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    The Prussian

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    Everything posted by The Prussian

    1. Gentlemen, in the documents to the trial in Lüneburg relating to the atrocities committed by the Nazis in the concentration-camp Bergen-Belsen, there seems to be a term used by a judge that reads "Congruing Officer". Have any of you heard of such a position within the British or any other army? Any helpful answers are greatly appriciated, Cheers!
    2. Hi Chris! The bav. RIR23 belonged to the bav.16.Res.Brig. (bav.8.Res.Div.) Commander of that brigade was from 12.4.17-27.8.18 Oberst Ernst d´Alleux (*1863, + 1945) The Ehrenrangliste listed him as Oberstleutnant in bav.5.Inf.Rgt. Last service: commander of bav.16.Inf.Brig. After the war Generalmajor a.D. Leutnant: 14.5.85 Oberleutnant: 8.2.94 Hauptmann: 19.9.00 Major: 7.3.09 Oberstleutnant: 10.10.13 Oberst: 30.11.14
    3. Hi Chris! In that era, Paul Behnke was chief of the "Marineleitung" ( https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Behncke ) But, under the signature stands "i.V." (in Vertretung = in place of). So we need a marine rank list from 1920...
    4. Hello Dave! Thanks a lot again! The EKII ribbon looks like a two-parted ribbon isn´t it? (Excuse me, but in order to awards I don´t have any knowledges) The Res.Feldrgt.43 was set-up from the following units: The Lehr-Regiment of the Feldart. Schießschule built an Ersatz-Abteilung for the 5th and 6th Garde-Feldart.Rgt. Those Ers.Abt. built the Res.Feldart.Rgt.43 (and additionally the batteries 804 and 930) Tne Ersatz for the regiment came from Ersatz-Feldart.Rgt. Jüterbog (since end of sept. 1917 Ers.Feldart.Brig. Jüterbog). Because of the wounded badge, it is a late photo (probably post-war because of the covered cocarde) The Ers.Feldart.Brig. Jüterbog had two regiments: Ersatz-Feldart.Rgt. Jüterbog (1.Ers.Bttr. from Garde-Korps; 2.Ers.Bttr. from III.AK, 3.Ers.Bttr. from II.AK, 4.Ers.Bttr. from IX.AK, 5.Ers.Bttr. from VII.AK) and Ersatz-Feldart.Rgt. Altengrabow (1.Ers.Bttr. from XVII.AK; 2.Ers.Bttr. from IV.AK, 3.Ers.Bttr. from X.AK, 4.Ers.Bttr. from XI.AK, 5.Ers.Bttr. from VIII.AK
    5. Hello Dave! Thanks for you response! Well, it seems to be difficult. No german forum could help. Probably it will be something vs. the official statutes. According to Baden awards. Don´t they all have yellow-red colours?
    6. Hi Chris! Strümpell hadn´t been Ritter of the Ehrenlegion in the Rangliste 1909. I don´t have the 1910, but in the 1911 RL he was the Ritter and he served in the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. Probably he became Ritter for his work with his museum. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Str%C3%BCmpell
    7. Hi Chris! Oberleutnant Freiherr v. Hadeln was later Hauptmann a.D. Her serevd in the Bezirkskommando Windhuk (Südwestafrika). The Rangliste 1914 shows him as Leutnant with the Patent 21.1.06 N2n. The signature must be Hauptmann (later Oberstleutnant a.D.) Strümpell in the Kommando der Schutztruppen im Reichs-Kolonialamt Berlin. Hauptmann Strümpell (Patent 21.1.09 Q2q) was awarded with: Roter-Adler-Orden mit Schwertren 4.Kl. Roter-Adler-Orden 4.Kl. mit Krone Kgl. Kronen-Orden 4.Kl. mit Schwertern Dienstauszeichnungskreuz Braunschweigischer Heinrich der Löwe-Orden Ritterkreuz 1.Kl. Ritter der französischen Ehrenlegion
    8. Yes, me... Here is the cheapest offer, but I don´t know the shipping prices to the US. It´s listet only up to 2kg. The book weights 3kg. You should ask the seller. http://www.booklooker.de/app/detail.php?id=A00Q5x6E01ZZN&pid=76312&t=rtefam4rh4ekxcst The book is called "Ruhmeshalle unserer alten Armee" OR "1000 Bilder aus 25 Jahren Deutscher Geschichte" The books are divided in 4 parts. For the lists, I showed you, you need the "Abteilung I and II" Abteilung III is a description of several battles and Abteilung IV is the photo volume. Sometimes you get all parts in ONE book, sometimes you have to "collect"... That happened, because there were different publishers for the book. Important are only Abt. I and II!
