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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. So... how about that PDF? Looking forward to seeing the Mongolian Vajra!
    2. The town of Kruja in Albania is nice to visit for both the tourist sites and the old market which has a lot of stuff ranging from antiques to junk and just about everything in between. You can find Albanian militaria there, although last time I didn't find anything which I didn't already have. Do regret not grabbing a numbered Soviet combat medal though... small chance of potentially very interesting research (considering it wound up in Albania somehow).
    3. Jani - please check your "english@medalhouse" email list - it is causing havoc to a lot of people's inbox I forwarded an example to your finnmedals gmail account
    4. Usefull cross-reference http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=23322&st=40&gopid=369636&
    5. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39929&pid=369611&st=0&#entry369611 Another one
    6. Will be sending in the red star (3700098) for research. Fingers crossed!
    7. First pics to follow this evening. Sadly only the documents, but this is one hell of a set of documents! Detailed pics when the mailman arrives. I know, this is a bit of a tease, but good to see interesting stuff still popping up :cheers:
    8. The office of the President of Mongolia, Public Relations & Communications Division www.president.mn 2009-08-24 http://www.president.mn/eng/newsCenter/viewNews.php?newsId=14 President Elbegdorj confers war veteran a title of “Hero of the state” By the Decree of President of Mongolia, Tsakhia Elbegdorj, veterans of Khalkhyn Gol war (1939) were awarded with honorary titles and medals. Among them was Gungaa Dugaryn, veteran of 1939 Khalkhyn Gol battle, World War II, and 1944, 1947 battles of Western province, whom President Elbegdorj awarded with Hero of the State title, Order of Sukhbaatar, and “Golden Star” medal for his courage and selfless service to his country. Order of Sukhbaatar was awarded to veterans, Damdinjav Tsagaany, Unenbat Jigmedyn, Suren Nyamyn; Order of Red Banner of Military Merit was awarded to veterans, Nyam Dendevyn, Jamyan Damirangyn, Tseveldorj Sodnomyn, Tsookhuu Sharkhuugyn, Genden Tamjidyn, Ayurzana Buniagyn; Order of Military Merit was awarded to veterans Laagan Ochiryn, Luvsanbazar Damdingyn, Sanjaa Shagdaryn, Demberel Doljingyn, Lkhamjav Surengyn, Naran Munkh-Ochiryn, Sumiya Ognongyn. When addressing veterans, who fought for Mongolia’s independence and freedom, President Elbegdorj drew an example from the personal history of newly-awarded Hero of the State, Gungaa Dugaryn. He said “D. Gungaa is the pioneer and the leader of our courageous falcons, who fought for our country. In September 1939, in merely a month’s period, he carried out 158 battle flights, a number which counts as one the highest records set by combat pilots in the world warfare history. Moreover, he is one of the first combat pilots to fight in battles of western province, and a heroic patriot who put an end to the military confrontation with the Guomingdang force. Each and every one of you is a great hero, same as D.Gungaa, and your devotion, and patriotism will be remembered by our future generations and by the Government of Mongolia.”
    9. wish a close up was possible... http://www.president.mn/eng/newsCenter/viewNews.php?newsId=23
    10. http://www.dum.mn/downloads/ndu_mongolia_2008_nov.pdf Nice confirmation that Mongolia follows the practice of the Soviets in awaring organisations as well as individuals.
    11. Asashoryu Receives Highest Award in Mongolia Written by Ch.Sumiyabazar Tuesday, June 16, 2009. Mongolia-born grand champion of Japanese ancient sport of sumo, Yokozuna Asashoryu or D.Dagvadorj in Mongolian, was beautified with the Hero of Labor, the highest state award, last Friday along with an accompanying Order of Sukhbaatar. The awards were presented by incumbent President N.Enkhbayar at the Government House. Asashoryu, 28, is the 68th grand champion of professional sumo wrestling, and he took Emperor’s Cup 23 times in the past. “He has continued to produce new records in sumo and has also been a source of encouragement for Mongolian athletes to perform well in the Olympics and world championships,” Enkhbayar said. “I’m really happy to receive this award,” Asashoryu said. He would like work hard to continue sumo wrestling. Asashoryu became the 11th recipient of the highest award from the sportsmen. Last time, N.Tuvshinbayar, who became the first Mongolian to win a gold medal at 2008 Beijing Olympics, received the Hero of Labor award. On the same day, Ozeki Harumafuji or D.Byambadorj received State Merit Award.
    12. Is the catalogue available for download already?
    13. Got my uigur polar start with serial nr 8 in today. It's in almost pristine condition, perhaps unawarded? Pics to come this evening.
    14. The thing with Mongolian (and even more so Albanian for that matter) is that it's not really "priced out of the market". The market has just generally dried up. Not entirely of course, but it's more drip feeding. Yep, DPRK would be cold. -5 to -10 celsius in Pyong Yang I read. That I can handle, but I also want to travel up north to border with China. Due to weather conditions that might not be possible. On the other hand, new years party in Pyong Yang... sounds appealing to me. Every couple of years I like spending new year "elsewhere"... Chisinau (Moldova) 8 years ago or so, I summited Kilimanjaro on new year a few years ago, etc. Anyway, back to Mongolia collecting: now what?
    15. I was intending to visit DPRK late december (new year in Pyong Yang!) but not sure whether the climate will be reasonable enough for a vacation:) Still planning... if not december, then summer 2010. I'd say 70% chance that it's december though as my curiosity is sparked and have started to read up on everything I want to see, do, etc. there. I do collect exotic things: Albanian orders/medals! Even there it's difficult to make further progress. Collection is virtually complete (missing a few extremely hard to get items) and it's waiting for research. Probably will visit Albania again in a few months to attent an exhibition on Albanian orders/medals and the launch of a new book. Albania has changed a lot vs. when I was first there 5 (?) years ago or so. Another reason to not wait too long with DPRK:) Also, spotted an interesting Tamara on FJP Auctions (unfortunatly, too late to bid). Perhaps you can have a look at their current (out of date) catalogue online. It's a Tamara with black center. DPRK, Albania, Tamara... how more obscure can I get?:)
    16. In the past, everything was better (of course). I remember logging on to eBay early 2006 and there just being too much good stuff to all bid on. Logging on to GMIC each day and seeing new posts with new variations, types, and sometimes even the first picture close-up of a rare item. Ah those good old days... Will things get better again?
    17. That's nice, I have one coming my way which could be best descrined as an older brother to this one:) Pics to follow.
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