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    peter monahan

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    Everything posted by peter monahan

    1. Gard #69 Can any one tell me the 3 different in Yemen Arab Republic: Wound Badge. People's Democratic Republic of Yemen: Order of War Wounded. Republic of Yemen: Wound Badge. Thanks Rod t's a little complicated, but basically, I think, three awards issued by either two or three different states: one by 'North Yemen', one by 'South Yemen' and one by the united state just known as 'Yemen'. I'll leave you to sort out which is which. Yemen Arab Republic also known as North Yemen or Yemen (Sana'a), was a country from 1962 to 1990 in the northwestern part of what is now Yemen. The People's Democratic Republic of Yemen , also referred to as South Yemen, Democratic Yemen, or the South Arabian Federation, was a socialist state in the southern and eastern provinces of the present-day Republic of Yemen. It was united with the Yemen Arab Republic (commonly known as "North Yemen") on 22 May 1990 to form Yemen Peter Monahan oamotme Full Member Silver Membership 844 posts Location:Riyadh, Saudi Arabia #72 Posted November 18 Gard, I attach images of the two variations of the YAR wound badge which I purchased in Sana'a in the 1990's. Peter, As Moderator can I ask that you transfer to a new topic the last three posts as 'Yemeni Wound Awards'? Many thanks, Owain
    2. Gard Basic Member Basic Membership 6 posts Location:Australia #69 Posted November 5 Can any one tell me the 3 different in Yemen Arab Republic: Wound Badge. People's Democratic Republic of Yemen: Order of War Wounded. Republic of Yemen: Wound Badge. Thanks Rod Poted November 5 It's a little complicated, but basically, I think, three awards issued by either two or three different states: one by 'North Yemen', one by 'South Yemen' and one by the united state just known as 'Yemen'. I'll leave you to sort out which is which. Yemen Arab Republic also known as North Yemen or Yemen (Sana'a), was a country from 1962 to 1990 in the northwestern part of what is now Yemen. The People's Democratic Republic of Yemen , also referred to as South Yemen, Democratic Yemen, or the South Arabian Federation, was a socialist state in the southern and eastern provinces of the present-day Republic of Yemen. It was united with the Yemen Arab Republic (commonly known as "North Yemen") on 22 May 1990 to form Yemen oamotme Full Member Silver Membership 844 posts Location:Riyadh, Saudi Arabia #72 Posted November 18 Gard, I attach images of the two variations of the YAR wound badge which I purchased in Sana'a in the 1990's. Owain
    3. Either very lucky or very unlucky, depending on one's view of the wolrd. Either way, probably not the most popular guy to share a foxhole with!
    4. Thanks, Mickey. Clearly a complex field. I meant only that I wouldn't be surprised if the camo they wore were printed by the same company [South African] or in the same pattern as the older 'bad' stuff, if that was the cheapest available.
    5. I suspect, given t colheir current economic situation, that the Zim. Army wears whatever it can beg, borrow or steal and is bl**dy grateful to have it. I'd bet gassing up thr vehicles and making sure all the ammo pouches are full is a major endeavour these days.
    6. Sadly, there isn't a museum in the world which can display more than 10-20% of its collection. I work occasionally at three different [smallish] local museums and our least favourite visitors are the ones who come in to show Cousin George the left-handed horse collar they donated 17 years ago and are appalled that it isn't in a front case. The fact that we have 16 horse collars, 14 of them in better condition and with verified local connections hardly ever satisfies the donor, who goes away convinced that we have somehow 'cheated' them by accepting, however reluctantly, their gift in the first place. To add insult to injury, of course, not infrequently the conversation around possible donations begins with 'Well, I was going to take it to the rubbish tip but...'. One of the museums I volunteer at had wonderful wonderful artifacts given to the recently retired curator, who knew everyone in the county and never said now to a donation. This means, of course, that we have some things that the Royal Ontario Museum covets and a whole load of complete sh*t* which Jimmy 'couldn't say no to.'