    9. I´ll check that site! Thanks a lot for showing!
    10. No, Yildirim only shows the battle order of Pascha I and Pascha II since late 1916/1917. I try to get the battle orders of the military mission. That was a different unit. Pascha I and II were active combat troops to fight in Palestine. The military mission supported the ottoman army in engeneer, artillery, medic, forteresses and support matters.
    11. I´m not sure, Chris, but I think, it might be large letter. It could be an E or an F. To me it seems like an "Fü"ö. Something with "Führung"??? I still need a list of all units that served with the military mission. I haven´t found a list until now.
    12. Hello! I recieved this wonderful photo! We see a group of german soldiers in Turkey. In the text a "Türkenbatterie" is mentioned. What about the helmet-band? It seems to be red (that would be cavalry - IF the colours haven´t been changed...) I´d like to know if the unit was from the german-military-mission or from the asian-corps. What could the unit stamp be? I only can read "Kospoli" (another name for Konstantinopel) Thanx a lot!
    13. Hello! I need help in identifying the ribbons of this german soldier of Res.Feldart.Rgt.43. The wounded badge is clear, but what about the ribbon and the band in the buttonhole? The unit was formed in Jüterbog (Brandenburg), so I assume, he was prussian. Note the covered imperial cocarde Thanx a lot!
    14. Yes, probably... I just wanted to mention, that Enkel might had to do with people from the FK Pfeffer too
    15. Hello! Probably it´s called "Verstärkungs-Kompanie" The regiments or bataillons had "Ersatz-Komp." What makes me puzzled, is the 13. The Inf.Rgt.13 always was in the west. In Courland there was a Freiwilligen-Regiment Libau with three bataillons.Set-up march 1919 from the Freiw. Btl. 6,9, and 5. It became in september 1919 a Reichswehr-Btl. Libau. But it became later II./RW-Inf.Rgt.62. That could be interesting! The two bataillons Lichtschlag (II. and III./62) formed the RW-Rgt.107. They were reinforced bei the Bataillon Libau (became II.Btl./62 AND the Freikorps Pfeffer! End of may 1920 the regiments 61 and 62 became parts of the 7.RW-Brigade. The RW.Inf.Rgt.13 was part of the 7th brigade too!
    16. Here is the casualty list of the regiment: Totenbuch des Garde-Reserve-Pionier-Regiment (Flammenwerfer) Name Year Adamczewski, Paul 1918 Ahäuser, Heinr. 1916 Ahlemeier, Heinr. 1916 Ahrens, Franz 1917 Albrecht, Josef 1918 Andreas, Karl 1917 Andvikh, Otto 1916 Appel, Bernhard 1918 Appel, Otto 1916 Arens, Georg 1916 Arlet, Aug. 1918 Arnold, Franz 1916 Asmussen, Nikolaus 1918 Bach, Peter 1918 Bachmann, Hermann 1915 Bachor, Johann 1916 Baillen, Otto 1918 Barisch, Paul 1918 Barkilla, Walter 1916 Barner, Hermann 1918 Barth, Gust. 1917 Barthel, Theodor 1915 Bartholomäus, Otto 1918 Bartkowiak, Gust. 1917 Basler, Richard 1918 Bath, Wilh. 1918 Bathen, Otto 1916 Bauernfeind, Friedr. 