Charles, Well, I was going to try and answer your question, but my meager references are very inadequate. All I have to look up the symbols and abbreviations is the 1914 Rank List and a list of common abbrevaitions that Rick Research posted a few years ago. Unfortunately, I can't find the BM4XmKr or the WM3 listed on any of those documents, so I don't know what they are. The ones I think I got figuered out are: 1. Prussia: Pour le Merite 2. Prussia: Knights Cross with Swords, Royal Hohenzollern House Order 3. Prussia: Iron Cross 1st Class 4. Prussia: Wound Badge (not sure which type) 5. BM4XmKr (no idea) 6. WM3 (no idea) 7. W?rttemberg: Honor Cross with Swords, Order of the W?rttemberg Crown 8. W?rttemberg: Knights Cross 3rd Class, Friedrichs Order 9. W?rttemberg: Dienstauszeichnung 1st Class (service medal?) 10. Austria: Order of the Iron Crown 3rd Class 11. Austria: Military Merit Cross 3rd Class with War Decoration I could be off a bit on some of those and again I apologize for not being able to find 5 or 6.