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    The Prussian

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    Everything posted by The Prussian

    1. Hi! I think the 1st picture shows a sign from the RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst)
    2. I?m not quite sure, but maybe you can find those informations in the "Milit?r-Wochenblatt". The official affaires, like manoeuvres became official since 1867 in the "Armee-Verordnungsbl?tter". So I think, before 1867, you?ll find them in the "Milit?r-Wochenblatt"
    3. I?d like to introduce two well-known people of the german history... The photo says: "Der (am Hals erkrankte) Adolf und Josef auf der Wilhelmstra?e in Wiesbaden (1934?) The (taken ill at the throat) Adolf and Josef on the Wilhelm-street in Wiesbaden (1934?)
    4. Hello Robert! Thanx for solvin the problem... I thought I?ll get a headache, thinking about the Freikorps in 1916... I?ll remember the emoticon, so if you come the Ruhrpott or I will come to Bavaria, you can pay the first drink... :rolleyes:
    5. ?Hello gentlemen! I?ve got a nice photo of an Ulan-photo, taken in the Reichswehr-time.The Ulan in front is wearing the Hohenzollern House-order. It?s the Reiter-Regiment Nr.11. This regiment was the tradition-unit of the Ulan-regiment 15. Note the tradition-badge upon the upper arm of the soldier in the Reichswehr-uniform! Can anyone identify the owner of the order?
    6. Hi Daniel! Thanx for the informations! That?s the explanation, I?ve been looking for! So we can say, the photo was taken between 1919 and 1939. Rick said, if you come to the holy "Ruhrpott", you can have his drink. Don?t forget... :beer:
    7. Hi Rick! Can you please tell me your source, where is noticed, that he was Generalmajor? In the "Ehrenrangliste" he was Oberst a.D. and I couldn?t find him in the 1st Reichswehr Rangliste from 1920. The Photos are post-war, and at that time he didin?t wear a General?s uniform. I?ve read it in Wikipedia (the Pour-le-M?rite owners - 18.7.1918 for Gruson), but I think it?s wrong. I?ve read another article about a civil company, where he was the last chef. In that article stood, that he closed the company down in june 1945 as Oberst a.D. Gruson.
    8. Wonderful! Many thanx a lot!!!!! That must be the one!! If you guys will ever come to Germany, you?re invited for a lot of drinks! A few more infos: In 1914 he was captain as the company-chief of the 12./Inf.Rgt.165, later he commended the Inf.Rgt.72 and just after the war he joined the "Heeres-Friedenskommission" (Army-commission of peace)
    9. Hello Rick! I was afraid of that answer... but the picture is originaly only 5x6cm, so it was clear, that it?d be impossible to recognize that man. Thank you for your answer, Cheers, Andy
    10. Hello gentlemen and happy Easter! I?ve got this photo of a high decorated german officer. It must be a late photo, because in the background I can see some Reichswehr or Wehrmacht uniforms. Unfortunately I?m not a specialist for orders. Can anyone identify this man, please?
    11. Sorry, I can?t get it better. I only can get a maximum of 12kb...
    12. I don?t know... I don?t have any experience with ordres... I didn?t find that in the "Nimmergut" catalogue
    13. Hello! Does anybody knows, which decoration this gentleman wears?
    14. Salut J?r?me! That?s an evident picture! Merci beaucoup! I have read "Kn?tel?s" - I have seen the danish uniforms, but unfortunately the cavalerists wern?t shown (only in the background). I think the one problem is solved. But the asian...
    15. Hello Douglas! His "erlernter" (learned) job was "G?rtner (gardener) His "ausge?bter" (practised) job was "dito" (ditto) = (also gardener)
    16. Ah, yes, now I?ve seen your avatar... We know each other from the german forum. I am the Ruhrpottpreu?e... If I should send you the script, I need your email adress. At the best, you send it to me in an PM
    17. Hi Joe! I didn?t write that script about the Schlieffen-Plan. A friend of mine did. The problem is, it?s written in german, and the size is roundabout 30MB. Can you read german enough, then I will ask my friend, if I could send it to you. I will send your post to him, so he?ll be able to give you better answers that I could.
    18. Now it?s clear. The Jany says, that in 1874 the Feldartillerie and the "now so called Fu?artillerie" (former Festungsartillerie) was devided. Curt Jany: Geschichte der Preu?ischen Armee IV
    19. Skype is free messenger, we could chat, talk (for free!) and send datas very quickly. A lot of people in the german forum use skype.: http://www.skype.com/allfeatures/callphone...pid%253D1413356 The problem of the copy are the allowed 70K.. I try to send you a better copy. My buddy has a lot of the brank lists. Me, I?ve got the 1878, 1913, 1914, 1920 and the list of honour
    20. Ah, yes, the first photo seems to me, that the covered helmet could have a ball for artillery under the cover??? To my grandpa. When the photo was taken, he was 19. He didn?t live in Cleve. My entire family comes from Essen. The regiment was called "Clevesches", but they stood in Wesel. Cleve or Kleve is the same. In the imperial age a lot of cities were spelled with a C like C?ln or Coblenz and now we use the K. I askes a friend of mine about the Fu?artillery 3. He has the Rangliste (whats the english word for it) from 1866. There were two regiments with the 3. The Artillery-Regiment Nr.2 (stood in several toens in Brandenburg) and the Festungsartillery Regiment Nr.3 from Mainz. In my ols Rangliste from 1878 I found only a field and a footartillery regiment Nr.3. So I think, the Festungsartillery were named in Fu?artillerie between 1866 and 1878. I enclosed the page from the Festungsartillery. Do you have skype-messenger?
    21. That?s right Chip! The Lehr-Inf.Btl. (or Rgt.) wore white stripes. I hope you can see it on the attached photo. What about the script about the Schlieffen-Plan? When are you on-skype? Cheers, Andreas
    22. Hi Frank! Well, I swapped my G3 with the M16 of a GI just for that photo. I didn?t want to own that, because we shot with both, but I prefered our G3... Rheinberg is a nice town. But I think, Underberg is more interesting than Claudia (since she married Seal...) I looked at the Fu?artillerie. It?s strange. In the book "Ruhmeshalle", is written, that regiment fought in july, 12th 1866, but I couldn?t find that unit in the ordre of battle. Unfortunataley I only have the listing of the Korps and I think, Fu?artillerie belonged to the HQ. But I can ask a friend of mine, he owns the complete recordings of the gerneral staff of 1866. Well, we have some interesting forums in germany, like this: http://feldgrau.pytalhost.com/vbulletin/index.php But I don?t know any places to find relatives. The problem is, a lot of documents were destroyed in 1945. If you are looking for some informations about uniforms or histories of formations, let me know. BTW, my grandpa served with the "Clevesches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr.43" from Wesel. He was in France in 1917 and 1918. The picture shows him sitting on the chair (wearing the EKII). I also have his Milit?rpa? and the Regimental history. In the Pa? stands, he was wounded by gas sept.28th 1918 near St.Souplet. Unfortunately I couldn?t meet him, he died, when I was 1 year old in 1968. Well, off to work with me, mate, it?s late. If you have the skype-messenger, I am "ruhrpottpreusse" Cheers, Andy
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