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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Ed, Thanks for your comments. I must say that it's "not" my intent to get anyone started on the pro gun/anti gun issue. However, it's what myself and my family were deeply involved in and there are so many parallels between these two situations that it just got too close to home for me. And totally agree on what you say... the danger is great and it is so important that we all stand up now and do something to nip it in the bud. Also I feel that everyone here knows of your deep commitment to our hobby and how much you care. Myself included. I'm deeply grateful for all our members, especially for those like yourself who go above and beyond the call to help any and all who ask for or appear to need your assistance. I feel better and more secure on a daily basis just knowing that kind of help and support is available. This is a terrific hobby and it's folks like the members of our club who make it so. I pray we are never legislated out of existance as that would be a loss not only to ourselves but to our communities as well. Again, many thanks! Dan
    2. Hi all, I've seen discussion of this on one of the other threads which was in that instance. So figured I'd start one here. I apologize in advance if this should be somewhere else or has already been done. But I strongly felt the need to comment on this. And at the outset I apologize if I offend anyone as that is not my intent. However, if I offend you "into action" then so be it! And also when I get passionate about something I rant... I realize going into it that it's rather long winded. But it's how I feel. And based on the experiences of myself and my family I feel it needs to be said and acted on. I have a small collection of U.S. awards I put together, most of them to duplicate what our (my wife's and myself) family members were or would have been awarded during their service careers. It's a tribute to them as well as representative examples of some U.S. awards for my collection. I don't actively seek them out with the exception of wanting to finish up my Legion of Merit collection. I had a chance to purchase a MOH many years before they were banned in the states. I went for something else instead. It was an unissued piece and again would have been used as a representative example in a cased display. Nothing more. But as I say I passed it up. But here's the thing. I've seen the comment made several times that "I don't collect U.S. medals myself" or something along those lines. I've heard this dangerous comment before. My wife Kim and I and our son were heavily involved in the gun control fight. Kim founded (along with four other ladies from other states... over the internet) an organization called SAS (Second Amendment Sisters) and went up against Rosie O'Donnell and her Million Mom's several Mother's Days ago. She and our son were on national television on a Good Morning America two hour special from the White House where they and others went up against President Clinton and the Million Mom's. Kim was also their national spokesperson and was on just about every form of media you can think of both here in the states and overseas. They did all this in just a few short months, compared with the Million Mom's who did it over the course of a couple of years and had millions of dollars to spend. We had extremely little to work with, all donations from individuals and some corporate... and very little from the NRA I might add. And that's the way we wanted it. We did not want to be seen as a puppet of the NRA which we were not. This was a grass roots organization founded by and run by women with the support of a great number of men... husbands, boyfriends or just those who felt ours was a righteous cause. They had a big rally to counter the MMM's up in Washington D.C. We were very close to the Washington Monument. They estimate we had 5,000 but some estimates went a great deal higher than that. Considering their lack of money and time it was a huge success. They also had gotten a petition signed by a ton of folks and it was placed into the record in Congress... I know because I was part of the delegation that presented it to Rep. Bob Barr from Georgia in his Congressional office. But here's what I meant earlier about dangerous comments. I heard so many hunters that I knew who stated that they were not that concerned about the gun control issue because they didn't own "assault weapons"... which of course is a misnomer to begin with! But they felt that their precious hunting guns would be immune to gun control. And these were guys that spent thousands of dollars every year hunting, between guns, ammo, vehicles,equipment, clothing, leasing land, etc. But they didn't