1918 Baumstark, Franz 1917 Baurs, Robert 1917 Beaury, Peter 1916 Bechert, Paul 1918 Becker, Max 1918 Beer, Alfred 1917 Behrendt, Otto 1918 Beier, Hermann 1916 Beig, Georg 1916 Bender, Vinzenz 1917 Benkmann, Otto 1916 Berens, Ernst 1916 Berg, Hermann 1917 Bergemann, Adam 1916 Berger, Karl 1916 Berger, Oskar 1918 Bergmann, Leo 1917 Bethmann, Reinhard 1918 Bettge, Alfred 1917 Beuse, Wilh. 1917 Bex, Josef 1916 Bienick, Alois 1918 Binder, Wilh. 1916 Birtholz, Johann 1916 Bisoke, Reinhold 1916 Bjerring, Karl 1917 Blachowski, Franz 1916 Blobel, Johannes 1916 Blume, Karl 1916 Bocian, Franz 1918 Bock, Franz 1918 Bock, Rudolf 1917 Böhl, Robert 1916 Boehme, Kurt 1916 Bölke, Albert 1916 Bölltner, Otto 1916 Börner, Ernst 1916 Böttcher, Hermann 1916 Boge, Wilh. 1918 Bogisch, Willi 1916 Bogisch, Willy 1917 Bohl, Ferdinand 1917 Bohm, Gust. 1916 Bohmann, Anton 1918 Bohne, Oskar 1916 Bojahn, Willi 1917 Bolle, Ernst 1916 Borchers, Heinr. 1918 Borger, Philipp 1915 Brabender, Heinr. 1917 Brackhage, Karl 1917 Bräuligam, Rudolf 1918 Brandenburg, Willy 1916 Brandes, Johann 1918 Braun, Otto 1918 Braune, Otto 1916 Breitenbach, Karl 1917 Brendel, Georg 1918 Brendel, Wilh. 1918 Brey, Georg 1917 Brischke, Hermann 1918 Brock, Emil 1916 Brodöhl, Wilh. 1916 Brösche, Aug. 1918 Brück, Karl 1916 Brückmann, Karl 1916 Brummer, Richard 1916 Buchfeld, Johann 1918 Buchmann, Ferdinand 1916 Bukowski, Paul 1916 Bundesmann, Herm. 1916 Bundrock, Gust. 1917 Burczyk, Johann 1916 Burghardt, Josef 1918 Burkhardi, Otto 1916 Butz, Max 1916 Butzlaff, Felix 1916 Carstens, Karl 1918 Chall, Rudolf 1917 Charpentier, Ludger 1917 Christians, Otto 1918 Christiansen, Wilh. 1916 Clever, Wilh. 1916 Cött, Willi 1917 Colonius, Rudolf 1917 Dahlecke, Max 1916 Dau, Martin 1916 Daumer, Heinr. 1918 Davids, Hans 1918 Dechant, Fritz 1916 Decker, Wilh. 1916 Degener, Emil 1916 Delhey, Josef 1918 Deligas, Otto 1916 Dellori, Friedr. 1916 Denecke, Hermann 1918 Diebold, Michael 1916 Diederich, Ernst 1916 Diedtmann, Karl 1916 Diehl, Ernst 1916 Diels, Wilh. 1915 Dierks, Wilh. (d. 15.11.16) 1916 Dierks, Wilh. (d. 29.12.16) 1916 Dietrich, Oskar 1916 Dietz, Karl 1918 Dinse, Wilh. 1918 Disse, Fritz 1918 Döbel, Fritz 1917 Dombrowski, Leo 1916 Dorau, Adolf 1917 Dorn, Emil 1918 Dorn, Gust. 1916 Dornik, Alfred 1917 Draeger, Walter 1916 Drecke, Otto 1916 Drews, Helmuth 1917 Drews, Paul 1918 Drygas, Josef 1918 Dusenschön, Willy 1917 Dzink, Vinzenz 1918 Dziurla, Franz 1916 Ebel, Karl 1916 Ebeling, Otto 1916 Eckart, Bruno 1916 Eckert, Karl 1917 Eckhardt, Friedr. 1916 Eichholz, Hans 1918 Einecke, Alfred 1918 Einheuser, Wilh. 1917 Einig, Rudolf 1917 Eiseler, Aug. 1918 Elfert, Otto 1918 Elsner, Fritz 1917 Elwers, Hermann 1918 Elwing, Otto 1916 Engelmann, Ernst 1916 Eulert, Bruno 1916 Ewald, Otto 1918 Faber, Friedr. 1917 Facke, Wilh. 1917 Falh, Georg 1918 Faulstroh, Richard 1916 Fechner, Max 1917 Felsmann, Walter 1918 Fischer, Ernst 1916 Fischer, Friedr. 