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    Everything posted by VtwinVince

    1. Coming from an old Junker-Geschlecht, which included Georg von Heimburg and Christoph-Adolf von Rauchhaupt, it's only natural to be interested in this stuff
    2. The remains of Friedrich der Grosse, amongst others, are located at Burg Hohenzollern bei Hechingen, where they were interred after being rescued from the Soviets. And it was the Soviets, and later their puppets in the DDR government, who destroyed Prussia's cultural heritage and with it, Potsdam.
    3. Coincidentally, my great grandfather, Rittmeister Otto Finscher, was a judge in Kassel at this time, and was also awarded the EK 1, unfortunately I have no further information about his career in the war. He was thrown out of his job for his anti-Nazi sympathies in 1934 and died shortly thereafter. His successor was the notorious Roland Freisler of Volksgericht infamy.
    4. I recently received a grouping of swimming medals from an Olympic class swimmer from Magdeburg, who was also an infantry officer. These medals are also mounted in this way.
    5. Brian, I hate to sound like a pedant, but it seems many use the term "Prussian" rather loosely. Being born in Stettin, for instance, would make you a Pommeranian, not a Prussian. Actually, the only people considered to be "real" Prussians were those born in East Prussia. Many would take issue with this, and be offended. My father's best friend, a company commander in Panzerjaegers, was from Magdeburg in Saxony, yet when I questioned his calling himself a Prussian, he was offended.
    6. My mistake, Brian, I think the image you posted was of a Pickelhaube badge, with the Black Eagle and "Suum Cuique".
    7. Brian, a bit off-topic, but could you post more scans of the Schwarzer Adler that you showed in the enamel thread? It's a rare opportunity to see images of this rare order.
    8. Joe, you are correct on that point, however, many of the "major" looted works have simply disappeared into the ether. The return of a few cylinder seals doesn't cut it in my humble view.
    9. If you gentlemen will bear with me, my old scanner went kaputt, but I have a new one waiting to be hooked up. I will then post some items which could be of interest, including the Altendorf photo.
    10. I love the topic of stolen artworks etc. and the crooks who fence them. Just look at the looting of the National Museum in Baghdad, probably done with the complicity of American invaders and involving the fencing of stolen works through countries such as England and Switzerland, which have not signed on as adherents of international treaties banning the sale of such items.
    11. I have a photo of Luftwaffe ace Heinz Altendorf wearing the TR equivalent of this.
    12. I've wrestled with this same dilemma concerning the awards of my uncle, an interesting Luftwaffe fighter pilot credited with victories in both wars. I was on the verge of having them engraved for future generations, then thought better of it.
    13. Bwahahaha, yes, provenance is definitely everything with a piece like this. Oh, I'm also a recruit from the 'drome.
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