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    Dave Danner

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    Everything posted by Dave Danner

    1. Gschwind, Edgar Roß *9.12.1870 in Cassel †18.4.1963 in Flensburg Hauptmann, FAR 73, Major am 27.1.1915, Oberstleutnant a.D. Known awards are the RAO4, HOH3X and Cent. He may also have received the Prussian DA after the war.
    2. Weird Internet discovery of the day: apparently, Lt. Col. Mikhailiuk is not only a senior police official, but also, with his wife, an amateur photographer. https://www.shutterstock.com/g/OLGAMIKHAILIUK
    3. Christophe, according to the Militär-Kabinett, his HOH3X was awarded on 3 May 1916.
    4. More or less. The NKVD was split into the MVD and MGB after World War II. The MGB (later KGB) ran the secret police and foreign intelligence, while the MVD handled the regular police, internal security troops, prisons (including the Gulag), and other internal security matters. It also ran the psychiatric hospitals which were effectively political prisons. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Federation's MVD continued most of this (hospitals had been transferred to the Ministry of Health when their use as political prisons was ended), but in 2016, Putin placed the internal security troops and a few other "elite" formations like SOBR and OMON into a National Guard of Russia under his personal control. So the current MVD is mostly regular police, criminal and drug investigations, passport control, and prison guards. By the way, is it me, or does LTC Mikhailiuk look like a bald Jeremy Renner?
    5. Canine Training/Service Center of the Ministry of the Interior administration in Ulyanovsk Oblast. Head: Police Lt.Col. Vitalii Valerievich Mikhailiuk
    6. There were three Feldartillerie officers named Hertz who received the HOH3X: • OLt.d.R., FAR 504 - 18.07.1918 HOH3X • OLt.d.R., FAR 17 - 30.09.1918 HOH3X • Lt.d.R., RFAR 3 - 15.10.1918 HOH3X The first two I know, but I don't know which was which: Hertz, Gustav, *13.04.1886 in Kleptow, Prenzlau, †25.02.1967 in Verden an der Aller; Lt.d.R. (Anklam) d. FAR 17 (27.01.11), 17.05.16 OLt.d.R., ... Maj.d.R., Kdr. I./AR 258, OTL d.R., Kdr. AR 240, 01.07.42 Oberst d.R.; besides the HOH3X, other known awards are the Ritterkreuz (29.09.40), DKiG (20.03.42), Anerkennungsurkunde des Ob.d.H. (05.12.44), Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen, Verwundetenabzeichen in schwarz. Hertz, Albrecht Franz Julius, *11.06.1887 in Eichenrode, Wirsitz, †03.09.1937 in Berlin; Lt.d.R. (VI Berlin) d. FAR 17, 27.4.18 OLt.d.R.; Ingenieur in Berlin. Hans, the OLt.d.R. in FAR 53, was already a Hptm.d.R. from 30.07.1915, so he can be eliminated from consideration. The other Lt.d.R. in FAR 17 was Albrecht's brother Georg. He was "schwer verwundet" in 1915 and discharged in 1916, so he can be eliminated. I don't have anything on Martin, the Lt.d.R. in FAR 9, other than that he was born in Würzburg. He is probably the one who received the MMV2 with the Munitions-Kolonnen und Trains of the 54. ID. The RFAR 3 Lt.d.R. is a bit of a mystery. RFAR 3 was a Pomeranian regiment and the active Hauptmann in FAR 17, Jochen, was a Batterie-Führer in RFAR 3. The only Lt.d.R. I know of connected to RFAR 3 was Albert, the later Luftwaffe Oberst. He would seem like the best candidate; however, it appears that he is the Lt.d.R. who was made an active Leutnant in FAR 17 on 14.10.1917, a year before the award of the HOH3X. Maybe Gunnar has come across him in his research into Fliegertruppe officers? He was from Kleptow, like Hans and Gustav, so they may be brothers.