1918 Fischer, Fritz 1918 Fischer, Oskar 1918 Fischer, Willy 1918 Fischmann, Arthur 1916 Fleischer, Erich 1918 Frank, Karl 1916 Franke, Bruno 1917 Franzkowiak, Anton 1916 Fredenhagen, Hans 1916 Freese, Ludw. 1918 Freimuth, Karl 1916 Frenken, Josef 1918 Freudenau, Erich 1916 Friese, Felix 1916 Frieß, Heinrich 1915 Frischmuth, Fritz 1918 Froitzik, Otto 1918 Fuchs, Paul 1918 Füllgraf, Aug. 1916 Funke, Adolf 1917 Funke, Heinrich 1916 Gaßmann, Walter 1916 Gaul, Max 1918 Gebbers, Ernst 1916 Gebel, Franz 1918 Gebhardt, Wilh. 1916 Geisler, Paul 1916 Gellert, Theodor 1916 Germer, Reinhold 1918 Gerner, Adolf 1917 Gerz, Karl 1917 Gieche, Karl 1916 Giehler, Robert 1918 Gimborn, Ernst 1917 Glaubitz, Wilh. 1916 Göhre, Hermann 1916 Göpfert, Georg 1916 Götte, Johann 1916 Götzke, Franz 1916 Golczak, Anton 1917 Golder, Johann 1917 Goldkamp, Konrad 1918 Goldschmidt, Gust. 1915 Goldschmidt, Willy 1916 Golian, Johann 1918 Gräfe, Karl 1915 Graeff, Joh. 1916 Graf, Karl 1918 Grahl, Hermann 1916 Greiner, Arno 1918 Greul, Hermann 1918 Groß, Fritz 1918 Große, Heinr. 1918 Großmann, Fritz 1916 Grothe, Fritz 1917 Grubert, Franz 1918 Grübel, Richard 1916 Grünewald, Friedr. 1916 Grund, Paul 1917 Grzonskowski, Lzeslaus 1918 Grzyb, Johann 1918 Günther, Albert 1918 Gumbrecht, Otto 1918 Gumula, Franz 1916 Gurn, Friedr. 1915 Gutsche, Wilh. 1917 Haase, Otto 1918 Haber, Johann 1918 Habig, Ferdin. 1918 Haeger, Karl 1918 Hafemann, Fritz 1917 Hagel, Peter 1918 Hagemann, Karl 1918 Hagemeister, Wilh. 1916 Hahn, Erich 1917 Hahn, Hermann 1918 Hahn, Karl 1917 Hajek, Adolf 1918 Halfter, Paul 1918 Hampicke, Otto 1918 Handtke, Gust. 1917 Hansen, Friedr. 1918 Harburg, Adolf 1918 Harms, Emil 1916 Harms, Johann 1918 Harzheim, Anton 1917 Haß, Hermann 1918 Haßling, Eberhard 1917 Haubrich, Friedr. 1917 Heck, Hermann 1917 Hegemann, Alfred 1916 Heidenreich, Alfred 1916 Heidenreich, Ernst 1917 Heim, Erich 1916 Heim, Georg 1918 Heimlich, Otto 1918 Heineck, Kurt 1918 Heller, Wilh. 1916 Hellrung, Berthold 1916 Helms, Walter 1916 Hennecke, Karl 1918 Hennekies, Matthias 1917 Hentschel, Otto 1916 Herberg, Richard 1918 Herfurth, Friedr. 1918 Herms, Paul 1917 Herold, Otto 1916 Herrmann, Friedr. 1918 Herrmann, Otto 1917 Hertel, Erich 1916 Hertrampf, Wilh. 1917 Hesse, Wilh. 1917 Hettgen, Nikolas 1918 Heuer, Willy 1916 Hey, Bernhard 1916 Hilger, Stefan 1917 Hille, Adolf 1918 Hillebrand, Josef 1918 Hindemitt, Otto 1917 Hirsch, Otto 1918 Hirschmüller, Willi 1918 Hirschochs, Ludwig 1917 Hoch, Max 1918 Hochstrate, Ernst 1917 Hoefer, Friedr. 1917 Höppna, Albert 1916 Höps, Heinr. 1918 Hörig, Paul 1916 Hoffmann, Hermann 1918 Hoffmann, Lorenz 1916 Hoffmann, Paul 1916 Hofmeister, Gust. 1917 Hohn, Ernst 1918 Hollmann, Richard 1916 Holtdorf, Peter 1918 Holtel, Johann 1918 Hoppstock, Aug. 1918 Horn, Fritz 1917 Hotze, Wilh. 1916 Hubert, Artur 1918 Hüller, Aug. 1916 Hüttmann, Gust. 1919 Hunting, Ernst 1917 Iden, Otto 1918 Imhoff, Albert 1916 Jahn, Hugo 1918 Jahn, Richard 1917 Jahn, Wilh. 1916 Jahnke, Erich 1917 Jahre, Max 1918 Janzen, Ernst 1917 Jaques, Julian 1918 John, Leo 1916 Jonas, Max 1918 Juchert, Ernst 1916 Jülich, Johann 1918 Junak, Willy 1917 Jungblut, Albert 1917 Juros, Johann 1916 Justus, Wilh. 1916 Kadalowski, Albert 1916 Kagel, Karl 1916 Kagelmann, Hans 1916 Kahl, Wilm. 1915 Kahmann, Hermann 1916 Kaiser, Paul 1916 Kaldenbach, Albert 1916 Kanzler, Hermann 1916 Karasch, Wladislaus 1916 Karolczak, Josef 1918 Karstieß, Paul 1917 Kaspar, Fritz 1918 Kasper, Willi 1917 Kathmann, Fritz 1917 Kattofski, Georg 1916 Katzorke, Ernst 1918 Katzur, Wilh. 1918 Kaupsch, Kurt 1917 Kaußdorf, Walter 1916 Kayser, Franz 1916 Keefer, Friedr. 