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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. He, of course, could never have been addressed by anyone as "Sir" anything. As a non-Crown subject, the knighthood was merely honorary, though the G.C.B. was quite real.
    2. In the entirely apolitical interest of current events, bumping this thread. See also: http://sagongs.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=1884
    3. Go to: http://www.sovmusic.ru/english/index.php But get a good bottle of good vodka in hand first. And a towel to weep into??
    4. Kind of "nostalgic" to listen to these days? Страны небывалой свободные дети, Сегодня мы гордую песню поём О партии самой могучей на свете, О самом большом человеке своём. Славой овеяна, волею спаяна, Крепни и здравствуй во веки веков Партия Ленина, партия Сталина Мудрая партия большевиков! Strany nebyvaloy svobodniye deti, Segodnya my gorduyu pesnyu poyom O partii samoy moguchey na svete, O samom bol?shom cheloveke svoyom. Slavoy oveyana, voleyu spayana, Krepni i zdravstvuy vo veki vekov Partiya Lenina, partiya Stalina Mudraya partiya bol?shevikov! Free children of a state unprecedented, Today we sing our proud song About the most powerful party in the world, About our greatest man ever. Surrounded with glory, soldered by will, Grow stronger and live for eternity The party of Lenin, the party of Stalin Wise party of Bolsheviks! See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_anthem And http://download.sovmusic.ru/m/ussr2.mp3 or other files at the same FINE site
    5. The other awards are mass (long service?) awards and I won't detail them here. MMM - ___ 1949 Red Star - 30 April 1954 Had it not been for that tempting car . . . ????????
    6. Translation -- AWARD CITATION 1. First, middle and last names Supyan David Mironovich 2. Rank Major 3. Position, unit Chief of staff of battalion of 118-th heavy-howitzer artillery twice holding Order of the Red Banner destruction brigade of 6-th artillery Mozyrskaya Lenin order holding order of the Red Banner Division of break-through, reserve of main command Is recommended for the order of Red Banner 4. Year of birth 1919 5. Nationality Jew 6. Party membership CPSU(B) member since 1943 7. Participation in the civil war and other military actions aimed at the defense of the USSR (where and when) in the Patriotic War from June 22, 1941 at Western, Bryansk and Byelorussian fronts 8. Wounds or contusions received during the Patriotic War wounded in August 8, 1941 and February 27, 1942 9. In the Red Army since September 1, 1938 10. Drafted by what district military commissariat Vitebsk military commissariat 11. Previous awards the order of ?Red Star? by order of 118-th heavy-howitzer artillery twice holding Order of the Red Banner destruction brigade (GAKBR) N 03/N of September 20, 1943, with the order of the Patriotic war, 1st cl., by order of the Artillery Commander of 1-st Byelorrusian Front No 0116 of August 24, 1944 and with the order of Alexander Nevsky by order of the Artillery Commander of 1-st Byelorrusian Front No 0151 of February 8, 1945 12. Permanent home address (of the prospective awardee or his/her family) Gorky region, Semenov, 64 Internatsionalnaya st. Wife ? Reifman Galina Isakovna Identity card MG - 000001 N 173442 I. Brief description of personal feat or merits In a breakthrough battles on the western shore of the river Oder due to well-organised and skillful use of all resources detected all fire systems at the enemy forward edge and in the nearest depth. Properly analysing and adequately assessing the existing situation and coordinating actions with the supported rifle units ensured maximal efficiency of battalion fire. On April 19, 1945 in the battle on the river Friedlanddershtrom the enemy with the forces of infantry and artillery tried to block our movement. Especially considerable obstacle for our crossing the river was formed by rocket projectors and artillery from the Veve village. Having detected the location of the enemy?s artillery and rocket projectors, the battalion produced a mass fire attack that neutralized the enemy artillery. During the follow-up he organized accurate coordination of actions with rocket units and due to that battaries commanders moved in the military