    7. Some more examples for the database:
    8. Schwabedissen, Walter * 16. Juni 1896 in Iven, Anklam † 19. Februar 1989 in Gauting bei München 1939 Chef des Stabes des I. Flak-Korps 1940 Chef des Stabes des Wehrmachtsbefehlshabers in den Niederlanden 1942 Kommandeur der 2. Jagddivision 1943 Kommandeur die 5. Jagddivision bzw. 7. Jagddivision 1944 General der Luftwaffe Dänemark 1945 Kommandierenden General des Unterstützungsstabes der Königlich Ungarischen Luftwaffe Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant https://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Personenregister/S/SchwabedissenWalter.htm
    9. Dommenget, Erich * 24 Mai 1884 in Cummerow, Pommern † 14 Juli 1965 in Stuttgart Highest rank reached: Generalmajor Two examples, both from 1917:
    10. Baur de Betaz, Wilhelm * 17. Februar 1883 in Metz, Lothringen † 26. Mai 1964 in Lindenfels 1933-35 Vizepräsident des Deutschen Luftsportverbandes 1939-40 Chef des Stabes des Höheren Flieger-Ausbildungs-Kommandeurs 4 1940 Kommandeur der Kampfgruppe z.b.V. in Norwegen 1940-41 Flughafenbereichs-Kommandant Greifswald 1941-42 Flughafenbereichs-Kommandant Döberitz 1942 Vertreter der Luftwaffe im OKW beim Sonderstab des Generals von Unruh 1942-43 Chef des Wehrwirtschaftsstabes Norwegen 1943-44 Feldwirtschafts-Kommandeur Norwegen 1944 Höherer Feldwirtschafts-Offizier beim Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber Norwegen Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant Deutsches Kreuz in Silber - DKiS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Baur https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Baur_de_Betaz https://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Personenregister/B/BaurdeBetazWilhelm.htm
    11. Taken prisoner with the fall of Tsingtau, he spent almost the entirety of World War I as a POW of the Japanese.
    12. Mayer, Wilhelm * 7. Oktober 1886 in Urach, Königreich Württemberg † 17. Juli 1950 in Egglkofen 1938-41 Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber des Luftgaukommandos IV 1941-43 Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber des Luftgaukommandos Südost 1943-43 Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber des Luftgaustabes Griechenland Highest rank reached: General der Flieger Ritterkreuz des Königlich Württembergischen Militärverdienstordens (WM3) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Mayer_(General)
    13. One more example, from 1942:
    14. Waldersee, Alfred Ludwig Heinrich Karl Graf von * 8. April 1832 in Potsdam † 5. März 1904 in Hannover Highest rank reached: Generalfeldmarschall Schwarzer Adlerorden mit der Kette und mit Brillanten (SAO Br) Pour le Mérite mit Eichenlaube (PLM EL) Kgl. Württembergischer Militärverdienstorden, Großkreuz (WM1) Großherzogl. Badischer Militär-Karl-Friedrich-Verdienstorden, Ritterkreuz (BV3) Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Cross (Military Division) (GCB) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_von_Waldersee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_von_Waldersee
    15. Haeseler, Gottlieb Ferdinand Albert Alexis Graf von * 19. Januar 1836 in Potsdam † 25. Oktober 1919 in Harnekop Highest rank reached: Generalfeldmarschall Schwarzer Adlerorden mit der Kette und Brillanten (SAOBr) Orden Pour le Mérite (plM) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottlieb_von_Haeseler_(Generalfeldmarschall) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottlieb_Graf_von_Haeseler