1917 Keil, Anton 1916 Keil, Oskar 1916 Keller, Kurt 1916 Keminer, Wilh. 1918 Kieschnick, Johann 1918 Kilian, Heinr. 1917 Kilian, Hermann 1916 Kinkel, Otto 1916 Kirchner, Adam 1916 Kirsch, Walter 1915 Kirschbaum, Fritz 1918 Kirschbaum, Robert 1916 Klaas, Herbert 1917 Klähn, Richard 1916 Klaffert, Fritz 1916 Klare, Adolf 1916 Kleemann, Heinr. 1917 Kleiker, Eberhard 1918 Klein, Hermann 1916 Klein, Otto 1918 Klein, Paul 1916 Klinkmüller, Paul 1916 Klinkowski, Aug. 1918 Klotz, Paul 1918 Knatz, Georg 1916 Kneipp, Antonius 1918 Knogler, Otto 1916 Knütter, Oskar 1916 Kober, Hermann 1916 Kobold, Otto 1916 Koch, Adolf 1917 Koch, Aug. 1918 Koch, Peter 1916 Koch, Wilhelm 1918 Köditz, Otto 1915 Köhler, Wilh. 1917 Köhlich, Fritz 1918 Köhn, Otto 1916 Köllmann, Ernst 1918 Köneke, Karl 1917 König, Friedr. 1918 Königsbüscher, Alfred 1916 Köppe, Karl 1916 Köppen, Franz 1916 Köpsel, Herrmann 1916 Kösters, Bernhard 1918 Kötter, Karl 1916 Kohbe, Hermann 1916 Koinke, Emil 1916 Kokoff, Josef 1916 Kolberg, Wilh. 1918 Kolotzek, Ignatz 1916 Koltsko, Paul 1918 Kordas, Kurt 1918 Kosul, Peter 1917 Kowalski, Franz 1917 Kräft, Friedr. 1916 Krämer, Bernhard 1916 Krämer, Heinr. 1918 Krämer, Karl 1918 Kramp, Martin 1917 Kranefuß, Johann 1916 Kratz, Arthur 1916 Krause, Paul 1917 Krause, Wilh. 1918 Kraushaar, Friedr. 1918 Kraußer, Karl 1917 Kreuzburg, Franz 1916 Kritzer, Karl 1916 Krombach, Wilh. 1918 Krüger, Alexander 1918 Krüger, Paul 1917 Kubik, Franz 1917 Kühn, Otto 1917 Kühn, Reinhold 1917 Kühne, Emil 1915 Kümmel, Wilh. 1918 Küper, Josef 1918 Küsserow, Hugo 1916 Kuhlmann, Gust. 1917 Kuhnke, Wilh. 1918 Kulessa, Aug. 1917 Kunik, Paul 1917 Kutscher, Herm. 1918 Kutscher, Peter 1916 Kutzner, Willy 1918 Kytzia, Viktor 1916 Laabs, Rudolf 1918 Laatzen, Emil 1918 Ladendorf, Wilh. 1917 Lafrenz, Friedr. 1918 Lambeck, Otto 1916 Lamprecht, Otto 1916 Landvoigt, Robert 1918 Lange, Karl 1918 Lange, Otto 1916 Lange, Otto 1917 Langer, Franz 1916 Lanzer, Friedr. 1916 Laxa, Stefan 1917 Legrand, Emil 1918 Lehmann, Albert 1918 Lehmann, Anton 1916 Lehmann, Karl 1918 Lehmann, Karl 1916 Lehmann, Paul 1916 Lehninger, Franz 1916 Leifeld, Nikolaus 1918 Lellmann, Johann 1918 Lentser, Hartwig 1917 Lenz, Otto 1916 Leopold, Peter 1918 Lesnick, Bernhard 1918 Liebert, Kurt 1918 Liese, Ludwig 1916 Lindemann, Richard 1918 Linden, Wilh. 1916 Linnemeier, Wilh. 1918 Liponski, Oskar 1917 Lissel, Gustav 1917 Lobenstein, Max 1918 Loebe, Otto 1918 Loese, Emil 1916 Lohberger, Jacob 1916 Lomberg, Hugo 1917 Lommel, Hermann 1918 Loos, Friedr. 1918 Losinski, Damian 1916 Luck, Johannes 1918 Ludwig, Emil 1916 Lübeck, Otto 1918 Lübke, Aug. 1917 Lüder, Paul 1916 Lüer, Wilh. 1916 Lünsdorf, Otto 1917 Lünstroth, Aug. 1916 Luetje, Alfred 1916 Lüttgens, Peter 1918 Luthe, Willy 1916 Lutzmann, Alfons 1916 Maas, Friedr. 1917 Machnikowski, Paul 1917 Maertens, Gust. 1916 März, Wilh. 1918 Mahnke, Walter 1918 Mai, Ernst 1918 Maiza, Vinzenz 1918 Malz, Gregor 1918 Malz, Otto 1917 Mangin, Adrian 1918 Mariot, Albert 1917 Martin, Johannes 1916 Marx, Wilh. 1918 Matan, Paul 1916 Mathias, Xaver 1918 Mattner, Ewald 1918 Matusch, Paul 1915 Matz, Kurt 1916 Matzek, Karl 1918 Mauer, Johann 1916 Mayer, Hugo 1917 Mazek, Melchior 1916 Mehls, Wilh. 1918 Meier, Karl 1917 Meier, Otto 1918 Meigut, Friedr. 