg in Elsaß. 2. Non-Prussians assigned as individuals to Prussian units, schools or commands at the time of the award. These included officers on the Great General Staff, at the War Academy, the Artillerie and Engineer School, and the Military Riding Institute, for example.
On the flip side, I've seen people listed as "schwer verwundet" return to the front after a few weeks. Those olden days may also be in our future, as over-prescribing of antibiotics and overuse of antibacterial soaps and the like may be leading to the creation of more antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.
He was wounded early in the morning but was not hospitalized for his wound until the following day. Since he was the guy who made those decisions, he probably could have put himself in an ambulance to the rear as soon as it happened. Instead, he probably remained at his post treating other wounded soldiers until it was safe or prudent to leave. He was "lighly wounded", but I've seen plenty of records where the soldier later died, so "lighly wounded" in German parlance didn't necessarily mean "nicked" or the like. It was a wound serious enough to require hospitalization (otherwise, records usually say "leicht verwundet, bei der Truppe"). Maybe the regimental history has more.
It is not the Saxe-Meiningen Medal for Merit in War, but the Cross for Merit in War, since he was an officer-equivalent. You are correct that he was a practicing doctor in Munich and war volunteer, promoted to Unterarzt on 15.10.14, Assistenzarzt on 5.7.15 and Oberarzt on 29.1.17. On 25.10.18, he went to 32.IR, and on 31.12.18 to the Ers.Btl. of 11.IR. According to his Kriegsrangliste entry with 11.IR, he was released from active duty on 31.1.19. He was licensed (approbiert) as an Arzt on 1.7.14 and received his Dr. med. from the University of Jena on 15.1.20. The information on the left, below the biographical details in blocks 1-9, is where wounds, hospital stays and periods of absence from the unit are usually recorded. The incident to which you refer is "15.7.18 7:00 a.m. on the Römerstraße, 400 meters east of Les Marquise Ferme, lightly wounded by an infantry shot (i.e. a bullet) in the right leg." The next day, he was hospitalized in Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 16. According to his Gefechtskalendar, 15.7.18 was "Angriffsschlachte an der Marne und Champagne". Regards, Dave
EK 1914 Interesting "Gold" EK document
Dave Danner replied to Chris Boonzaier's topic in Germany: All Eras: The Iron Cross
Any idea of the date/timeframe of the document? Or did you get any other docs/materials for the recipient. No first name is annoying, but the likeliest candidate would appear to be Paul Wandschneider, born 5.11.1883 in Käterhagen, Bützow, Mecklenburg, 30.4.16 Lt.d.R. (Wismar) in RIR 214, severely wounded around October 1916 (Pr. Verlustliste 659, 14.10.16), and llving in 1919 with his parents, wife, and 3 children in Dorf Moltenow, Bützow. He received the MMV2 as a Vfw. in RIR 214. It wasn't gazetted until February 1917, by which time he was already commissioned, but there was a big delay in gazetting MMVs in 1916.