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    Mervyn Mitton

    Honorary Member
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    Everything posted by Mervyn Mitton

    1. I have brought this exceptional post back to the top of our Police Forum - and pinned it for a few weeks. The last entry was over 18 months ago and with a lot of new members there is probably a lot of new info. that can be added. Apart from that, anypost with over 45,000 views deserves to be seen and updated. Well done Brian. Mervyn
    2. A very nice helmet. I don't think the 'dings' are that noticeable - but, perhaps the helmet was 'sold out of service' because of them. King George the 6th died in 1952 - the Queen used the Edward Crown for Her insignia. Mervyn
    3. Hi - you must give us a first name to call you ? I enjoyed seeing your new collection of GG items and medals - did you find these in the US , or overseas ? There is always a sense of loss when a collection is sold - however, one of the reasons we collect - apart from our own enjoyment, is as an investment. Should I see anything of interest for you, I will let you know. Mervyn
    4. Jock - nice album , should you not find a good home (for the album I mean...) then perhaps we could use it for a comp. prize ? Mervyn
    5. OCPD - I think we need an old BSAP member to answer this question. I think this rank would have had braiding on the peak - but can't really remember for sure. The badge changed after UDI. The insignia for the Zim. Police is quite hard to find. Mervyn
    6. Thanks - very interesting. I probably only looked on the Brit. section. Mervyn
    7. I looked through my two volume history of VC Awards. I couldn't find Scrimger - have you actually found his name on the roll ? Mervyn
    8. Caz - I think you may get more response if you re-post on the Lounge. I would also suggest that you IM Will Endley - he may be of great help to you. Let me know if you need any assistance. Mervyn
    9. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-14560400-1399109224.jpgclick
    10. PART 2 OF THIS ARTICLE. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-76974000-1399108649.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-83119100-1399108832.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-70837300-1399108996.jpgclick
    11. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-71641100-1399108484.jpgclick
    12. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-17433700-1399108303.jpgclick
    13. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-77028600-1399107825.jpgclick
    14. With a Forum the size of GMIC we tend to gather information from many sources. I prefer to write my own articles - however, I am convalescing at present and am making use of some good press articles. Ian Shepherd's ( a member) wife,Ann, often sends me a small bundle of press cuttings. This one I thought was well written and interesting. The original appeared in the Guardian newspaper and the writers' are credited in the article. There are two parts. Mervyn http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-07833800-1399107518.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-87439400-1399107668.jpgclick
    15. Brian - I think you speak for all of us, with these words of congratulation. Few clubs,societies or, other groups, will run succesfully without some structure of discipline and rules of conduct. You point out - very rightly - that GMIC members mainly do this on their own, and only rarely with Mods. intervention. Mervyn
    16. Hello palestine - welcome to GMIC. We shall look forward to seeing you on our Police Forum - and thankyou for posting this information. Mervyn
    17. Hi Munro, welcome to GMIC . I hope you are well and still collecting ? Mervyn
    18. The Imperial Crown - as used for the badge - is the second one from the top. Not very clear. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-78700500-1398936715.jpgclick
    19. Very interesting observation on the jewels in the rim of the Crown. Red , of course, was a ruby and blue - a sapphire. I must look up a picture of the Crown to see which one is actually there ? Must have had a reason to change and your comment on dates seems plausible. Mervyn
    20. A full set of papers - showing a man's record of service are always of great interest. Thankyou for posting these. Mervyn
    21. Eddie - you have added greatly to our knowledge - thankyou for your post. I saw Dame Vera Lynn in the papers quite recently - she had just been given an award. Probably the one you mention. How awful that I can still remember - as a young boy - hearing her on the radio during the war........... Mervyn
    22. Conrad - very nice to hear from you - and welcome to GMIC. My research did not really get any further with the Tranter - your research showing that three were made with the dealer's name makes remarkable reading. The weapon was sold a long time ago and - if I remember rightly - went with an arms collector to Britain. Now that I have closed the shop and retired I don't have the sales records available. Thankyou for replying - and if you arre a collector, please continue to post. This sub-forum needs some new members. Mervyn
    23. I agree a Victorian Cross Belt Plate - however, the Gothic script is hard to sort out. Looks like two TT's - superimposed above a 'C' and 'D'. That doesn't ring any bells - can anyone else make it out better ? Mervyn
    24. Gieves are one of the top military tailors in London. With King's Crown it is probably of WW2 vintage. Nice condition - although it does seem to have a large peak. Mervyn
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