    7. Presumably decided by whoever did the mounting, in the abscence of any official guidelines.
    8. Interesting! I'd say, judging from the size, that it is a piece of whatever the WWII equivalent of 'trench art' was. The cloth looks a bit coarse for a handkerchief and the stitching is exactly the sort of thing I, or some clumsy trooper, might do in a quiet moment. Very probably genuine, I'd say, as it would be such an odd thing to fake, unless it came with a great story and a big price tag. Here's an example of the 7th Armoured's shoulder sign, a slightly more complex version than this - hand painted, obviously - example.
    9. "What is interesting though the primers have been fired, all of the ammunition is period and has power in them. (Scratching head)" Have you actually pulled a bullet to verify that the cartridge fillings are powder? One explanationmight be that they are inert rounds, made up using fired casings, bullets and some sort of filler to give them weight and intended for training purposes.
    10. I did wonder, but know that many men buried overseas also had 'local' stones - I have photos of a half dozen named to Alliston men who died in WWI. The patriotic medal is classic high Victorian too! And a fine design, which wasn't always true of such things. Thansk for sharing the information.
    11. Well called. The 55th were in Afghanistan and earned the N.W.F. 1919 bar. After '22 they became the 1/13th FF Rifles - and medals issued 1923 and later would reflect that, I think - but also do not appear to have been in action again until WWII.
    12. The style is different but the proportions of the two letters seem very similar. I'd say 'Ernst Ludwig' is a real possibility.
    13. Great story and research! The extra privately made [I assume] medallion is lovely too, Mike. Thank you for sharing that! I'm in Alliston, north of Torortnto, so Owen Sound is just ' a piece up the road' from me. Perhaps I'll go see hammond's stone some day.
    14. I agree: almost certainly a piece of horse harness, though it coukld I suppose be for a military horse as easily as a civilian one.
    15. Mike Careless of me to imply that the dated medals went to the Constabulary. Not my intention! 'Back in the day' - when I had money for medals - a dated medals to the Lord Strath's was the Holy Grail of Canadian collecting, although one I once saw named to the 'Bushveld Carbiniers' was a strong contender for that title too.
    16. Some of the Canadians who went to SA were among the very few awarded the QSA with the original dates on it. Such things are higly collectible, of course, and I believe Mike has one!
    17. No need for that Tony. I only meant that if you didn't want to keep it I'd be happy to give it a home. But thtnks for the kind thought! Peter
    18. Well done for rescuing this and the other WWI medals from obscurity/the dutbin/the melting pot. The Jat LI went to France in 1914 with the Dehra Dun Brigade, 7th meerut Division, and on to Mespot. in 1915. Good soldiers. If you tire of looki ng after this one, let me know and I'd be happy to give it a home. Peter
    19. 'Captain Laxmi' was Doctor Laksmi Sagal, who was practicing medecine in Singapore in 1940 - running a clinic for Indian labourers. She helped wounded Indian POWs and became involved with the Indian National Army under Bose - you know who he was. As a propaganda tool - a female, medical doctor who fought for independence - she was invaluable to the INA cause, I suspect. She also established the 'Rani of Jhansi' all-female regiment of the INA in 1943. that led to the nickname 'Captain Laxmi / Lakshmi' which she bore for the rest of her life. Seems to have escaped criminal trial after the war but went on to joing the Indian Communist Party, serve in various feminist organizations and was still seeing patinets at age 92! Quite a lady. I suspect the medal itself is a fund raiser or commemorative, almost certainly created during the war, as such items would have been quickly destroyed or hidden after 1945! Possibly a much more recent striking, but y money would be on the war period, based on the quality and apparent age. A nice find indeed.
    20. The most useful information for identifying this will be the words/letters/numbers and symbols stamped at the top of the blade. In this case, it appears, under the two 'wings' which project downward from the hilt. Those mat include maker's name, arsenal marks and so on. The style is common to a number of European armies but I think - guessing mostly - that it may be German. Or possibly one of th Scandanavian countries, who copied german style in many military fashions. Sorry I can't say more, not my field, but having the stampings will help.
    21. Those are honking big collar dogs! 10 minutes extra on kit polishing every day must have made the lads happy.
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