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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi all, Hate to do this but I need to put out another plea for a valuation on these. I am "considering" letting a few TR pieces go and again am nearly totally in the dark on the values anymore. I'm twenty some odd years out of the loop. This is in many ways a decision I dread making but it's been a long time coming. My TR collection has been gutted several times over the years and since I've basically long ago moved on to Soviet and Warsaw Pact stuff I feel at this stage of the game it might not hurt that much to take the leap... but it's definitely not something I'm taking lightly. So during the pondering stage I want to get all my ducks in a row and this includes pricing which is one of the hardest things for me... even when I have somewhat of an idea of what things go for. Hate dealing with money. So as always any help would be deeply appreciated. Thanks, Dan
    2. Hi Coastie, Wow! Never knew about these... beautiful pieces in their own right and with the matching ribbon bar. Very impressive. And also named to the same individual. Just beautiful! A terrific set there and one to be proud of. Many thanks for posting those. Dan
    3. Hi all, A request... I wondered if someone would be kind enough to give me an idea of what my cased set is worth? I'm not sure I'd ever want to sell them... but I'm getting some rumblings. I have dreamed of getting an antique car ever since I was about 4 to 5 years old. I'll be 44 this coming August and feel like if I don't ask on this dream soon it may never happen. I want something while I'm still young enough to enjoy it. I have another piece... not directly militaria related... but definitely connected to a very historic personality along with her very important husband... WWII related and documented as such. It's a piece I'd also hate to part with but if I could get enough for it alone I'd go that route. If not I may have to consider letting some more of my TR pieces go. I'd hate to do it... but I'm just getting to that stage where I'm afraid I'll never see that dream come true. Again just in the "pondering" stage... but trying to see where I'd stand. And it's an extremely difficult decision... I'd long ago fallen into the trap of getting far too emotionally attached to all this stuff... and to let it go is like cutting off one's own arm. Not something to be taken lightly... and hoping I can avoid it. And again, as I've posted many times... I'm as pretty close to totally in the dark on these along with the rest of my stuff as far as value. So any help in this would be deeply appreciated! Many thanks!!!! Dan
    4. Hi Hendrik, Also to any others who are intro'd... here's a link to an excellent site listing those awarded the MM Distinguished Service Medal. I think it's a great read on this one. http://www.usmm.org/heroes.html As a general comment, I had found an article a while back, I believe on an actual MM site which states that those who had served in the MM and were awarded medals, and/or their next of kin had to pay for their medals to the tune of at least in some cases $20 per! I feel this is ludicrous and an absolute insult to these men who served their country in wartime or in war zones. It used to be (I believe) that both the coast guard as well as at least parts of the MM were placed under the Department of the Navy during time of war. These guys suffered horribly in both world wars and did a tremendous service in getting supplies to the armies as well as keeping civilian populations fed. They kept the tide moving in the favor of the allies. And then for our government to say these vets or their families have to pay for their medals is an absolute travesty. I'm simply astonished at the utter stupidity of governments in general much of the time. I'm actually in the MM so am doubly insulted. I've never served in times of war but I very much feel for those who have. Without the MM things may not have gone quite as well for the allies as they did. Think of the troops transported on liners. Think of all the fuel, ammo, guns, tanks, planes, all and sundry of various equipment transported all over the planet by these guys in ships that in some cases probably should have been long since scrapped. Some of the original Liberty ships actually had a flaw in their design that under certain types of stresses they would literally split in two and quickly sink. These were later corrected in the next generation of vessels. But these guys just did amazing things. They are definitely unsung heroes who deserve a great deal more respect and recognition than they've ever gotten or probably ever will receive. I personally salute my brothers and sisters in the MM... long may they sail with the wind at their backs and in calm seas. Dan
    5. Hi all, Very pleasing medals thou. Quite a nice and rather an unusual design as opposed to many of the British medals I've seen in past years. Thanks for posting them one and all. Dan
