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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. Bought that Stalinist Architecture book... VERY good! suggest you all also look on www.abe.com a very good site to look for long lost books
    2. New auction up on Zeige - most notable Albanian item being - presumably, the pic is an error - a gold order of the flag. Noted in the description that only 76 of such version were awarded. Would be interesting to know the source of that information.
    3. Would you be willing to share the name of the person? Any more details know about the background of this awarding?
    4. Is this the highest award for Yugoslavia? Reason I'm asking is that there's one (documented) for auction on Hermann Historica. A very nice one. Bob
    5. Hello Mr Albania Could you shed some more light on this thread? Are the names / citations public knowledge and centrally available somewhere for isntance?
    6. Here you go - just in. Wanted a documented one of these for a long time. Can these be researched?
    7. As background music in this thread I hear the instrumentals from the Jaws movie... because there's something coming closer and closer but we can't see it just yet... oh the suspense!
    8. If you were an investor, wouldn't you choose a more mainstream area precisely for that reason... better liquidity? Although I am confident Mongolian awards - the rare ones that is - will appreciate and appreciate over time... for investment purposes, the 12K ones may in fact be much worse than let's say a Soviet order of friendship.
    9. Just flipping further through the auction catalogue (great reference work - highest quality catalogue I've ever seen). Amazing group: a German EK group... aviator who also flew in '20's in Russia and was awarded one of only 90 Red Banner Orders of Chorezm!
    10. Have a look at the item nr 197 in the new Andreas Thies auction.... never seen this medal before. Very nice... as well as some other items:) Biggest bunch of Buchara items I've seen in 1 group.
    11. RECENTLY SOLD pinback - USD 1.870, nr 1.918, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 - USD 1.880, nr 1.785, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 (boxed) - USD 1.950, nr 860, www.russianglory.com - MARCH 2007 - EURO 1.600 (roughly 2.100 USD), nr 1183, www.huesken.com - MARCH 2007 screwback - USD 1.680, nr 644, Nota Bene - NOVEMBER 2006 CURRENTLY FOR SALE SCREWBACK - USD 2.900, nr 640, www.collectrussia.com PINBACK - EURO 1.650 (roughly 2.200 USD), nr 1514, www.huesken.com - USD 2.150, nr 1.837, www.collectrussia.com
    12. Some very nice items on Dmitry's site... I think I've seen that Order of Friendship before somewhere though. Also, the Bulgarian set is a beauty.
    13. I am not sure whether obverse / reverse pics are of the same Soyombo.... The obverse pic looks familiar and - for many obvious reasons - does not appear to meet the same standards as "known" authentic ones.
    14. That would explain (I hope) why on recent Zeige auction somebody paid a huge sum of money for one (it was billed as being formerly owned by a senior member of the Albanian military... but without numbers/docs... that's just a "story" of course).
    15. Certainly the weirdest looking ring attachment I've ever seen!
    16. RECENTLY SOLD pinback - USD 1.870, nr 1.918, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 - USD 1.880, nr 1.785, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 (boxed) - USD 1.950, nr 860, www.russianglory.com - MARCH 2007 - EURO 1.600 (roughly 2.100 USD), nr 1183, www.huesken.com - MARCH 2007 screwback - USD 1.680, nr 644, Nota Bene - NOVEMBER 2006 CURRENTLY FOR SALE SCREWBACK - USD 2.900, nr 640, www.collectrussia.com PINBACK - USD 2.150, nr 1.837, www.collectrussia.com So... market price on pinback just went up again vs. a month ago.
    17. ..and self-discipline: I sense a slippery slope here
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