1918 Meißner, Aug. 1918 Meißner, Ernst 1917 Mellot, Marzelius 1916 Merkel, Karl 1916 Mertens, Walter 1918 Metzger, Rudolf 1916 Meurer, Peter 1918 Meyer, Max 1916 Meyer, Otto 1917 Meyer, Wilh. 1916 Michalak, Vincenz 1916 Michalski, Matthias 1917 Michelmann, Alwin 1918 Michelmann, Karl 1918 Mießner, Hans 1918 Mihm, Richard 1917 Mikoleit, Wilh. 1916 Minkmar, Hermann 1916 Mitschke, Franz 1916 Mittmann, Paul 1916 Mokloschinski, Franz 1916 Moratz, Emil 1918 Mudlag, Walter 1918 Müller, Albert 1916 Müller, Emil 1918 Müller, Ernst 1916 Müller, Franz 1917 Müller, Heinr. 1917 Müller, Heinr. 1918 Müller, Heinrich 1916 Müller, Herm. 1917 Müller, Johann 1916 Müller, Peter 1916 Müller, Richard 1918 Mulack, Erich 1916 Mulsau, Wilh. 1917 Nachtsheim, Alois 1918 Nather, Ernst 1918 Nathmann, Rudolf 1918 Neidhardt, Heinrich 1916 Neim, Ewald 1918 Nescholta, Friedr. 1917 Neukirchen, Johann 1918 Neumann, Adolf 1916 Neusch, Paul 1916 Nieder, Hermann 1917 Niedzwicki, Valentin 1916 Nische, Wilh. 1917 Nitschke, Richard 1917 Nitschke, Wilh. 1918 Nowak, Johann 1916 Ochs, Eugen 1918 Oestert, Reinhold 1917 Ogorek, Wilh. 1918 Ohm, Erich (18.6.16) 1916 Ohm, Erich (7.5.16) 1916 Ohmer, Josef 1918 Oldenburg, Joachim 1917 Olek, Franz 1918 Orban, Adolf 1915 Ostermann, Diedrich 1917 Osthöfer, Karl 1917 Otterstedt, Karl 1917 Otto, Julius 1917 Overbeck, Karl 1915 Palz, Wilh. 1916 Panse, Max 1918 Paschek, Aug. 1916 Paul, Friedr. 1918 Paul, Hermann 1916 Pawlik, Peter 1917 Peine, Gust. 1916 Pelzer, Philipp 1916 Penkalla, Josef 1916 Penzin, Wilh. 1918 Pest, Friedr. 1916 Pfaff, Fritz 1917 Pfeiffer, Paul 1918 Pfeil, Wilh. 1918 Pflieger, Paul 1918 Pieger, Josef 1916 Pietsch, Josef 1916 Pietzsch, Willy 1918 Pimpler, Conrad 1916 Piontek, Karl 1917 Pix, Hermann 1916 Plew, Fritz 1917 Pöhner, Albin 1916 Poenack, Ernst 1916 Pohl, Eugen 1918 Polaczek, Rudolf 1916 Polke, Rudolf 1916 Pomarzynski, Ignatz 1918 Porath, Wilh. 1918 Portmann, Viktor 1918 Post, Johannes 1916 Presch, Richard 1915 Presser, Bernhard 1916 Pridöhl, Alfred 1916 Prigsan, Josef 1918 Proll, Georg 1917 Przygoda, Samuel 1916 Puklowski, Friedr. 1918 Puls, Otto 1916 Purbst, Otto 1916 Queißer, Richard 1916 Quensen, Kurt 1918 Ratayski, Franz 1918 Rau, Josef 1918 Recke, Georg 1918 Redieske, Willi 1918 Rehfeld, Max 1916 Rehmann, Erhard 1918 Reichel, Max 1915 Reier, Friedr. 1916 Reineke, Heinr. 1918 Reiner, Max 1916 Reinhard, Max 1917 Reining, Otto 1917 Reitzig, Max 1918 Resagk, Paul 1916 Reutzel, Hermann 1917 Richter, Artur 1918 Richter, Fritz 1918 Riis, Hans 1918 Ring, Theodor 1917 Ritter, Ernst 1918 Rösche, Otto 1916 Rößberg, Erich 1916 Rogowski, Ignatz 1918 Rohr, Egon 1918 Rommelfanger, Franz 1918 Rosa, Albert 1916 Rose, Ernst 1915 Rothe, Artur 1918 Rouby, Bruno 1918 Rudczinski, Leo 1917 Rudolf, Wilh. 1917 Rudolph, Erich 1918 Rüdiger, Albert 1916 Rüssel, Hermann 1915 Runge, Hermann 1916 Rutkowski, Hermann 1916 Rybacki, Stanislaus 1918 Saalfeld, Heinrich 1916 Saborsky, Emil 1918 Salzmann, Richard 1918 Sauer, Emil 1915 Sauer, Hermann 1917 Sauer, Otto 1916 Sausele, Friedr. 1916 Schäfer, Emil 1918 Schäfer, Friedr. 