Hello fellow GMIC collectors,
I recently bought at e-bay a medal set of 6 of Major George N.F. Powell.
His service details are (mostly from the London Gazette)
25 july 1912 promoted to Lieutenant in the 6th (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Rifles), Territorial Force (LG 4 oct 1912)
5 august 1914 promoted to Captain still serving in the same unit. (LG 15 sept 1914)
15 oct 1915 Mentioned in Despatches (LG 1 jan 1916)
1 april 1916 promoted to Major, still serving in the same unit as above, dtd 8 march 1917 (LG 13 apr 1917)
1 april 1918 granted a temporary commission as Captain (RAF, Administration branch) and to be Honorary Major (LG 1 july 1919)
18 june 1919 relinquishes his commission on acc of ill-health caused by wounds and retains the rank of Major in the 6th Bn London Regt. (LG 18 june 1919)
23 june 1921 Major (late 6th Bn Lond. R.) in the General List, Infantry. (LG 22 june 1921)
9 oct 1926 resigns commission in the General List, Infantry, appointed to the Res. of Off. (LG 8 oct 1926)
9 oct 1926 Res. of Off., to be Major (Kings Royal Rifle Corps) with seniority 22nd sept 1923.
11 sept 1945 (Army Serial Nr. 111098), having exceeded the age limit of liability to recall, relinquishes his commission, retaining the rank of Major KRRC (regular Army Reserve of Officers, Infantry). (10th Volunteer Battalion, the Kings Royal Rifle Corps)
I enclose a picture of his six medals. From left to right: 1914-15 star, British War Medal, Victory medal with MiD, Defence Medal 1939-1945, War Medal 1939-1945 and the Jubilee medal 1935.
I am a bit new to this subject. So I have a question:
With abovementioned service in years, is major George Powell entitled to a TD, VD or ED?
Can the experts please enlighten me.
Lots of thanks in advance,