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    Everything posted by Sprocket

    1. Close up of the tailor's label (Bill Shea Photo).
    2. A close up of the Luftwaffe metal eagle (Bill Shea Photo).
    3. Here is the Luftwaffe Flight Enlisted Service Cap I bought. It is tailor made and named (Bill Shea Photo).
    4. And the early 'droop-tailed' breast eagle (Bill Shea Photo).
    5. Detail of shoulder strap and collar tab (Bill Shea photo).
    6. Here is my Luftwaffe Obergefrieter of Flight 4-pocket tunic (Bill Shea photo).
    7. Here is a close up of the beautiful droop tailed silver bullion breast eagle. These are three paintings done by aviation artist Keith Ferris showing Bretschneider's FW-190 in action. The one below left is a reverse of his famous mural in the National Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C. Bretschneider was a favorite of the artist.
    8. Not to take away anything from the original tunic posted here... really nice... would love to have an Oakleave recipient tunic to my collection. But I do have this Oberleutnant dress tunic and white linen vest that belonged to fighter ace and Knight's Cross winner Klaus Bretschneider, JG-300 with 34 victories including 14 at night in 20 sorties flying the FW-190, part of Hajo Herrmann's "Wilde Sau". He was KIA on 24 December 1944, probably shot down by a Mustang from the 357th Fighter Group (Chuck Yeager and Bud Anderson's outfit) during the Battle of the Bulge, although he was attacking the bomber forces. Enjoy, Bob
    9. Look where they pinned the 1939 Clasp to the EK1... what a bunch of dummies! Major Haukstetter was the real anomally on the show. Also, here is a Luftwaffe Stalag and Klink's superior officer was an ARMY General. Also, officers and enlisted did not share the same camps and Lebeau would have been shot by the Gestapo as a partisan (criminal). Bob
    10. The shoulder boards have been put on the wrong shoulders; should be reversed. But I've actually seen original Army general's tunics, tailor-made, in which the shoulder boards were put on the wrong shoulders, or they were not a matching pair, two lefts or two rights. Bob
    11. Can we see pictures of the shoulder straps and a close up of the driver's shield? Thank you. Bob
    12. It has been suggested that unless I can provide identification information related to photos of stuff I don't own, it would be best not to post them. So I will not be posting anymore photos in the SS section unless I buy a Heer uniform. My apologies to the owners of these tunics. Bob
    13. I'm not the owner of these so I cannot just take a picture of the insignia and labels... this is the only photos I have of these. Bob
    14. Nothing special... looks like your avatar! Bob
    15. Police 25-Year Long Service Medal... note the matching ribbon bar... nice touch. Bob
    16. And I believe this is the back of that medal bar showing the tailor's label... Bob
    17. Here are some medal bars that I have photos of... (once again, I don't know who these belong to. If I'm violating some rule or regulation about posting things that are not in my personal collection, please let me know). Bob
    18. And here is a real beauty... an SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer of Veterinarian tunic from the Deutschland Regiment. You don't see one of these everyday... anybody else ever see this tunic? Bob
    19. Steiner: Are the SS-Scharfuhrer of Veterinarian shoulder straps you have posted in your collection? Here are again some photos that have been sent to me by other collectors or I've found on websites, etc. I generally only use these for my own research but I think sharing is okay. First up is an SS-Obersturmfuhrer of Sanitatsdienst light-weight tunic in the classic SS M1937 style and Berlin tailor's label. Bob
    20. And here is another light-weight gray tunic. This is an SS-Untersturmfuhrer of Artillery (or Nebelwerfer) tunic. Again, I don't know who this belongs to today... Bob
    21. I found a couple of pictures in my library (I tend to keep copies of pictures of collectibles that are out there. Unfortunately I haven't been keeping up with them and posting the who, what, where, why and when so I don't know, or remember, who these belonged to, so I hope if the owner sees these he won't get angry. Of course the owner could have changed several times over the course of years that I've had these photos). This is an SS-Obersturmfuhrer of Engineers tunic. It was originally a dark-gray but the sun has bleached it out to a light-gray. The tunic is in the classic SS M1937 style. Note the insignia with the SS1 collar tab, the Gothic letter "D" shoulder board ciphers and the aluminum flat wire Deutschland cuffband. Bob
    22. Here is the picture sent to me by the previous owner. He is giving me first refusal on the cords and dress belt and buckle. The tunic actually has a button under the shoulder board to arrest the cords. Bob
    23. Here is the whole tunic. It now has a nice (not pristine, but original) Luftwaffe Flak Badge on the one set of loops. Bob
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