    16. Nelson, Wilhelm Friedrich *07.11.1887 in Creuzburg, Preußisch Eylau Gerichtsreferendar in Königsberg, später Frankfurt an der Oder 01.10.1913 als Einjährig-Freiwilliger in die M.G.-Kompanie des Grenadier-Regiments Nr. 2 eingetreten 31.07.1914 mit der M.G.-Kompanie des Grenadier-Regiments Nr. 3 ins Feld 17.09.1914 Unteroffizier der Reserve 04.11.1914 Vizefeldwebel der Reserve 16.01.1915 Leutnant der Reserve (I Königsberg) des Grenadier-Regiments Nr. 3 29.05.1915 in die 3. Ersatz-M.G.-Kompanie des I. Armeekorps versetzt 30.01.1916 als Führer eines M.G.-Scharfschützen-Trupps zum M.G.-Lehrkursus Döberitz versetzt 19.02.1916 als Führer des M.G.-Scharfschützen-Trupps in das Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 193 versetzt 14.09.1916 M.G.-Scharfschützen-Trupp 1 in die 3. Kompanie des M.G.-Scharfschützen-Abteilung Nr. 5 F umgebildet 22.10.1916 Bezeichnung der M.G.-Scharfschützen-Abteilung Nr. 5 F zur Nr. 13 umgeändert 05.01.1919 in die 2. Ersatz-M.G.-Kompanie des I. Armeekorps versetzt 14.01.1919 entlassen 12.12.1914 Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 22.12.1916 Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 16.10.1918 Ritterkreuz des Kgl. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
    17. The right pocket breast star should be the Bulgarian Military Merit Order 1. Class with War Decoration (15.8.1941).
    18. • 36 to Mitglieder regierender Häuser, of whom 18 also had the Steckkreuz. • 2171 to "Offiziere und diesen gleichstehende Personen" (which includes Feldwebelleutnants and Offizier-Stellvertreter), of whom 2 also had the Steckkreuz. • approximately 7900 to "Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften" (the actual number is unclear; the roll ends at Nr. 7942, but several laufende Nummer are duplicated while several other rows are empty) • 281 "am weißen Bande", with most of these being civilians/civil servants. There are also a few questionable cases. I know of three officers who are not on the roll, but are shown with the SLK in other official sources (Wehrmacht personnel files, unit Kriegsranglisten). There were also a number of Leutnants who received the award as Unteroffiziere or Mannschaften, so they are not in the officer roll. Regarding Wunderlich from the other thread, he received the SLK on 27.11.1915 as Wachoffizier on "U 16".
    19. I have no idea what the source is for that claim on that website, but it is false. While the majority of awards of the Kreuz für treue Dienste 1914 (SLK) were to units which had a direct connection to Schaumburg-Lippe, there was no limitation to only these units. Also, neither Husaren-Regiment Nr. 7 nor Husaren-Regiment Nr. 14 were "native" to Schaumburg-Lippe. They were high on the list of awards of the SLK because Adolf II Fürst zu Schaumburg-Lippe was à la suite to HR 7 and was the commanding officer of HR 14. The largest numbers of SLK awards were to Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 7 and its daughter formations (RJB 7, RJB 20 and Reserve-Radfahr-Kompanie Nr. 77), followed by Minden-based Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 15 and its daughter formations (RIR 15, LIR 15 and Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 26). Next came HR 14 and HR 7. Next in total number of awards was Minden-based Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 58 and its daughter formation, Reserve-Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 14. Other units which received multiple awards of the SLK include IR 53, LdstIR 19, 2.GUR, 1.GDR, 2.GDR, RFAR 6, KR 4, LKR 1, UR 3, PB 10, DR 5 and Flieger-Abteilung Nr. 22. There were 17 awards to navy officers, 37 to Bavarian officers, 50 to Saxon officers, 22 to Württemberg officers, 61 to Austro-Hungarian officers, 8 to Ottoman officers, 1 to a Bulgarian officer and 15 to civilians/civil servants. These numbers don't include awards to princes, most of whom were not in Prussian Army units. For example, Prinz Friedrich zu Schaumburg-Lippe was an Austro-Hungarian Generalmajor and Prinz Albrecht zu Schaumburg-Lippe was an Austro-Hungarian Oberstleutnant.
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