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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. Interesting badge Tod. Never saw one like this one before. The key for identification is inscription on reverse. Let's hope somebody will be able to read it ...
    2. Can't find later regulations for this badge from September 14, 1940 and May 1944. Any ideas Oleg? :whistle:
    3. Yep. Original regulation for this badge! Found it too Unfortunately I can't find a guy (or a girl ) who will help with translation ...
    4. The easiest way will be through his own forum South Asia Gongs http://sagongs.ipbhost.com/index.php?
    5. Ineed, but the seller "Transition period"
    6. Of course it's not! There are like zillion stamp variations (but badges from all time periods always have two (sometimes even three ) stamens (points) on the right) Nothing to worry about Can you please post full page of 1912 regulation?
    7. On portrait he has two stars on his epaulette. Two stars = Major-General As I wrote earlier - he became Major-General in 1917. On photo we don't see the upper part of his epaulette. But it looks like (by collar embroidery) he is wearing the uniform of officer of General Staff (he was at the disposal of the Chief of General Staff after November 20, 1916). That's all I can say.
    8. + http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/10073 http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/10074 http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/11178 http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/11671 http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/11674 http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/11680 http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/13083 http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/11676 http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/11678 http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/10074 http://www.history-ryazan.ru/node/13464 etc ..
    9. Very few. Some of them are here http://kdkv.narod.ru/92/GK-WW1.html#28
    10. Original statute ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ О НАГРУДНОМ ЗНАКЕ "Отличный пограничник" Нагрудной знак "Отличный пограничник" является наградой для лиц рядового, сержантского и старшинского состава пограничных войск. Нагрудным знаком "Отличный пограничник" награждаются солдаты, матросы, сержанты и старшины пограничных войск за образцовое несение службы по охране государственной границы за умелые действия по задержанию нарушителей границы и проявленное при этом смелость и настойчивость, за добросовестное отношение к выполнению воинского долга, высокие показатели в боевой, политической подготовке и примерную дисциплину. Знаком "Отличный пограничник" военнослужащие могут награждаться неоднократно. Нагрудный знак "Отличный пограничник" носится на правой стороне груди, ниже орденов и первым по отношению к другим знакам отличия. Награжденный знаком "Отличный пограничник" должен служить образцом примерности в службе, учебе и дисциплине. Военнослужащие, награжденные знаком "Отличный пограничник" пользуются преимущественным правом приема в военные училища войск МВД. Военнослужащие с четырехлетним сроком службы, награжденные знаком "Отличный пограничник" на третьем году службы имеют право получения вне очереди полагающегося им краткосрочного отпуска. Нагрудный знак "Отличный пограничник" награжденным вручается командиром части перед строем. О награждении объявляется приказом по части и заносится в служебную книжку военнослужащего.
    11. Yes, this type (with MVD inscription) was in use between 1953 and 1957. The badge itself was introduced on April 29, 1949. This design was in use until 1964.
    12. Cool Oleg! So the old design was reintroduced in 1929 until 1939?!
    13. According to Peterson name of the oval badge on the right is Light Machinegun Marksmanship Badge NCO Model (see p. 102, fig. 169)
    14. 1939 is "right" date for introduction of separate design for NCO badge (oval badge that is on the right) or is it "right" date for introduction of second type design of the badge (that is on the left)?! You see, all sources (like Nakata for example) claim that this (second) design was introduced in 1929.
    15. What we have here is so called first type of sharpshooting badge that was in use between 1887 and 1929 (Peterson gives wrong date 1939). Your sub variation was in use between 1912 and 1929. I'd say your badge was issued in late 20s (currently I have only one time coordinate for this stamp - 1926). Indeed in 1912 badge classification that will be 3rd class badge. If I remember correctly shooting will be sha-geki badge sho. Cheers, Nick P.S. Jason, please check this http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/58630-dark-blue-ribbon-medal-of-honor-with-four-golden-bars/page-3 - Rich kindly provided correct pronunciation.
    16. You get that right! Yes, it was very unfortunate. I mean posting these photos of yours. HUGE mistake. In my defense - back then, I didn't know who I'm dealing with ... Please feel free to ask moderator to remove them!
    17. This piece was relisted an hour ago with blitz price ¥175,000
    18. Indeed! Reverse inscription reads "To dear and precious colleague Boris Andrianovitch in fond memory of an old friend N. Bauer (?) April 19, 1908"
    19. Yes, but never in the box! Btw, we could really use translation of obverse inscription P.S. Usually they refer to this one as "foundation medal/order"
    20. He must be a Saint! I'll say a prayer for you! Looks like you really need it
    21. I see! Looks like we don't have any problems anymore... P.S. Where from this precious info came? Did you buy one of these?
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