feel threatened. However, the anti's did indeed and do indeed want "all" guns banned and confiscated. And they keep on trying. It's like that old story about how they came for the Jews and I did nothing. They came for the Catholics and I did nothing. They came for the gays and I did nothing, etc. But when they came for me... there was no one left to help me! It shouldn't matter whether someone collects U.S. or not... because if they can ban the one thing then they can ban it all!!!! You collect Soviet... watch out! You collect French... watch out. You collect British... well, you get the idea. And yes, OMSA, as the preeminent organization of collectors of Orders, Decorations and Medals... they do have a duty to get off their collective duffs and do something... anything, to help fight this! Do you honestly think the American Numsimatic Association would stand by and allow a bill to pass that would effectively end coin and currency collecting in this country? I think not! They'd be marching on D.C. with pitchforks and torches if need be! All U.S. Citizens have to realize... this is OUR government... not their government. It's "Of the people, by the people and for the people" Not... Of the politicians, by the politicians and for the politicians". This is our government and our country. These are our representatives and we MUST hold them accountable! Period!!!! If we don't... then we have absolutely no one to blame but ourselves. To start off, can someone please post where to locate the bill, it's sponsors and addresses of same. Then we all, as concerned members of our hobby, must write letters to each sponsor and supporter of this bill. It would also help to know which of our representatives do not support the bill and who is sitting on the fence. We must write them as well. And not only letters but postcards too... the cheap blank ones, not the picture types. And don't be afraid to call them either! The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The more people who write, call, etc. and the more often they do so the more they'll sit up and take notice. If you live in the D.C. area, visit Congress. Visit your Congressman's office no matter where you live... let them know in no uncertain terms that you DO NOT want this bill passed, and why. And also get together a petition and don't be afraid to proudly sign your name to it. Get as many signatures as possible and have someone present it to Congress... preferably from OMSA. Get support at gun, knife and militaria shows, militaria shops, surplus stores, reenactment events, you name it! Anywhere that folks will be that would be or might be supportive of our hobby. If you've ever given a talk or put on a display at a school, club, library, museum, community center, vets center, etc. then don't be afraid to contact them, see if they enjoyed same and if so would they be willing to present you with a letter to that effect, and would they be willing to give permission for you to send a copy or copies to your representative and those who are involved in this bill. I'm sure you'll find they will give you overwhelming support. And if you haven't... then consider doing these things... give presentations, put on displays... show people in the community what you collect, why you collect it, how you are preserving history... our collective history. You might even get a side benefit of having folks bring you things to give you or sell to you at a good price. One never knows. I'm also a metal detectorist. I've seen that hobby bombarded by regulations and government interference for years. They keep taking chunks out of it and hence out of our enjoyment. The vast majority of detectorist's obey a code of ethics and do the right thing. But a few inconsiderate, self centered and short sighted individuals have messed it up for the rest of us. And unlike some countries like England where archeologists and museums work with detectorists... here there has been little of that. We have to fight the system every step of the way just to enjoy our hobby! If we don't do something as a community NOW then our worst nightmares will come true and we will be facing the knock on the door. And to me, if that happens then everything our forefathers fought and died for goes out the window... because then truly the nazi's and those of similar ilk will have ultimately won. We'll live in fear... we'll be forbidden to do that which we want to do as free men and women. We'll have to hide our own property to keep it from being confiscated and could face fines or prison sentences for doing so. Come on folks... if this is important to you then you will need to stand up and fight for your rights. Freedom has to be fought for continuously... freedom isn't free! Well, that's my $50 worth! I'm sorry if I've offended anyone and that's not what I've intended to do. On the contrary... I want to see folks wake up and realize the danger... not only to U.S. awards or MOH's but to everything we collect and that is near and dear to us. Face it, if we are forbidden to collect what we collect, study what we study, do what we do... then we are not free... and if that's the case, then it's all over. Be prepared to present your identity papers to every cop and two bit government flunky you run into. Be prepared to lose it all. Such things start small. Hitler started small and look what happened. Think about it! Dan
