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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. He was awarded the KvK II KL mit Schwertern on 1st September 1943. Why he won it is anyone's guess unfortunately. It could of been for a piece of good leadership or a meritorious action behind the lines. It could even be a 'percentage' award in that the unit was to award a certain number and he was deemed worthy of being one of those chosen.
    2. General der Kavallerie Eberhard von Mackensen Born: 24 Sept 1889 Died: 19 May 1969 Highest rank reached: Generaloberst Chef des Generalstab 14.Armee Chef des Generalstab 12.Armee Kdr III Panzerkorps Oberbefehlshaber 1.Panzerarmee Oberbefehlshaber 14.Armee RK: 27 Jul 1941 EL: 26 May 1942 Second son of GFM August von Mackensen
    3. Many thanks for the effort Dave. I had actually mis-read the rank and originally thought it had said Oberst so I am not surprised that finding the identity of an Oberleutnant is proving tricky at best.
    4. Kapitänleutnant Siegfried Wörmcke Kpt S-194 Kpt S-701 Fl-Chef 2.Schnellbootsschulflottille
    5. Major Walter Brandt Born: 08 Nov 1911 Died: 12 May 1996 Pionier-Lehr-Btl 2./Pionier-Btl 23 Kdr Pz.Pionier-Btl 130 RK: 18 Jul 1944 DKiG: 14 Mar 1942
    6. Oberstleutnant Fritz Wilhelm Karl Albrecht Born: 23 Dec 1905 Died: 29 Apr 1977 Highest rank reached: Oberst (Brigadegeneral in Bundeswehr) Chef 1./Artillerie-Regiment 13 Kdr I/Artillerie-Regiment 13 Kdr Artillerie-Regiment 13 Stab Höheren-Artillerie-Kommandeur 311 Kdr Panzerartillerie-Regiment 'Großdeutschland' Kdr Grenadier-Regiment 15 Führer Kampfgruppe Magdeburg RK: 19 Apr 1945 DKiG: 14 Jan 1942 Ehrenblattspange: 17 Feb 1944
    7. Many thanks Bernhard. As the former was an Oberleutnant that would certainly explain why I couldn't find him. And thanks for the latter one, I would say that the signature fits pretty well for Eben.
    8. A couple of signatures from the same Soldbuch to identify. This first one I can not work out if the rank reads Oberst or Oberstleutnant. If the former than maybe he made it to General rank before the end of the war. The unit is 78 Infanterie-Division (78.Sturm-Division). And the second example is for an Oberstleutnant in Pz.AOK 3. In September 1943 he held the rank of Major.
    9. Hauptmann Kurt Lucke Highest rank reached: Major Inf.Rgt 92 Führer 10./Inf.Rgt 'Grossdeutschland' Führer 1./Inf.Ers.Btl 99 (Ers.Btl Inf.Rgt 'Grossdeutschland') Chef 13./Inf.Rgt 'Grossdeutschland' 1
    10. Seemingly so. With a set like this you could say that maybe the Silver Wound Badge citation is missing etc but as the Soldbuch pages are present it proves that he was indeed only awarded a Black Wound Badge. I wonder if the ausweis relates to a non-combat (homefront) or non-front line injury?
