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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. I appreciate your apology. I am puzzled by your explanation though since I actually asked you in a subsequent email HOW you would like to have received payment. Had you indicated to me that you didn't accept paypal, I would have happily made different arrangements. Besides, if you wanted cash, then why go to the trouble of posting it on eBay via a 3rd party who does accept Paypal. Let's call a spade a spade. Isn't a more plausible explanation that you backed out of a deal because a "quick buck" could be made elsewhere? This example coupled with the first post in this thread puts a dark cloud over some of the dealings in Mongolian awards.
    2. In case dealers / sellers have difficulting in understanding the "so what" of above messages. Let me summarize: 1) when you offer items for sale, describe them accurately 2) do not offer items for sale which you do not own 3) when you offer something for sale and a buyer explicitly commits to buying it, the deal is formalized therefore the item is not to be up for sale to other people anymore These are relatively simple "rules" to live by... IF you are interested in building a loyal long-term and profitable client base... and they are beneficial for both the buyer and the seller.
    3. Unfortunately I feel compelled to post another addition to this thread and this time also be more specific as I've experienced a more recent example now. It is not my intention to create "fight" but I do believe that in the small Mongolia collecting community some self-policing is appropriate to keep the hobby clean. Perhaps it is not common to go public with such disputes but I personally see at the end of the day no difference vs. other commercial transactions (e.g. buying a pair of jeans) where the conduct I will describe would also be considered unacceptable. The forum member usairforce recently offered an item for sale to me. I confirmed to him I'd buy at his quoted price and asked for details on how he'd like to be paid. In response to this, I received an email that the item had been sold already. Subsequently I saw the same item for sale on eBay by another forum member reichsrommel. Thinking "lucky me", I pressed the "buy it now" button and subsequently requested the total amount to be paid including shipping so I could paypal the amount asap. In response to this, I was informed that reichsrommel did not actually OWN the item offered for sale on eBay but that he was offering it for sale on behalf of usairforce. I was also informed that apparently the item was not for sale anymore because the item had been sold by usairforce already. Guys, the Mongolia collecting community is very small and very pleasurable. Above kind of behaviour undermines this though and, to be perfectly honest, I find it unacceptable. Furthermore, please be aware that through this kind of behaviour you are undermining your own credibility both on and off this forum.
    4. Very nice Anatoly - I have to say it looks great also on the black background. I think quite some people find the Albanian awards a bit crude in design / manufacture but I find it somehow rather fitting with the country and your display in facts brings out the best of these awards It also looks a lot better than the shoeboxes I keep my awards in!
    5. Nice: silver, numbered and with screwnut+washer Haven't noticed a lot of these (although I haven't been actively looking) but certainly is appealing. Hopefully not a slippery slope to enter Czech...
    6. Silly question maybe - but is that info from the book you referred to, or do you have access to other information? If so, would it be possible to expand on that?
    7. RECENTLY SOLD pinback - USD 1.870, nr 1.918, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 - USD 1.880, nr 1.785, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 (boxed) - USD 1.950, nr 860, www.russianglory.com - MARCH 2007 - EURO 1.600 (roughly 2.100 USD), nr 1183, www.huesken.com - MARCH 2007 - EURO 1.650 (roughly 2.200 USD), nr 1514, www.huesken.com - JUNE 2007 - EURO 1.300 (roughly 1.700 USD), nr 1246, private seller - SEPTEMBER 2007 screwback - USD 1.680, nr 644, Nota Bene - NOVEMBER 2006 - EUR 1.630 (roughly 2.150 USD), nr 585, Albert GMIC - MAY 2007 - USD 2.650, nr 644 (again!), Nota Bene - OCTOBER 2007 (boxed) CURRENTLY FOR SALE pinback - EURO 1.600 (roughly 2.200 USD), nr 1514, Andreas Thies October auction - USD 2.150, nr 1.837, www.collectrussia.com - USD 1.850, nr 1947, Nota Bene screwback - USD 3.300, nr 227, Coinsell (on eBay) - USD 2.900, nr 640, www.collectrussia.com
    8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieaKNKHJssg youtube footage
    9. Great - thanks so much! As a Dutchman, am always happy to hear about good milk production achievements:) I only have the award document and not the actual Soyombo or other awards but great to know the "story" behind the document.