    3. Hey, once I get one you'll be most welcome to come take a spin anytime! Dan
    4. [attachmentid=47022] As I say... perhaps in a year to a year and a half... and I'll be gritting my teeth and pacing the floors the entire time. But it will surely be worth it. Thanks, Dan
    5. Trust me, you're not alone. I sold my GPB and have payments coming on a few other pieces I sold as well. With what I made I decided to keep going on my Soviet collection and put my dream car on yet another hold. Hopefully within a year to a year and a half if things work out well I'll be able to get that. In the meantime, I'm desperately trying to stay focused on the Soviet collection... but other tempting things keep popping up and I have to keep it in my mind that I need to stay focused and keep passing up on them. It's hard... but worth it in the long run. And on documented pieces... I too am starting to suffer from that same addiction. Groups... even better. All things do come to those who wait... but getting a piece here and there... just puts the ultimate prize off a tiny bit. Hang in there, keep the faith and it'll all work out in the long run. Dan
    6. Congrats! Looks like a beautiful piece for sure! Sadly none of my had the docs but I love them all the same. But I too hope to have some with docs someday. Thanks for sharing. Dan
    7. Gentleman... as always I am astonished at your ability to ID just about anything or anyone! I'd actually tried a Google search but had gone by the name given by the seller... Feld and not Felt. I'd have probably never found it. But at least I guessed right on Com Pac. So one small point in my favor! Thank you all so much. If anyone happens to come up with any more pics I'd be deeply grateful... but so nice to have the one Rick kindly provided and the info on him that I'll now be able to include with the book. Sure hope something turns up on the Ensign one of these days. Not too shabby for what I got it for. Nice piece for my Naval collection. Might even be nice to put together a display set of his awards and ribbon bar to go with the set. Thanks so much! Dan
    8. Hi Doc, Here's hoping your's can be researched and does turn out to be a super hero type dude... or dudette! Have a great one!!!! Dan
    9. See... it's easy to get into it isn't it... like George Carlin says... ya gotta to to the airport... "Play Spy at the airport!" So until proven otherwise this baby is gonna be one that was awarded to some high up muckity muck super secret member of the Soviet heirarchy. Gotta have a little spice in life! Thanks for sharing the fantasy! Dan
    10. Hi Gerd, Glad you popped on. Hope all is going well on your end of things. Again, many many many many thanks for making this happen. I just can't say enough about this piece! Beautiful! You're ever in my neck of the woods you'll be getting the royal treatment I can assure you. Well, off to bed for now. Got to get up for an estate auction in the morning. Doubt there will be any militaria but one never knows. Have a great one! Dan
    11. Actually Gerd said he tried three times... kept coming back as non-researcheable but it is an issued piece. So for now I'll just pretend it was to some high up KGB General or a Naval Admiral or some such. Hopefully one day I'll be able to find out more but for now I just love it and am so thankful to have been able to get it. Dan
    12. Hi all, Just found and purchased a book on Ebay: [attachmentid=46912] As my wife Kim is a writer and often asks questions relating to military and especially naval customs and traditions, etc. it seemed a natural purchase. Plus I got it for $6.99 including shipping... couldn't pass it up. Only drawback is that the seller is away on a family emergency and won't be back to ship purchases till early August. Here's the info the seller gave on it: "Naval Customs Traditions & Usage" by Vice Admiral Leland P. Lovette, published by United States Naval Institute, 1959, is a hardcover book with cover graphics as seen in the picture below. The book has an inscription on inside front cover page dated July 14, 1961 "To Ensign Burnier on the occasion of swearing him in as a commissioned officer in the United States Navy" signed by H.D. Feld, Admiral USN, Com Poe??? (that's what it looks like it says???). I'm hoping someone out there might be able to give me more info on either the Ensign Burnier or Admiral H.D. Feld, U.S.N. And of course I won't know for sure till I receive the book but I'm wondering if "Com Poe" is not actually "Com Pac"? Anyhow would appreciate any info anyone can give on this. Thanks, Dan