    6. Hi Pat, Very nice piece. I always have loved this kind of equipment along with radios, guages, clocks from aircraft, tanks, etc., as well as optics... gadgets... what can I say... I'm a guy... I like gadgets! The only downside to these types of things is that they are very expensive to ship so it kind of limits who would be able to collect it. I myself have passed on hundreds of pieces of equipment this big or bigger because it would cost more in some cases to ship it than to buy it outright. But you lucked out getting it locally. As to what it's worth I have no earthly idea... but the way I look at it don't be bashful about asking. I always full well admit when I don't know and ask for help in this area. Not getting confirmations on price but simply totally in the dark and honestly need to find out just so I know. As far as the types of signals... here's my understanding of it from one of my Naval Science Instructions (NSI's) way back when, once upon a time in a galaxy long, long ago and far, far away. There were basically two signal beams sent out in morse code. One was for the letter A which is ._ and N which is _. and they'd beam these continuously. Also I believe there was a third which was a continuous tone. If you "rode the beam" which was the continuous tone... you'd be right on target... riding the rails so to speak. If however you went into the A you were deviating one direction or N you were going off the other way... say North or South. So it was kind of like staying between the lines marked on a road... don't go over into the white lines in the middle or the yellow lines on the side and you're fine... just stay in the middle. And since this is by Marconi who used morse for much of his early equipment I'd guess that's exactly what this did... is receive those signals so the pilots could "ride the beam" and zero in on their targets... then ride it back in reverse to get back home safe and sound. Again this is my knowledge based on what I was told a loooooong time ago so if anyone wants to counter it I won't stand in their way... but I'm pretty sure that's the real deal. A great piece... you can just box that one up and send it down to me any old time you get tired of it. Hope this helps. Dan
    7. Hi Stephen, Thanks so much for posting this. I really enjoyed it as I'm sure will the rest of the members. This is truly what it's all about. That was a great generation... a shame we're losing them so fast... and much of the history that goes with them. Especially loved the part about the beer stencil! It's things like that that make it all worth while. Nothing dry about history... that's for sure! Sorry to hear about your losing him... it's always hard. But you'll see him again some day. Thanks again! Dan
    8. Hi Darrell, Just wanted to thank you for posting these. I joined the Merchant Marine after High School so have always had an interest in these. Probably should have started a collection at some point but never did. Perhaps someday... Thanks! Dan
    9. Hi Rick, Seems to have a pleasing patina... nice piece! I still haven't managed to get this type yet... with the green ribbon, etc., but hoping to soon. Love the scans... hopefully there's an Epson in our not too distant future too. Am working on it as fast as my little dollars will carry me. Dan
    10. Yes, very good news indeed! Again I had absolutely no earthly idea... figured they'd gone up a bit but wow! Many thanks indeed. I owe you a gigantic pizza if we're ever in the same neck of the woods. Many thanks! Dan
    11. Hi all, Okay, let's assume then that most of this is repro stuff. Perhaps it would be good for a reenactor if nothing else and I think he can make a good bit if sold as such. On the helmet and the bayo though, even if mismatched and repro frog... what kind of price should he look at for each of those? I have a feeling he should be able to make a good bit from the helmet... and thinking it might be best to sell it as an original WWII German (probably army) helmet which just needs to have the decals properly and carefully removed. Figuring let the next new owner do that as I'm sure Ron would not want to damage the helmet in doing so. Anyhow any help on such pricing would be good. How about the ammo pouch, belt and shovel set? Again any pricing help would be deeply appreciated. Thanks! Dan
    12. I too had thoughts about such a section... but was afraid many would feel it would be an educational tool if anyone of a shady sort ever managed to get on and check it out... let them know what they're doing wrong and how to make the fakes better. But to me, the more we educate our folks the better off we are. And since you have to register here hopefully that would be a bit of a deterrent to any riff-raff who might sneak in. On prices... geeeeeez! I had no idea! I paid around $300 for mine all those many moons ago. If you wouldn't mind, and just out of idle curiosity as I'd never want to let it go... if it's something you can tell from my pics (which I again apologize for... an Epson scanner is definitely in my future) about what would you estimate it to be worth. Again the very end of the foldover on the pin catch has been gone since I bought it, but other than that it seems to be in fairly good shape. And mucho thanks on the additional info on the DVG's. Always good to learn as much as we can on this stuff. Thanks! Dan
    13. That's definitely a beautiful piece. Have never seen one before. Thanks for posting it. Dan
    14. Hi Pat, Couldn't agree more. I've been very lucky in that I've only had a few things that have turned out bad and all things that I've got very little in. I'd probably be very angry were it a piece I had several hundred or thousand dollars in... and there are folks who have had that happen. But I surely would not shoot the messenger. It's definitely a dirty job but a necessary one. As you say it's a learning experience, but on here it remains so for others to see and get a feel for what is good, versus bad and why. So a huge thank you to all the messengers out there. Keep it coming! You are all appreciated! Thanks! Dan