line of the retreating enemy and accompanied them with the fire defeating large and small groups of the resisting enemy. In the battle for Berlin using howitzer in the battles provided continuous fire command and as a result a strong unit of enemy resistance in Mullerstrasse was defeated, our infantry occupied several city districts including the Reichstag building. In Berlin operation by mass attack of the battalion and direct fire weapons 12 barrel machine-guns, 3 artillery batteries, 6 buildings were destroyed, more than 120 soldiers and officers were killed. Deserves the government award, the order of Red Banner Commander of 118th heavy-howitzer artillery twice holding Order of the Red Banner destruction brigade 6 artillery Mozyrskaya Lenin order holding order of the Red Banner Division of break-through, reserve of main command Lieutenant Colonel (signed) /Luchenko/ May 1945 Commander of 6 artillery Mozyrskaya Lenin order holding order of the Red Banner Division of break-through, reserve of main command Major General of Artillery (signed) May 13, 1945 Under order of the Commander of the Artillery of the 1-st Byelorussian Front N 0205 of May 30, 1945 was awarded with order of the Patriotic War, 1st cl. Chief Assistant of the Head of the Personnel Dpt Lieutenant Colonel of executive department (Vasilyev) Signed June , 1945
    7. Translation--- AWARD CITATION First, middle and last name SUPYAN DAVID MIRONOVICH Rank Captain Position, unit Chief of staff of battalion of 118-th heavy-howitzer artillery twice holding Order of the Red Banner destruction brigade of 6-th artillery Mozyrskaya Division Is recommended for the award-order ?Patriotic War, 1st cl.? Year of birth: 1919 Nationality: Jew Party membership: CPSU(B) member since 1943 Participation in the Civil War and subsequent military actions for the defense of the USSR and in the Patriotic War (where, when): in the Patriotic War from June 22, 1941 at Western, Bryansk and Byelorussia fronts Wound or contusions - in the Patriotic war wounded in March 27, 1942 In the Red Army since since September 15, 1939 Drafted by what military commissariat: Vitebsk military commissariat Which orders and medals awarded (for what merits): the order of ?Red Star? order 118 to 118th Howitzer artillery holding order of the Red Banner destruction brigade No 03/N of September 20, 1943 Permanent address of the prospective awardee and his family Semenov, Gorky region,.. 64 3-Internatsionala st. Wife Reifman Galina Isakovna Identity card MG 000001 N 173442 BRIEF, CONCRETE DESCRIPTION OF PERSONAL FEAT OR MERITS During the battles for liberation of the city of Kovel and breaking through of the enemy?s defense captain SUPYAN controlling the battalion fire exerted himself as a brave, courageous and competent commanding artilleryman. During the battles when following the retreating enemy, he organized close interaction with the infantry units. The commanders of the battery being in the military dispositions of companies, accompanied them with the fire, annihilating fire pieces and enemy?s manpower. Comrade SUPYAN having no supporting forces organized quality district survey that resulted in annihilating and neutralization of enemy?s weapon emplacement with the minimal use of shells. When forcing the river Zapadny Bug captain SUPYAN without any temporary bridge organized reconnaissance of the passage and carried the artillery equipment to the western shore of the river. The military dispositions on the western shore gave a possibility to manoeuvre the trajectories, provide the infantry at the flanks and at turn-offs, and to cover it safely during enemy?s counter-attacks. During the period of attack thanks to the appropriate planning the division annihilated: in the region of the Starye Koshary village 4 machine-gun units and enemy?s observation posts, the fire of the one mine battery was neutralized. In the district of Stolenskie Smolyary village three machine-gun units were annihilated, artillery and mortar battery fire and two machine guns were neutralized, counter-attack of infantry and tanks of the enemy was repulsed, which contributed to the successful advance of our rifle battalions with minimal losses. For a skillful fire control of the division in the battle, for the personal bravery and courage displayed in the fights with the German occupants he deserves the government award, the order of the Patriotic War, 1st cl. Commander of 118-th heavy-howitzer artillery twice holding Order of the Red Banner destruction brigade of 6-th artillery Mozyrskaya Division, reserve of main command Colonel (signed) /Balagurov/ August 03, 1944 II. HIGHER COMMAND CONCLUSION Deserves the government award Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd cl. Commander of 6-th artillery Mozyrskaya Division, reserve of main command Guards Major General of Artillery (signed) /???