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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. Ok. So the only published source (about deputy badges) that is known to me is A. Mekhonoshin, "Breast Badges of the Highest Offices of Government, 1917-1991"
    2. Hi Miguel, check out this thread http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/53202-medal-accoutrements-and-services/ Best, Nick
    3. Hi Dan, good news about the leg As for the badge - by these photos I can't say anything with confidence. You see - the problem with these В.Ц.И.К. badges is that they were issued between 1917 and 1935 and there are many mini variations of them. Maybe this is why we see small differences (for example in Ц) when we compare yours friend badge with badge from collectrussia. But actually the badge looks quite nice. And if we compare it with type 2.1.2 from A. Mekhonoshin book "Breast Badges of the Highest Offices of Government, 1917-1991" it looks exactly like a textbook example. So maybe I was wrong in my original perception of the badge As for the price range for these badges - it is between $500 and $1000. Best, Nick
    4. Well, I think they simply made it from scratch. That's why every detail (box, medal design and material, ribbon material, ribbon hook and catching eye, etc) is so different from all others replicas (on "green" ribbon).
    5. Wool or maybe crude cotton? :whistle:
    6. Both I am planning to make a thread devoted to all types of great east asia replicas.
    7. Nice silver replica in lacquered case Mickey! This one came from 80s
    8. Looks like your dream comes true http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/42417-best-looking-award-ever/?hl=%2Bbeautiful+%2Baward#entry392303 Knock youself out guys!
    9. Also can't find anything Well, since it's "honoured" award - there could be no ministerial order for it at all ... I'll keep my eyes open P.S. Nice looking badge by the way
    10. Precisely! Thank you my kind-hearted Canuck
    11. Let's hope pushkinists will never read this
    12. Gotcha! The only element of "Pushkin medal design" is Pushkin profile... Looks like you simply don't like how he looks in profile :lol:
    13. I wish it was mine Unfortunately our colleague Paul Wood sold it yeas ago to someone else
    14. Obviously they should put something nice on obverse (like maple leaf or puck) instead of the man profile (to whom this medal is devoted) Now let's apply this rigorous criterion to canadian medals
    15. You don't say! His mother grandad was from Africa. That's why he has such extravagant (for russian) profile ;)
    16. Well Jerry, you wouldn't believe, but this is exact reproduction of Pushkin self-portrait from his diary see http://www.primetour.ua/files/Pushkin_avtoportret.jpg On the medal obverse Pushkin looks like ... Pushkin see http://www.sobiratel.net/zasluga/Russia/RF/RF/Pushkin/Puskin.jpg By the way - this is very rare medal. Between 1999 and 2013 only 774 medals were issued! Cheers, Nick
    17. Unfortunately the answer is no. Nice badge Aurelius although the screw is the wrong one. You'll find the right one in this thread http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/5229-herder-badges/?hl=herdsman Regards, Nick
    18. What's up Dan? How's your leg? Personally I don't like this one. IMveryHO of course. Best, Nick
    19. Good golly miss Molly - another sexist!!! Every man for himself! :lol:
    20. What the heck is "Puskin" dear Jerry?! Cheers, Nick
    21. Sequentially Here is the statute Орден Святого Георгия является высшей военной наградой Российской Федерации. Орденом Святого Георгия награждаются военнослужащие из числа старших и высших офицеров за проведение боевых операций по защите Отечества при нападении внешнего противника, завершившихся полным разгромом врага, ставших образцом военного искусства, подвиги которых служат примером доблести и отваги для всех поколений защитников Отечества и которые награждены государственными наградами Российской Федерации за отличия, проявленные в боевых действиях. Орден Святого Георгия имеет четыре степени. Орден Святого Георгия I и II степени имеет знак и звезду, III и IV степени — только знак. Высшей степенью ордена является I степень. Награждение орденом Святого Георгия производится только последовательно, от низшей степени к высшей. Знак ордена Святого Георгия I степени носится на плечевой ленте, которая проходит через правое плечо. Знак ордена Святого Георгия II и III степени носится на шейной ленте. Знак ордена Святого Георгия IV степени носится на колодке на левой стороне груди и располагается перед другими орденами и медалями. Награжденные носят знаки всех степеней ордена Святого Георгия. При этом награжденные орденом Святого Георгия I степени звезду ордена Святого Георгия II степени не носят. При ношении ордена Святого апостола Андрея Первозванного на плечевой ленте знак ордена Святого Георгия I степени не носится. Фамилии, имена и отчества награжденных орденом Святого Георгия заносятся для увековечивания на мраморные доски в Георгиевском зале Большого Кремлевского дворца в г. Москве.
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