    11. Feldwebel Hermann Blazejezak Born: 03 Jun 1912 Highest rank reached: Major Zugführer 6./Inf.Rgt 73 Chef 7./Inf.Rgt 349 Chef 6./Inf.Rgt 388 Btl-Führer Gren.Rgt 388 stellv.Btl-Führer III/Gebirgsjäger-Rgt 136 stellv.Btl-Führer MG-Btl 14 stellv.Btl-Führer I/Gren.Rgt 388 Kdr I/Gren.Rgt 388 Kdr Division Kampfschule 6.Gebirgs-Division 1936 Summer Olympics 400m Semi-Finalist 1938 European Championships 4 x 400m Relay Gold Medal
    12. Oberleutnant Siegfried Leyck Born: 04 Aug 1915 Died: 07 Jul 1943 Highest rank reached: Hauptmann Chef 14./Inf.Rgt 'Grossdeutschland' 2 Kdr III/Pz.Füs.Rgt 'Grossdeutschland' RK: 17 Dec 1943 (Posthumous) DKiG: 13 May 1943
    13. Oberleutnant Bernhard Klemz Born: 21 Mar 1918 Died: 13 Jul 2004 Highest rank reached: Hauptmann (Oberst in the Bundeswehr) Chef 5./Pz.Rgt 'Grossdeutschland' RK: 04 Jun 1944 DKiG: 10 Feb 1944
    14. Major Oskar Schmidt Born: 17 Jan 1913 LKS Breslau-Schöngarten KG-2 Staffelkapitän 3./KG z.b.V 1 Kdr I/TG-1
    15. Oberleutnant Reiner Jaenecke Kp-Führer 3./Pz.Gren.Rgt 'Grossdeutschland' Ehrenblattspange: 05 Mar 1945
    16. Major Jobst-Heinrich von Heydebreck Born: 02 Aug 1909 Died: 03 Jan 1943 - MIA Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant (Posthumous) KG-154 I/KG-254 Kp-Chef KG-254 Staffelkapitän 9./KG-254 Staffelkapitän 7./KG-54 Kdr I/KG-54 Luftkriegsakademie Berlin-Gatow Ia Stab V Fliegerkorps Ia Luftwaffe-Kommando Ost Kommodore KG-3 DKiG: 12 Jan 1943 (Posthumous) Ehrenpokal: 01 Sep 1942
    17. Oberstleutnant Volprecht Konrad Riedesel Freiherr zu Eisenbach Born: 10 Dec 1912 Died: 09 Feb 1945 - killed in mid-air collision with a P-51 piloted by James Browning of 363 Squadron. Highest rank reached: Oberst (Posthumous) KG-253 Adjutant II/KG-54 Staffelkapitän 8./KG-54 Kdr II/KG-76 Kommodore KG-54 Kommodore KG(J)-54 RK: 07 Oct 1942 EL: 14 Jan 1945 DKiG: 11 May 1942 Ehrenpokal: 09 Mar 1942
    18. The first item of 2016 was this set to a member of 22 Infanterie-Division who took part in the invasion of The Netherlands in 1940 as a member of Inf.Rgt-16. What I like about the EK II citation, awarded 18th May 1940, is not only the decorative effort put in on the details but also that it has been signed & authorised at the Regimental level which is something seen very rarely as EK's were meant to be authorised at the Divisional level and above. The exceptions tend to be 1940-41 Grossdeutschland and some 1941 Crete related Fallschirmjäger awarded examples. This example is signed by future General der Gebirgstruppe and Swords winner Hans Kreysing. The set also comes with two other citations, his award pages from his Soldbuch and his Schwerkriegsbeschädigtenausweis.
    19. Oberst Erich Kahsnitz Born: 17 Feb 1898 Died: 29 Jul 1943 - Died of wounds received Highest rank reached: Generalmajor (Posthumous) Kdr I/Infanterie-Regt 29 Kp.Fuhrer Lehrgang Bergen Kdr I/Infanterie-Rgt 29 Kdr Infanterie-Rgt 29 (Mot) Ltr.Lehrst.f.Bns.u.Abt.Fuhrer b.71.Infanterie-Division Kdr.Bns.u.Abt.Fuhr.Schule Kdr Füsilier-Rgt 'Grossdeutschland' RK: 15 Jul 1943 DKiG: 02 Apr 1943
    20. Hauptmann Alfred Greim Born: 08 Aug 1902 Died: 19th May 1943 - Died of Spotted Fever (Reserve Lazerett Döberitz) Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant Chef 13./Infanterie-Regiment 'Grossdeutschland' Kdr II/Infanterie-Regiment 'Grossdeutschland' 1 stellv.Kdr Infanterie-Regiment 'Grossdeutschland' 1 RK: 04 Jun 1942 DKiG: 18 Oct 1941 Ehrenblattspange: 29 Sep 1941 Blutorden: 09 Nov 1933
    21. Hauptmann Klaus Hacke Highest rank reached: At least Major Kdr Pz.Jäger-Abt 'Grossdeutschland' DKiG: 12 Mar 1943
    22. Oberleutnant Jaeger Chef 6./Pz.Artillerie.Rgt 'Grossdeutschland'
    23. Johann Ludwig Graf Schwerin von Krosigk Born: 22 Aug 1887 Died: 04 Mar 1977 Reichsminister der Finanzen Leitender Minister
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