1918 Schäfer, Leo 1918 Schäfer, Wilh. 1916 Schaffen, Felix 1916 Schaffner, Johann 1918 Schammari, Aug. 1917 Schaper, Hermann 1916 Schaper, Wilh. 1916 Scharfe, Erich 1917 Scharow, Erich 1918 Schatz, Karl 1916 Scheel, Paul 1916 Schierenbeck, Heinr. 1918 Schiller, Fritz 1918 Schleef, Wilh. 1916 Schliebener, Otto 1916 Schlömer, Wilh. 1918 Schmalz, Ernst 1916 Schmeier, Josef 1918 Schmidt, Emil 1916 Schmidt, Ernst 1918 Schmidt, Franz 1918 Schmidt, Hermann 1918 Schmidt, Lorenz 1917 Schmidt, Max 1916 Schmidt, Otto 1917 Schmidt, Otto 1918 Schmidt, Paul 1918 Schmidt, Richard 1918 Schmidt, Walter 1917 Schmiechen, Artur 1917 Schmitz, Bruno 1916 Schnackertz, Friedr. 1916 Schneider, Georg 1916 Schneider, Wilh. 1916 Schnelle, Walter 1918 Schnorr, Günther 1916 Schönau, Arno 1917 Schönfisch, Erich 1916 Schöppe, Ernst 1916 Schöppe, Otto 1917 Schöppukat, Fritz 1918 Scholz, Oswin 1918 Schorndorfer, Karl 1918 Schornstein, Walter 1916 Schröder, Karl 1916 Schröder, Reinhold 1916 Schubert, ----- 1916 Schubert, Adolf 1918 Schubert, Franz 1918 Schubert, Wilh. 1916 Schümann, William 1918 Schüren, Heinr. 1916 Schulte, Heinr. 1915 Schulte, Josef 1916 Schultz, Walter 1918 Schulz, Hermann 1916 Schulz, Paul 1918 Schulz, Paul 1916 Schulze, Friedr. 1917 Schulze, Karl 1916 Schumacher, Peter 1917 Schwabe, Alexander 1916 Schwabe, Friedr. 1916 Schwartz, Eduard 1917 Schwarz, Erich 1916 Schwarz, Gust. 1916 Schwarz, Ludwig 1917 Schwenner, Josef 1916 Schwenner, Wilh. 1915 Schwitzer, Karl 1916 Seeland, Theodor 1916 Seltenheim, Hermann 1917 Seubert, Johann 1916 Seyfarth, Kurt 1916 Siebrecht, Georg 1916 Sieger, Heinr. 1916 Siekierka, Johann 1918 Sielemann, Heinr. 1916 Sievert, Karl 1918 Sip, Johann 1916 Slowinski, Thomas 1916 Smolkowski, Johann 1917 Sobotta, Josef 1916 Sparenberg, Willi 1916 Sperling, Karl 1917 Spiegel, Werner 1916 Spies, Georg 1916 Spies, Wilh. 1918 Sporbert, Alfred 1917 Springhorn, Aug. 1915 Stadie, Otto 1918 Stahl, Wilh. 1916 Stamer, Emil 1918 Stamer, Ferdinand 1916 Stampe, Robert 1916 Standfuß, Paul 1918 Staroske, Emil 1916 Stasiak, Johann 1917 Steffan, Ludwig 1917 Stein, Friedr. 1916 Stein, Kurt 1918 Steinberg, Erich 1916 Steinert, Alfred 1918 Stelzer, Rich. 1915 Sterdt, Friedr. 1917 Stiel, Johann 1918 Stiffel, Karl 1917 Stolze, Gustav 1918 Stranz, Richard 1916 Straub, Karl 1918 Streek, Erich 1916 Strinz, Karl 1915 Strottmann, Karl 1917 Stuhldreer, Walter 1917 Suchocki, Boleslaus 1916 Swiderski, Georg 1916 Szczyglowski, Georg 1918 Szumski, Kasimir 1918 Täubert, Paul 1917 Teet, Elias 1917 Teichert, Franz 1916 Teitge, Wilh. 1915 Templer, Erich 1918 Tesch, Karl 1918 Teufel, Jacob 1916 Theiner, Robert 1917 Thie, Wilh. 1918 Thielck, Heinr. 1917 Thieme, Hermann 1916 Thom, Albert 1916 Thomassen, Johann 1918 Thome, Wilh. 1916 Tilger, Heinr. 1916 Timmann, Aug. 1918 Topfstedt, Paul 1916 Träger, Otto 1916 Tretow, Wilh. 1916 Trumbke, Otto 1917 Tscheschlock, Wilh. 1916 Tzschoppe, Gust. 1918 Ubben, Focke 1917 Uhde, Willy 1918 Uhlenhaut, Karl 1917 Uhlig, Fritz 1915 Ullerich, Ferdinand 1916 Utermann, Wilh. 1918 Uthoff, Heinr. 