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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. To whom "...who served in their Offices [i.e. offices of Red Cross society], managed warehouses and worked in them; authorized agents... doctors, pharmacists, nurses, students ... medical assistants, orderlies, artel workers, hospital personnel, and those who served with different dressing wards, receptions, sanitaries, food and lodging stations, as well as those who helped with evacuation" + "the persons who made more or less significant substantive [this strange tautology is in original text ] offerings of money and goods, but also contributed to the obtaining of donations" According to the original regulation medal should be worn "...on the Alexander ribbon on the left chest whenever cavalier wish with every kind of clothing. With orders and other insignia this medal should be hanged to the left, right after government medals"
    2. What's up History Geek? Yep. This one was issued on April 1, 1906 (standard date R-J war awards) . Text reads "under Our sign manual and affixed with the seal of State". We see this "seal of State", but where is our beloved Emperor manual signature?! Nobody knows for sure what happened on this day, but some docs where left unsigned by Meiji. Bureaucratic error? Emperor was too tied? Who knows ... Anyway in toto 1639 documents for 5th class golden kite weren't signed by Emperor Meiji on this day Cheers, Nick
    3. According to the original regulation this medal was awarded to «...лица, служившие в их Канцеляриях, заведывавшие складами и трудившиеся в них; уполномоченные, агенты... врачи, фармацевты, сестры милосердия, студенты... фельдшера, санитары, артельщики, лазаретная прислуга, так и на пунктах разного наименования перевязочных, приемных, санитарных, питательных и ночлежных, а равно и служивших по эвакуации» + «...лица, сделавшие более или менее значительные существенные приношения деньгами и вещами, а также содействовавшие поступлению пожертвований». According to the original regulation medal should be worn «...на Александровской ленте на левой стороне груди по желанию при всякого рода одежде. При орденах и иных знаках отличия медаль эта (должна подвешиваться) левее таковых, непосредственно вслед за жалуемыми правительством медалями». Interesting that original regulation doesn't specify diameter of the medal (that's why we observe so many variants ).
    4. By these photos looks like all components including connection ring. IMHO of course.
    5. This one was established on January 19, 1906 by order of N-II Known diameters are 21, 23, 24, 26, 28 and 30 mm. As Paul mentioned already this one was awarded to military personal after March 27, 1907. The right ribbon for this one will be Alexandrovskaya ribbon (ribbon of Alexander Nevsky Order - plain red one) Marks on Radmilo medal are simply unreadable. Usual story with these medals Most likely (judging by guillochage) this one was made by unknown St.Petersburg workshop (usually such medals have mark "84 АР" (АР -initials of assay master Alexander Romanov) + sometimes personal maker mark (like ИЛ for example)). Cheers, Nick
    6. Another excellent photo of cavalier (thanks to our colleague Mickey!) http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/60428-bukosho-photo/
    7. Lion in central medallion looks really familiar Interesting set of marks ..
    8. Aha! This famous "black" rising sun The star looks ok (Showa piece), but the white enamel in the rays was relaid. I saw it couple of years ago. Previous seller (or was it the same seller?) claimed that this is extra-super-rare-grab-on-sight type of rising sun order
    9. Hi Jason, frankly it sounds differently when you put it in google translator http://translate.google.ru/m/translate But let's wait for opinion of guys who actually speak japanese. Regards, Nick
    10. It's pretty easy Larry. Every bar contains three standard parts - year of epoch, month and day. Epoch 明治 = Meiji epoch 大正 = Taisho epoch 和昭 = Showa epoch Year = 年 Month = 月 Day = 日 So in case of every bar we have this stable construction: day (number) month (number) year (number) Epoch What are these numbers? Here they are 1 一 2 二 3 三 4 四 5 五 6 六 7 七 8 八 9 九 10 十 11 十一 12 十二 13 十三 14 十四 15 十五 16 十六 17 十七 18 十八 19 十九 20 二十 21 二十一 22 二十二 23 二十三 24 二十四 25 二十五 26 二十六 27 二十七 28 二十八 29 二十九 30 三十 31 三十一 etc Let's try it on Jason bar 日 (二十二) 月(一十) 年 (八十) 和昭 Day (22) Month (11) Year (18) Taisho epoch That's it Cheers, Nick
    11. JapanX

      bukosho photo

      I am afraid they are wrong about these estimates http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/55272-bukoushou-badge-post-war-veteran-replica-vs-original-piece/page-3 Posts #42-50 ;)
    12. Same text - different award :)
    13. I believe the name of this seller is sing800 Among his beauties please find this unique medal "For expedition to Japan(!!!)" http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-1904-1905-RUSSIA-RUSSIAN-SILVER-MEDAL-FOR-WAR-WITH-JAPAN-/131025378070?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e81b89b16 :lol:
    14. ... and even cheaper here http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-1937-JAPAN-JAPANESE-BRONZE-MEDALLION-MEDAL-FOR-WAR-WITH-CHINA-/141095543841?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20d9f32421
    15. JapanX

      bukosho photo

      Excellent photo Mickey! P.S. Another photo http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/55272-bukoushou-badge-post-war-veteran-replica-vs-original-piece/page-4
    16. Aha! 2005年抗戰勝利六十週年北京航空聯誼委員會贈送之紀念勛章(紀念章名稱 歷程)及紀念勛章証書 But as far as I understand this is unofficial (i.e. non government award). Medal in commemoration of sixtieth anniversary of victory in war issued by Beijing International Aviation Social Committee Thanks Oleg!
    17. Tell you the truth I don't think that he posted these pictures in his blog for medal collectors community ... More like for engineering community :lol:
    18. I wonder what this one might be
    19. Only 160 bucks and it is yours http://www.emedals.com/collectors-gallery/world-nations/asia/japan/medals/wwii-china-campaign-medal-w01296?vmcchk=1
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