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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. Would greatly appreciate some translation help - this is I believe an additional document relating to the red banner. Happy to provide a larger file via email to anybody who'd be willing and able to provide some translation help.
    2. http://books.google.com/books?id=49hwAAAAM...dash&pgis=1 Although the russian archives might not want to share anything, I hope in coming weeks to be able to paint a much more specific picture on who our guy is. Will have a look in the blue bible (containing Mongolian bio's) tomorrow as well as he should be in there... this is going to get more and more interesting.
    3. I'll be dripping some more bits and pieces into this thread during the coming weeks... First: "Sodnomdarjaa, one of the most famous Partisans of 1921 and the leader of a raid, several years later, into a no-man's-land..." http://books.google.com/books?id=wMBxAAAAM...H-AQ&pgis=1 Sounds like an interesting book, so have ordered it via ABE.com
    4. Thanks - sometimes the answer is right in front of you. I googled for hours to find the name of a mongolian person (see red banner thread in soviet section) and simply didn't even consider googling for this :speechless:
    5. Ed mentioned that Rick R's first post in this thread was the very first Mongolia post. It's fun to read the old posts back. :cheeky:
    6. Have to think hard about what I'd love to have researched the most. Probably: 1) old style red banner that I have 2) industrialization valor which - i have strong suspicions - was awarded to a person who's SB I also have 3) and then, well... do I have to choose? This is of course a "problem" we do not yet have... :unsure:
    7. These are one group or are seperate singles?
    8. Congratulations What was actually the first post? :unsure:
    9. What? You haven't posted yet??? Show show show! :cheers:
    10. Probably, but isn't it great the Mongolia section has progressed to raise such questions - we've certainly come a long way already from "hey, i have a polar star with the serial number at 7 'o clock instead of 6 'o clock" And on top, more and more often we are seeing groups / singles where the "story" behind it is know (I'm in process of getting the 2 groups I posted a while ago which have the recipient posted in the blue bible translated). Things are only getting better and better :cheers:
    11. Range of (Aimag mainly I think) deputy badge documents related to following group: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5226...0&start=100 Top row: 1961 Archangai / 1963 Archangai / 1965 Archangai Middle row: 1969 (perhaps not aimag?) / 1975 (perhaps not aimag either) / 1975 Archangai Bottom: 1981 Archangai
    12. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5226...0&start=100 Some documents related to MPRP (membership or just participation in conference?) from above group - top to bottom: 1960 / 1961 / 1961 / 1968 / 1971 And on the right: another document for 1961 For 1971, there is a badge in Battushig (and I'm looking for that badge!)
    13. Yep, and those are not all "long service" awards for him :rolleyes:
    14. Got more scans in. Ed, I think my guy is the guy on the right of your picture... Oh, and notice the dress again... perhaps a "member of parliament" dress?
    15. I made him an offer, but unfortunately it was an offer that he COULD refuse... I admit, I ehmm lowballed just for the fun of it :cheers:
    16. Update - guesstimate from Rick Research on the missing ribbon is "Swedish Vasa or maybe a Persian Lion and Sun". Not being familiar with Italian history, would any of those two options historically make sense? First row: Commendatore dell'Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro / Grande Ufficiale dell'Ordine della Corona d'Italia / Commendatore dell'Ordine Coloniale della Stella d'Italia Second row: Commander in the Order of Scanderbeg / Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta, Ordine di S. Giovanni di Gerusalemme, di Rodi e di Malta / 'Order of the German Eagle' (Nazi award) / x Third row: Bulgarian Order of Civil Merit? / 'Vatican Order of St Sylvester' / Ordine Equestre del Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme / Romanian Order of the Crown (knight?)
    17. Nope. Sitting back and waiting. I am curious of course... i recall buying some (undocumented) high end stuff a few years ago where the seller insisted on selling it as one set... always had the thought that he was trying to keep something together which should stay together... hope to find out someday, until then... keeping them carefully together:)
    18. Interesting, I see a same "suit" on one of the pictures of the big deputy group which I just posted.
    19. Above picture somewhat chronologically (top row left to right, next row left to right, etc.) depicts all of the documentation to this person. I'm sorting through the documents and a better way to look at them is probably more "thematcally grouped": - party membership documents (the "mandat" ones i think) - deputy documents (national parliament?) - other (regional) representative documents Anyway, that's for later this week!:)
    20. Cross-reference link to a large group with loads of deputy documents which I'll be reviewing in detail in coming days. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5226&st=80
    21. http://www.archives.gov.mn/index.php?optio...&Itemid=280 :rolleyes:
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