/ August 7, 1944 Under order of the artillery commander of August 8, 1944 was awarded with the order of the Patriotic War, 2nd cl. Chief assistant of the head of personnel department Major of executive department (signed) /Vasilyev/
    8. Tranalation: AWARD CITATION 1. First, middle and last names Supyan David Mironovich 2. Rank Major 3. Position, unit Chief of staff of battalion, 118-th heavy-howitzer artillery twice holding Order of the Red Banner destruction brigade, 6-th artillery Mozyrskaya holding Order of the Red Banner Division, reserve of main command Is recommended for the government award, order of Alexander Nevsky 4. Year of birth 1919 5. Nationality Jew 6. Party membership CPSU(B) member since 1943 7. Participation in the civil war and other military actions aimed at the defense of the USSR (where and when) in the Patriotic War from June 22, 1941 at Western, Bryansk and Byelorussia fronts 8. Wounds or contusions received during the Patriotic War wounded on March 7, 1942 9. In the Red Army since September 10, 1938 10. Drafted by what district military commissariat Vitebsk military commissariat, Vitebsk 11. Previous awards order of Red Star, under order to 118-th heavy-howitzer artillery twice holding Order of the Red Banner destruction brigade (GAKBR) N 03/N of March 7, 1942 and with order of the Patriotic war, 2nd cl. order of the 1-st Byelorrusian Front N 0116 of August 24, 1944 12. Permanent home address (of the prospective awardee or his/her family) Gorky region, Semenov, 64 Internatsionalnaya st. Wife ? Reifman Galina Isakovna Identity card MG - 000001 No 173442 I. Brief description of personal feat or merits During the period of preparation for the breakthrough operation in the region of Grabu-Pilitza-Vyborun under the command of Major Supyan a thorough reconnaissance of the forward edge and the nearest depth of enemy?s defense was organised. At the moment of the artillery attack on January 14, 1944 thanks to the timely and precise planning, all the planned targets were destroyed with the division fire which facilitated advancing of infantry troops with few losses. At all stages of a battle as he moved forward, major Supyan skillfully organised coordination with the infantry and timely opened fire by request of infantry commanders which facilitated successful advancing of our rifle units. Deserves the government award, the order of Alexander Nevsky. Commander of 118-th heavy-howitzer artillery twice holding Order of the Red Banner destruction brigade 6th artillery Mozyrskaya holding Order of the Red Banner Division, reserve of main command Colonel (signed) /Balagurov/ January 21, 1945 Deserves the government award, order of the Patriotic War, 1st cl. Commander of the 6-th Artillery Mozirskaya holding order of the Red Banner division, Lieutenant Colonel (signed) /Zernov/ January 24, 1945 Under order of the Commander of the Artillery of 1-st Byelorussian front No 015 of February 8, 1944 was awarded with the order of Alexander Nevsky Chief assistant of the Head of Personnel department, Ukrainian district 1st Byelorussian front Major of executive department (signed) /Vasilyev/
    9. OK, his record cards and so on have been discussed (as have his crimes). Somehow, I never added his decorations. In random(ish) otrder, the Nevsky.
    10. A very VERY nice 5th class of the Bahawalpur Imtiaz-i-Abbasia. PM please if still available!!
    11. No, we all HUNGER for the stories that lurk, the history that hides. And you feed us Rick, you feed us. Speaking of that, I don't think I ever put up the full Supyan http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3728 research, did I? Let me see . . .
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