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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. Another variation (early, given the low number on reverse) of previously shown pin Also, a little badge "30 years communist authority 1945-1975"
    2. No problem Eric - everything that can help to get the documented materials on Albanian awards complete is great. Hopefully we can stimulate more people to come out with some of the extremely rare items still not seen on photograph!
    3. Ah yes, I see your point. Although there are more simple ways to obtain those "common" awards anyway - e.g. eBay rather than wait for an auction.
    4. Take a look at Alexei's site - all top end items sold / on hold.
    5. Called "Albania badge READY FOR WORK AND DEFENCE I class 50's" by the seller but have to check Eric's PDF bible
    6. 1948 COMMUNIST PARTY CHARTER BOOKLET - just in... nifty little format, they were concise in their charter!
    7. "During the communist regime, there was only one journalist organization, the Mongolian Journalist Union. It was established in 1951 and had over 900 members. The national renaissance brought by 1990?s democratic revolution paved the way for the emergence of new organizations and democratic institutions. The Mongolian Free Democratic Journalist Association (MFDJA) was established in 1991 and created as being the foundation of free and independent press in Mongolia . Its main aims were: - To establish a national free press; - To advocate for journalist?s professional independence - To protect and support working journalists (with freelance journalists as a priority); - To secure editorial independence and abolish all forms of censorship MFDJO declared for the first time in Mongolia that either direct or indirect censorship is unacceptable, thus leading to free and independent journalism in Mongolia . Since 1993, MFDJA?s initiative the World Press Freedom Day has being celebrated throughout the country. On this day, journalists express their unity and professional solidarity, share their views on press freedom and discuss the mass media situation in-Mongolia. World Press Freedom day is a time for all who believe in democracy and the rule of law to renew their commitment to supporting independent journalists and the crucial role they play in the development of civil society. The main message carried by organizations for press freedom is that it helps generate awareness among citizens that the free and pluralistic media is an inseparable part of human rights and democracy. In 1920-2000, a project ?Free and Independent press in Mongolia ? was extended by the development assistance Agency of Denmark DANIDA, which established the Mongolian Press Institute and ?Free press? printing house. After 11 years of separation, Mongolia ?s journalists united to form a new organization. On April 2, 2002 , the MJU and MFDJA merged to form the Confederation of Mongolian Journalists. Today Mongols cannot imagine their lives without the free press. The people of Mongolia have a broad variety of different and competing media. As described in the annual survey of Freedom House ( New York ), Mongolia moves towards diverse private print and broadcast news services. According to the International Journalists? Community, there are three categories of free press development: Free, Not Free, and Partly Free. Mongolia is listed in the category of Free." http://english.mongolia800.mn/mass_media_j...journalism.html
    8. can anybody integrate the 2 threads on same award?
    9. My conclusion is a different one - the highest end Mongolian items got good (even somewhat high) prices... the 2 SBs and the 4.250 Order of Labor Glory. As with Soviet items, prices for these will continue to rise I expect. It's been the "lower end" stuff which didn't sell probably for a number of reasons: - easier / quicker ways to get them than from this auction - available copies of these awards more than sufficient to satisfy demand
    10. Get 'm as long as you can below 3K RECENTLY SOLD pinback - USD 1.870, nr 1.918, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 - USD 1.880, nr 1.785, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 (boxed) - USD 1.950, nr 860, www.russianglory.com - MARCH 2007 - EURO 1.600 (roughly 2.100 USD), nr 1.183, www.huesken.com - MARCH 2007 - EURO 1.650 (roughly 2.200 USD), nr 1.514, www.huesken.com - JUNE 2007 - EURO 1.300 (roughly 1.700 USD), nr 1.246, private seller - SEPTEMBER 2007 - EURO 1.600 (roughly 2.200 USD - before fees!), nr 1.514, Andreas Thies October auction - OCTOBER 2007 - USD 1.850, nr 1.947, Nota Bene - NOVEMBER 2007 - USD 2.150, nr 1.837, www.collectrussia.com - NOVEMBER 2007 - USD 1.950, nr 1.437, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2008 - USD 1.400 (excl. 15% auction premium), nr 1,246, Dmitry Markov auction - JANUARY 2008 screwback - USD 1.680, nr 644, Nota Bene - NOVEMBER 2006 - EUR 1.630 (roughly 2.150 USD), nr 585, Albert GMIC - MAY 2007 - USD 2.650, nr 644 (again!), Nota Bene - OCTOBER 2007 (boxed) - USD 2.900, nr 640, www.collectrussia.com - NOVEMBER 2007 - USD 2.500, nr 777, somewhere in Russia - DECEMBER 2007 - USD 3.250 (excl. 15% auction premium), nr 427, Dmitry Markov auction - JANUARY 2008 CURRENTLY FOR SALE pinback - USD 2.450, nr 1.764, <a href="http://auction-su.com/-,itemname,160966,id,auctiondetails" target="_blank">http://auction-su.com/-,itemname,160966,id,auctiondetails</a> - USD 2.750, nr 1.635, www.collectrussia.com screwback - USD 3.500, nr 227, Coinsell (on eBay)
    11. OK, so I get WAY outbid on the screwback... and to a lesser degree on the pinback. Add the auction fee and you've got 2 pretty expensive awards there...
    12. Sorry, just stored the scanner (living very small while my new house is being fixed up - everything is in boxes). Nothing special on the reverse though. Flat metal with a pin. No marks. It's a very small badge.
    13. Always unfortunate when faked groups are returned yet continue to be sold on as a group.
    14. I put some bids in for Mongolian items at the upper end of what I considered reasonable... judging from above, I guess I'll not see my money leaving my account!
    15. 50 years of climbing mount everest commemorative medal from Nepal RIP Edmund Hillary
    16. Hi Lapa - thanks I also figured that out when I looked at my other KG doc's. I was confused because this new one has the actual pictures clear on the booklet outside while my other ones are completely faded. I guess I should be happy to get one in a better state:) The brown leather one is still a mystery...
    17. A military badge (supposedly Albanian) No further detals Nothing on reverse to help
    18. Just in a nice doc with photograph and - what appears to be - 2 enamel ribbons + a badge on top of it which is unidentifiable.
    19. Just in, new inventory medal - 323 For some reason, these "odd" numbered ones really spark my curiosity Have one coming in the mail to me which at least has some hope of possible research as it's given by a public institution which still exists. Will contact them as soon as I have the item in my hands.
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