    10. Hi UB - if I may request, anything in the book on the following person
    11. Hi Anatoly - how about first a general overview picture of your entire Albania collection - then we can all pick and choose:) Anything you'd like to share really.
    12. Interesting, I received my first research in the mail today and - also - without the translation I had paid for:( Just a simple red start that I had researched because it was a vacation souvenir... and it's frustrating to have the papers in hand yet no info:(
    13. I'd also be very interested in that book. If you find a second copy in addition to Ed's, please send a message
    14. If I may answer that question for myself. Friens somewhat understand collecting Soviet... but think I'm crazy for collecting Albanian / Mongolian. Don't particularly feel insulted. In fact, I wish we had more people in the world who are a bit "crazy". After all, seems like Sergei's dinner party must have been very stimulating - it's very inspirational to see / hear people speak about things they are passionate about, regardless whether you directly understand it or not.
    15. Good points - but I'm also trying to guard my bank account a bit and the areas you indicate offer quite a broad area of collection - even just say North Korea is already very broad. I was looking at Ugandan awards (I like obscure countries!) but there's even more slim pickings there than Albanian - although it looks like a nice area to "pioneer" in. More closer to home, I'm under the impression that Czechoslovakian socialist awards are perhaps very underappreciated.
    16. Yes, and how many new, exotic areas of collecting can be found after Mongolia, Albania, etc. ?
    17. Welcome Anatoly - hope to see more posts - the more the merrier in the Albanian section
    18. I guess not, but this one will probably be of interest to you: http://www.emedals.ca/catalog.asp?item=RO229#bigPic
    19. Did some googling out of curiosity - have to say I'm very impressed by the design of the Czechoslovakian award - also the "regular" Hero star. Definately takes the standard design a step further in refinement.
    20. Hi Rick, talk about an eye for detail It could be hollow (how to know?) but is definately not full gold considering the weight. I checked up close and indeed the pins are broken off so it might just be that the suspension for both awards ought to be identical.
    21. Fellow forum-members: I was approached today to purchase a unique and very attractive (and expensive) documented group. This group was offered to me by a middle man who himself did not own it and with whom I've had good dealings in the past. However, it quickly became clear that the group was in fact already in possession of another forum member who's clearly not interested in selling it ( ) so the person offering the group for sale via the middle man was not at all in a position to offer it for sale AGAIN. I hope it turns out this all rests on "confusion" but I'd be surprised given that photographs were provided to me which were not publically available on this GMIC forum. I've discussed with the real owner of the group as well as with the middle man and they are equally puzzled by what is happening here. Lesson is clear: please all be aware of things offered which may have shady background and be sure to refer to this forum first (e.g. also checking the award numbers/dates thread - if it's included there... somebody here most likely has it in possession and odds of being for sale would be small I guess).
    22. I still hope that perhaps new "jewels" will find it's way over here for our pleasure and learning simply by the fact that I suspect there's still only a very small sub-set of Mongolian collectors active here on GMIC. Back in the "good old days" when every month or two Nota Bene would have a tsunami of "good stuff" from Mongolia, eBay was full with hundreds of very interesting items each month and direct links with Mongolia offered also a steady stream of breathtaking items, this place was buzzing with activity every single day... and not all of the buyers came back to GMIC to share details with us. I agree, now research is key - not just to revive the forum but to expand our knowledge base. Surely it'll also dramatically increase interest in Mongolian awards again. Just, to get back to my first point, hope those people who haven't found GMIC yet manage to find it. Bob
    23. For future reference: Complete weight: 11.8 gr (light - clearly not solid gold) Without suspension: 6.75 gr Width startip to startip: 30.20mm Thicknes of star (incl. cogwheel): 6.30mm Width from suspension: 25.60mm Height of suspension: 19.30mm Box: 24.30 x 61.20 x 81.70
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