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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. http://www.soviet-awards.com/forum/soviet-military-awards/researchers-corner/researched-orders/19685-red-star-mongolian-1780094-a-2.html#post114793 Useful cross-reference for Red Stars awarded to Mongolians long before the 3.700.000 range!
    2. Hi Dave (and others:)) - suggest to have a look at the following thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39929&pid=377910&st=20&#entry377910 The "range" appears to be much more narrow.
    3. Bingo! http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=23322&st=0 Ed's guy has red star nr 3700041. My guy has red star 3700098. There are exactly 56 other names in between these two people on the list I have. This appears to indicate (only two data points, but still...) that the names on the list are in the order of the award numbers! So what? Well... First of all, this gives a range (at least for 1971 "mass awardings") for red stars from 3700000 to 3700144 as far as "awarded to Mongolians". It also means we can tentatively link other red stars within that range to actual names. For example, I have 3700025 in my possession. This person would be on page 4. My poor cyrillic script would then indicate the name to be (surname) Dagvadorja. All of this is boring to most people I guess, but not to me :cheers:
    4. Final page - numbered 14 on top... wheras the previous one was 8. Again, message back from researcher was that pages 9-13 did not contain Mongolians... but that just surprises me... i'd have expected page 8-14 to simply be filled with battle merit medal recipients... Perhaps getting the missing pages will provide the answers:(
    5. The numbers on top right hand corner of each page appear to indicate page numbering in the "binder" containing many more ukaz. It also confirms I'm missing some pages belonging to this ukaz. Here's a close up of page 8 top right hand corner - any clue what it means?
    6. Damn, the scans lose all detail when compressed:( Will be happy to share offline with "veteran" Mongolia forum members - just drop PM. Interesting, now i'm actually going through the list of names... the first october revolution is for... Tsedenbal:)
    7. Page 8, 2 additional orders of red star giving us a an accurate total... in addition, 28 medals of battle merit Will try to post seperate highlight of text on top right hand corner
    8. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2009/post-679-125840496066.jpgPage 7 - additional 33 red star recipients
    9. Page 5 - additional 35 red star recipients May be interesting to try to match known numbers to names... and then see if the order of names reflects number of red star given
    10. Second scan i have is actually page 3 - supposedly page 2 did not contain Mongolians (I'm still trying to get that page as it may still be of interest). This then probably means the top 20 names are not additional Mongolian recipients of the October Revolution order (or does somebody recognize Mongolian names after all?). It does refer to 10 Order of Red Star recipients. More pages to follow on this though.
    11. 8 pages of scans... here is the first one. Clearly referring to 4 orders of lenin and 7 orders of the october revolution; my memory had failed me and this doc does not refer to Sodnom Darja (who had received a Soviet Order of Red Banner, i have it incl. documentation in another thread ). translation pending with a friend
    12. Suurin Baldan's group of doc's has a hardcover version of this document. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39929
    13. 8 pages of scans... indicating: - 4 order of lenins - 27 order of october revolution - 145 order of red star - 32 combat (?) medals (have to check in the book, my russian isn't good) Awarded in 1971. Gives an intro as to why these were awarded (in general) and lists the name / "job title" of each recipient. Suspect (without translation still) that these were all awarded for an anniversary in 1971. Unfortunately i have 8 pages of scans... but the page nr's are "front page", 3-4-5-6-7-8 and then 14... So i suspect the nr of awarded medals is much higher (and potentially missing other medal names) while there may also be (missing page 2) some october revolutions (and potentially other high orders? e.g. red banner?) missing in the documentation that I've received. scans + translations to follow EDIT: the 27 order of october revolution is probably incorrect as a page is missing which supposedly is not mongolia related, therefore the first entries on page 3 probably do not relate to (mongolian) october revolution awardees. Again, trying to get the missing page for completeness/confirmation purposes.
    14. Two seperate groups appear to be interlinked... more news soon! http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=36164&st=0
    15. Just received the Ukaz which appears to document all (?) soviet awards given to Mongolians. Came as research for a Monoglian General (see Mongolia forum) who had received a SOviet Red Star. Guess who was on top of the list of this Ukaz? Sodnomdarja... for a Soviet Order of Lenin! Will post scans tomorrow evening. Having the document researched. Potentially VERY interesting! Docs will be posted below: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39929&st=20&gopid=377530&
    16. Just got word from the researcher. Only in the end the Ukaz was found. A multi page document with lots of names and indication of Soviet awards given to them. Will be able to post it tomorrow evening when I'm back from Riga. Am also having it translated. Should be very interesting as it also mentions Order of Lenin, Order of October Revolution, etc. - hopefully it is a list of awards to Mongolians only and this may provide a very nice bit of background to our forum!
    17. Was just in touch with my "researcher" (who used to be a great dealer in soviet awards!) First pass didn't show up anything in the archives:( Second pass managed to uncover a copy of the edict (what that means, have to wait and see... the proclamation which specifies that a certain number of Mongolians will be receiving Order of Red Star for reasons xyz?). Possibly also interesting for some of the other Mongolian red star awardees mentioned here on the site. Third pass still underway with hopes still alive to find more. I'm excited like a little boy before Xmas at what might come:) Will post scans here once available of course!
    18. Nothing on reverse either. It's not an expensive badge but still an interesting one (aren't they all:)). I guess - also judging by what's depicted on it besides the text - it has to do with electricity or something like this. In other words, perhaps an industrial / trade fair kind of thing related to energy / electricty. I guess we'll never know for sure. Thanks in any case Rick.
    19. Somebody at work gave this to me - now, what is it? Probably translation will provide the answer! Thanks, Bob
    20. Document related to the "Sports Champion" badge shown in one of the very first posts in this thread. Document is from 1972 and for a result of 0.90m (of what: highjump?).
    21. Albanian King Zog era badge: 10th anniversary of the monarchy Reverse: E. Gardino, Roma
    22. Almost 4 (!!!) years of the mongolia forum! From the early rush to discovering / figuring out new types to subsequent deeper understand and now... almost dead silence. Last couple of weeks there seems to be a slight surge of stuff for sale on ebay again but the recession hasn't really pulled out that much more out of Mongolia (i would have expected that to happen, food on the table becoming more relevant than "grandpa's old awards" unfortunately)... so it seems the west (if not Russia!) has already gotten hold of a lot. Personally, i'm considering reducing the size of my collection (getting rid of all the "types" that I chased early on and focussing on items / groups / documents which I find interesting for other reasons than just being another sub-variation to complete all sub-variations in shoe box). I'm wondering what's next for this forum (and Mongolia collecting) though... * is Dr B working on a new book? * how often has the carrot of "research" been held in front of us and gotten us all excited? * will there come a point (as in soviet collecting) where items start shifting back to Mongolia from collections in the west? * what'll happen with this forum? just some random thoughts... hope i'm not the only one still checking in here on occasion:(
    23. On the second photo, what is the pin/medal on his left hand side right above his arm?
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