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    Everything posted by DavidM

    1. Hello A super catch Bill. Congratulations. Assuming this is the one from a certain German dealer, I too tried for this but was to late. Given the scarcity of these, I don't think the price was over the top. Congratulations !!
    2. Hello I know that most of these L/54s have a different date, the '3' having a straight down piece at the top left, whereas yours is slightly angled and touching, or amost touching the '9'. I have seen this on one alleged original before, which is featured on page 130 of 'The Iron Cross of 1939' by Gordon Williamson. The date and frame is an exact match for the one shown here, and the actual cross featured in Gordons book is showing for sale on a UK dealers site: www.thirdreichmedals.com/ From the left side menu select 'Iron Crosses 1813/70 1914/39 & 57, German Crosses etc'. Scroll down to the section called 'Iron Crosses 1939' and it is item number D882. And for picture of the cross: www.thirdreichmedals.com/pictures/d882.jpg The cross shown here is the one from this dealer, isn't it ? All the markings on the rear, the frame etc are identical.
    3. Hello Thanks for the comments. I've tried the 'ring / square test' and this EK is very slightly out of true, which would back up my original comment that I didn't think it was factory vaulted. Mind you, it's not much out.
    4. Hello I'm no expert on these, I mainly collect EKs KVKs and DKs, but it looks good to me.
    5. Hello I have just got this cased EK1. It is three piece construction, magnetic iron core and marked on the pin '4' for Steinhauer und Luck of Ludenscheid. The cross has been vaulted, but I don't think it was a factory vaulted piece - although the usual crease marks on the rear that normally appear when these are hand vaulted aren't present. Measurements are 43.87mm x 44.11mm. The cross looks like a text book S&L to me, and the case is also an original period piece. This is only the third 1939 issue EK1 that I have my collection, the other two being an EK1 marked '26' for B H Meyer and an unmarked Rudolph Souval in the rarer green case. Hope you all like this latest addition. Thanks.
    6. Hello I got my first 1870 EK about a month ago from Helmut Weitze, www.weitze.net/ The price was right and the quality excellent - plus it got a unanimous thumbs up on here. He has a couple of 1870 EK2 on his site at the moment. Use the search feature, select the 'all words must match' box and search on 'Eisernes Kreuz'. Good hunting, and here's a photo of mine to show what you can get if you shop around.
    7. Hello A very nice EK. I have to say that I am extremely envious of this as I have been trying for ever to get an EK2 marked '44'. Congratulations on a good find.
    8. Hello A very nice cross, and as you say, rare maker marking for an EK2.
    9. Hello A very nice '24'.
    10. Hello Thanks for that Joe. Why someone would want to remove the paint from the front like that defies logic to me. I like your suggestion, and if, make that when I get another one, which is intact I'll display them as you suggest.
    11. Hello Thanks Greg. Good link. I didn't know about this site.
    12. Hello Nobody got any comments or opinions on this one ? I know it's not the prettiest of crosess, but I got it really dirt cheap. I'm ok that's it the genuine article, but having never handled or seen a Schinkel 'in the flesh' I would really appreciate some of the experts opinions. Many thanks. BTT
    13. Hello I have just received this Schinkle A Type EK2. Not the prettiest in the world as a lot of the paint is missing from the front, (it looks to me like someone has removed it prior to trying to re-paint it or to remove rust). However, that aside, does this cross look good or bad ? It measures 42.62mm x 43.07mm. It is of three piece construction, magnetic iron core and carries no maker marks. The ring eye on the top arm isn't attached to the frame on the rear, (whether it ever was I can't tell). As usual any and all comments and observations welcomed. Many thanks.
    14. Hello The best (wildest ?) guess I have for this one is maker 138, Julius Mauer. Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means certain, but that's the best guess I have.
    15. Hello Both look good to me. As has already been said, which one to have is personal preference. The double marked Zimmerman is from a dealer that I have being buying from for some time, and although some of his prices can be a bit on the high side I have never had a bad deal from him - and never had to return anything. In my opinion you can buy from him with confidence.
    16. Hello A very nice example. With where that ring stamp is I bet it was made on a Friday, just as they got paid and were heading off for a beer
    17. Hello I don't know why, but the link below will take you to the UK Amazon site: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/0...5?condition=all The ones on Amazon.com are slightly 'cheaper' due to the exchange rate. But why it's this price, who knows. I certainly wouldn't pay it regardless of how good the book is, especially if an new, updated and corrected edition is coming out. Perhaps we should all start buying all these books up. A couple of years time we could all make our fortunes
    18. Hello At present on Amazon.com you get Gordons book from $92.88 USD. From my point of view, based on the UK prices for Gordons book, this is a bargain. Follow the link below to Amazon and their marketplace partners: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/091...9107005?ie=UTF8 By the way, if you think $130 USD is expensive for Gordons book, how about $1200 USD for Stephen Previteras !! In the UK the cheapest I could find his for was ?980 GBP.
    19. Hello I got my copy through Amazon.com I bought it brand new, still with it's cellophane wrapper on it, and because I bought over the Interent from one of Amazons American recommended 'partners' it only cost $86 including shipping to the UK. That's about ?45 GBP. Compare that to the price of it on the UK version of Amazon, around ?110 GBP and you can see that Gordons excellent book can be had for a reasonable price. Very occasionally you will find copies of it for sale on E-Bay. Either way it's well worth getting a copy. In my opinion every EK collector should have at least two books - 'The Iron Cross of 1939' by Gordon Williamson and 'The Prussian and Germman Iron Cross' by V E Bowen.
    20. Hello Thanks to all for their comments. As for that slippery slope, I think I am already well down that now - but enjoying every minute of it !!
    21. Hello For those interested in this sort of thing, I see that Vern Bowen, (author of 'The Prussain and German Iron Cross), released a new book in June of this year called 'Manufacturing Instructions for 1939-45 German New Form Decorations'. It's available in the UK from Amazon and W H Smiths, priced at around ?16.00. For anyone interested, the details are: Title: Manufacturing Instructions for 1939-45 German New Form Decorations Paperback: 83 pages Publisher: Iron Cross Research Publications (30 Jun 2006) Language English ISBN: 0951599267
    22. Hello On the subject of the 1957 style re-issue awards, I see that Vern Bowen, (author of 'The Prussain and German Iron Cross), released a new book in June of this year called 'Manufacturing Instructions for 1939-45 German New Form Decorations'. It's available in the UK from Amazon and W H Smiths, priced at around ?16.00. For anyone interested, the details are: Title: Manufacturing Instructions for 1939-45 German New Form Decorations Paperback: 83 pages Publisher: Iron Cross Research Publications (30 Jun 2006) Language English ISBN: 0951599267
    23. Hello Thanks for the comments.
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