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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. Latest addition to my collection is this Soldbuch to a Baudirektor Martin Ludwig serving under Der Chef des Heeresbauwesens beim Oberbefehlshaber des Ersatzheeres and Wehrkreisverwaltung I (East Prussia). It has a nice photo of the man wearing his KvK I Kl mit Schwertern on the inside front cover. Wehrmachtbeamte-Heer really isn't my area so my files are thin on such matters so I would be grateful if anyone can provide information on the duties/responsibities that a Baudirektor would perform - or if they have any extra details on Martin Ludwig. I believe Baudirektor is the equivalent to an Oberst as the photo does seem to show two pips on the epaulettes.
    2. Having received a preliminary copy I can confirm that it is a well published book with lots of information and images to delight those interested in the EK, and German documents in general. Following on from a raft of books dealing with individual German award types it is good to see one dealing with the paperwork behind the most iconic of them. If you have a book like The Iron Time by Stephen Previtera, The Iron Cross 1st Class by Dietrich Maerz/George Stimson or German Iron Cross Documents of World War I by William E. Hamelman and Katherine E. Godby this belongs on your bookshelf.
    3. I love the new additions - especially the Marinehelferin one. I don't have an example of anything to a serving female - having seen the ones shown here I think I will have to change that. Keep them coming please, great to see.
    4. I have had a quick look using the Search function and while there is another thread with a female pass there is no dedicated one, so I have changed the title slightly and pinned this one for all future female ID Passes to be posted in. The additional pass was this one... RAD Female Pass
    5. That's not a bad idea at all. I will look in to the section and see if there has been one in the distant past and if so resurrect it (and Pin it) and if not, start one using this DRK book as the first entry.
    6. I can't see any entry that would hint at being a flying instructor so I would believe he was at the LKS in an Admin/Staff position, this function being backed up I believe by his assignment to the Stab of IV LW Feldkorps with a Stammrollen Nr of just 3 which as mentioned above was when he held the position of IIa.
    7. I'm afraid not although he obviously had some and was awarded the EK II during that period. The details in Larry & Doug's LW Officer Career Summaries seem to come from the Soldbuch for the most part.
    8. It has been a while since I posted something from my collection so here is one I managed to acquire earlier this year. It is this Luftwaffe Soldbuch and Passport to Oberst Carl Reifschneider. He initially served within Reichsluftministerium (RLM) from 1933 until just before the start of WW-2 when he was re-assigned to the flying school Luftkriegsschule 2 which was located at Berlin-Gatow. Reifschneider remained at LKS 2 until late 1942 when he went from a flying unit to a staff position at a Luftwaffe ground command, namely the position IIa (Adjutant) at IV LW Feldkorps which was based in Southern France. As can be seen from this entry - IV LW Feldkorps - it had a number of Heer divisions under its command. Reifschneider stayed with IV LW Feldkorps until late 1944 so would of been involved in the defence against the Allied invasion of Southern France, Operation Dragoon. After his transfer away from IV LW Feldkorps, Reifschneider spent the remainder of the war within two Luftgau Kommando organisations.
    9. That is a great piece. I love it.. ID Books to females are actually quite collectible and it is a pity that considering the amount of books, websites & discussions dedicated to Soldbücher & Wehrpasse there is very little out there (if anything) that cover items such as this.
    10. Nice example. While he is listed as MIA as of 1st June 1944 this date is just a general one taken as the last known recorded data about him. He could of gone missing days or weeks later - and I believe that he would of probably been caught up and killed during Operation Bagration (hence him being around Brody).
    11. I'd imagine getting an agent recruited into that organisation would of helped massively in getting others recruited into the Bundeswehr as a whole.
    12. That looks like a great set, especially with the RK & DKiG listings being available with the rest of the paperwork.
    13. Nice photo. I wonder how many of those who returned from Soviet captivity and joined the Bundeswehr did so for the Soviet cause, i.e. had communist leanings/blackmailed into spying?
    14. Oberst Horst Niemack Born: 10 Mar 1909 Died: 07 Apr 1992 Highest rank reached: Generalmajor Kdr DivisionsAufkl.Abt 5 Pz.Gren.Rgt 26 Kdr Pz.Füs.Rgt GD Kdr Pz.Lehr Division RK: 13 Jul 1940 EL: 10 Aug 1941 Schw: 04 Jun 1944 Image: Citation
    15. That would be great, thanks for the offer. I always try to add such command lists to my files when I can and have bought unit related books in the past just for the command lists they contain.
    16. That could be a great resource. Does it have lists of commanders down to Kompanie level with dates of command?
    17. Oberleutnant August-Wilhelm Schumann Born: Died: 06 Sep 1941 - Killed in a crash while landing after a sortie. 2. J/88 I/JG-52 Staffelkapitän 11./JG-72 Staffelkapitän 5./JG-52 Credited with 20 Victories. Image: Antrag
    18. I'm having a problem identifying this signature for the Staffelkapitän of 5./JG-52. In Prien's Jagdfliegerverbände series the Staka for this period is listed as Oberleutnant August-Wilhelm Schumann (followed by Oberleutnant Siegfried Simsch from September 1941) but I can not see 'Schumann' in that signature.
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