1918 Vinke, Wilh. 1918 Vogel, Richard 1918 Vogler, Karl 1918 Vogt, Ludwig 1916 Volkmer, Georg 1918 Volkmer, Max 1917 vom Endt, Walter 1916 von den Eynden, Wilh. 1918 von Oepen, Robert 1917 Voß, Albert 1916 Voßnacke, Wilh. 1918 Wagner, Kurt 1916 Wald, Robert 1916 Waldleben, Max 1918 Walter, Otto 1916 Wandrey, Otto 1916 Warnecke, Karl 1916 Warwas, Karl 1916 Waschnewski, Wilh. 1918 Waßmus, Erich 1917 Weber, Paul 1916 Wedekind, Georg 1916 Wege, Ludwig 1916 Wegner, Franz 1918 Weidehoff, Robert 1917 Weingarz, Willi 1916 Weinholz, Walter 1918 Weinrich, Gust. 1918 Weiß, Johann 1917 Weiße, Paul 1918 Weißenborn, Walter 1916 Welfert, Otto 1917 Wendt, Max 1918 Wendt, William 1918 Werner, Christel 1917 Werner, Valentin 1917 Werner, Willi 1918 Werth, Conrad 1916 West, Emil 1918 Wettig, Heinr. 1918 Wetzel, Bruno 1918 Wigand, Julius 1916 Wilke, Franz 1915 Wilkens, Hermann 1918 Will, Gust. 1917 Winkler, Fritz 1917 Winklewski, Hermann 1917 Winter, Emil 1916 Winter, Fritz 1916 Witt, Julius 1917 Witzel, Eduard 1917 Wixmerten, Josef 1916 Wöhling, Georg 1918 Wölfel, Josef 1916 Woikas, Robert 1917 Woitkiewtz, Joh. 1916 Wojciechowski, Josef 1917 Wojerski, Theodor 1918 Wolff, Wilh. 1917 Wustrau, Wilh. 1916 Zacher, Ernst 1917 Zacher, Hans 1918 Zager, Franz 1916 Zahn, Otto 1916 Zimmer, Ludwig 1918 Zöllner, Otto 1916 Zucht, Georg 1917 Zühlke, Otto 1916 889
    17. Heres is the text of the card: Liebes Bäschen, Meinen Aufenthalt an der Maas habe ich mit der Somme vertauschen müssen. So muß den V. ohne mein gütiges Zutun fallen. Aber auch hier gibts tüchtig Arbeit. Laß bald mal was von Dir hören, gell! Herzl. Grüße, Dein Vetter August Dear Bäschen (Bäschen minimization of Base = female cousin) I had to change my stay at the Maas with the Somme. So V. (> Verdun) might fall without my kindly encouragement. Here it will be efficient work too. Keep in touch soon, right. (Gell or gelle is south-german word for "right" or "o.k.") best regards, your cousin August
    18. I said, Lt. Hornung was mentioned twice in the regimental history. (see attachment) Here are also two maps of the villages Berry-au-Bac and Le Godat (map 1) and Demicourt and Boversies on map 2 (correctly: Boursies!)
    19. Hi Bob! He writes only Hornung, Lt., but at the end of his letter he subscribed with August. If Lt. Hornung stayed with the 11th company, maybe your father served with him??? It´s brilliant that stil have the Militärpaß from him! Did you show it almost here? The stamp is from the Feldpoststation 45. I have a list of all of them in 1918. FPS 45 was located then in Saultain, Valenciennes.
    20. That would be brilliant, Bob! Thanks a lot in advance! Here is the card. I wanted to show it, when it arrived, but I can take the ebay photo of the seller too (the photo of the card, not from the seller , the card is payed... You can read "Hornung, Lt." in the 3rd scan in the post-stamp.
    21. Hi Chris. The Kommandeur was Freiherr Fritz v. Wedeklind, but this signature is from the "Regiments-Führer" Note, that he was only Hauptmann as a regiment-leader! I can´t read it clearly, but there were a lot of "von Zychlinksi" in the army. I couldn´t find a fiiting one in the Ehren-Rangliste, maybe he was a reserve-officer.
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