    13. [attachmentid=46901] Nr. 98.116 I'm sure I'll never be lucky enough to have a 1st or 2nd... unless I win big in the lotto or something. But I feel very fortunate in having this 3rd as I was beginning to think I'd never manage one of those either. Again thank you Gerd for making it all possible. Oh, and these pics are his used with his permission as I could have never done better with my poor little overworked digital camera. And I wanted to show it in all it's glory. Dan
    14. Hi all, Well, I've finally joined the club. Just got mine from Gerd (Thank you Gerd!!!! ) and I'm in love! Beautiful piece. [attachmentid=46899]
    15. Hi all, Here's my latest addition... an Order for Service to the Homeland 3rd class Nr. 98.116. [attachmentid=46892]
    16. Hi all, Hope it's okay to wish for the documents/award booklets too. Here are the numbered awards I have lacking same: Order of the Red Banner 366,733 Order of Glory 3rd class 389403 Order of Glory 743,693 For Valor 3,376,705 For Valor 2,697,271 Combat Service 2,952,415 Order GPW 2nd 907,735 Order Red Star 1,655,214 Order Red Star 3,103,954 Order Oct. Rev. 72,718 Badge of Honor 908,799 Red Banner Labor 641,610 Labor Glory 3rd 525,949 And soon to be added: For Valor 168221 For Valor 85202 Combat Service 112338 I also have an Orders book for: Order of Lenin 437,333 (Dec. 22, 1976) which sadly has had additional entries added. So if anyone has the Orders books/documents to any of these, or if you have that Order of Lenin... please let me know. Thanks, Dan
    17. And last but not least so far... Medal for Veteran of WWII: [attachmentid=46789] I have a feeling this is definitely going to turn into yet another slippery slope for me. The pics of the Order of Courage (other than of my set) were from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense site I posted links to. The ones for the Border Guard related medals were from an Ebay seller Subwhiskey and the WWII Veteran was from an Ebay seller out of the Czech Republic who goes by 2742013. I've posted these for informational purposes and I take absolutely no credit for any photos save my own. If anyone feels these should be removed I'll be happy to have one of the administrators take care of it. Many thanks! Dan
    18. Courage in Border Guard medal 2nd Class: [attachmentid=46785] [attachmentid=46786] [attachmentid=46787] Here's one with a reverse view: [attachmentid=46788]
    19. [attachmentid=46781] Courage In Border Guard medal 1st class: [attachmentid=46782] [attachmentid=46783] [attachmentid=46784]
    20. Here's a few more I've seen... hope to get them some day. I fear this could turn into another slippery slope. Border Guard Consciencious Service 1st Class: [attachmentid=46776] [attachmentid=46777] [attachmentid=46778] Border Guard Consciencious Service 2nd Class: [attachmentid=46779] [attachmentid=46780]
    21. Hi Doc, Thank you! I was so hoping someone would see and comment on this one. Actually I don't know a ton about this one. I've done some checking on the net. Here's a good page: http://www.mil.gov.ua/index.php?lang=en...ration⊂=4 And this which is the overall site for their Decorations: http://www.mil.gov.ua/index.php?part=decoration〈=en From the above site: First Class... this also has a breast star but you'll have to view it on the site as their link for that pic does not appear to be working at this time: [attachmentid=46772] Second Class: [attachmentid=46773] And of course the third: [attachmentid=46774] If anyone else has more info on these or just modern Ukrainian Orders, Decorations and medals please feel free to post as I'm sure we'd all love to see and hear more. From the look of the above site they seem to have several very nice awards. Very original designs as well. Dan
    22. [attachmentid=46753] [attachmentid=46754] [attachmentid=46755] Would love to see more if you have them as well as any information on these. They're nice awards. Seems they're trying to get away from the Soviet style hangers. Pleasing design and nicely done serial number. Any ideas on the maker? Wish it was an issued piece but then I'd have probably had to spend a good deal more to get it. Dan
    23. Hi all, Here's one of my newest additions... complete with case and unissued document: [attachmentid=46750] [attachmentid=46751] [attachmentid=46752]
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