    15. Hi Pat, Nowhere near an expert on these. I've had quite a number of armbands in the past... only have a few left. I've looked it up in one of my references which I'd highly recommend to you by the way: Badges and Insignia of the Third Reich 1933-1945 by Brian Leigh Davis and color plates by Malcolm McGregor ISBN 0 7137 1130 2. Now granted, this is not a specialized book but is a general reference on many types of cloth insignia from many different organizations of the Reich. There is nothing pictured to quite match the Red Cross you posted. I've never seen one with a swaz like that... unless it was with the usual German red cross eagle insignia and even then I can't remember seeing that in an armband. On this one... the Waffen SS... the matching example they give in the book... the W is a different style as is the n. Again this is not a definitive answer but it's all it shows in that book. Nothing for that NSKK one on your other post. I've "never" seen one with a "hanging cord" before. Generally they were all worn on the sleeve... gorgets (which were metal) were the only things worn around the neck that I'm aware of. But that's not to say it's not an original piece either. I also have checked my copy of Cloth Insignia of the SS by LTC. Retired. John R. Angolia which is another book I would "highly" recommend... especially if you're going to fool at all with any kind of SS cloth insignia. And that stuff is tricky as it's generally pricey and has been repopped to death! He shows two examples of this armband (in black and white photos) on page 464. Again, neither of them match your's but look closer to what is pictured in the Brian L. Davis book. Perhaps one of our members with one or both of these references and a scanner would be so kind to post pics of the armbands as pictured for comparison. If so it will be obvious the differences in the W and n as mentioned above. Again, anything else I'll have to leave to the real experts. Good luck on them! Dan
    16. Hi all, I think I see a hint of Donald Pleasence in this guy's face. Great pics! Hope some more info comes to light. Will be on the edge of my seat. Dan
    17. Hi Rick, I really do think I'm going to get in touch with the powers that be at Epson when I'm ready to buy one and seriously suggest they put you on the payroll in sales. Lord only knows how many of their printers you've sold over time. I for one can't wait to get mine. I just hope it's as idiot proof as you say because I sure need that feature above all. But totally agree that it would be great to see up close and personal images of this beauty . And cannot wait to hear all the extra history on it I'm sure ya'll will dig up before the dust settles. Dan
    18. Hi Chris, WOW! It just now walked in the door! I LOVE it!!!!!!!! Just beautiful!!!! Just can't thank you enough! My first matched documented set in these. They are so addictive which is really funny for what are kinda sorta labor awards which so many just ignore. But they seem to have a personality all their own. And to be this addictive to me without having enamel... is verrrrrrry unusual! Thanks again. I definitely owe you a huge pizza and the grand tour if you ever make it down to my neck of the woods. Mi casa es su casa. Thanks!!!! Dan
    19. Hi Chuck, Well, it seems I went and posted a good one! Now, as a reward everyone needs to seen me one of these little goodies... my address is... But seriously, I'm glad the interest is up as everyone is learning tons about these nice little awards. And that's after all what it's all about. Dan
    20. Hey, No problem. Hey, you were just passing it on, and I do deeply appreciate it. Had I ever sold it and "then" found out I would have felt "awful". Kinda figures it would be "the one" I really, really liked too. LOL! Some days... But it could have been worse... could have found out the GPB belonged to some really awful, horrible war criminal who killed tons of people in which case I probably would have wanted it gone like mucho pronto. Of course I guess it could have, but that's an unknown so at least for now I can sleep at night. So things could definitely be worse. I myself keep waiting for the fabled "Hitler's Toothbrush". I'm guessing platinum with gold inlay and lots of swastikas and eagles... and probably Fritz the Tooth giving a tooth decay message engraved on it somewhere. Really, it's gotta be out there! It will probably be the last "great" piece of AH's property to show up and be sold long after we're all gone so we'll miss all the excitement. But seriously, it is a shame that TR got that way. But there are tons of hobbies that folks fake stuff in. Look at something as simple as those little cast iron banks they used to have. Tons of fakes... I like them but won't even go into the field or touch them with a ninety metre cattle prod! Glassware is nearly the same thing. You have to nearly become a complete expert before you so can much as look much less buy the first piece. No telling how many collections out there are totally bogus. But when you do take the time to study and learn as much as you can and still it happens... sigh. Just got to be too much for me years ago but was fairly secure in most of my stuff. The only ones I really had any suspicions of have been cleared on here a ways back and I was overjoyed! I'm just so happy that there is a place where my brother and sister collectors have banded together to help each other to "fight crime", wear silly costumes... well, perhaps not that... and uphold truth and justice in the world of militaria collecting. But hey, capes would be nice... really. I think they'd look great... oh wait, I saw The Incredibles... capes, getting sucked into airplane engines... okay, bad thing... bad... definitely bad! Maybe a neat ball cap would do the trick instead! Well, here's hoping that someday I at least can really figure out who my GPB belonged to as that would be really, really cool and would definitely make my day... except for that above scenario. Someone with an interesting history but who never killed anyone would be just fine. Gotta run for now... a few more replies to make then I'm going to go try to shake off the effects of a bad sunburn, mostly on my face (Yes! My face hurts!!!! ) that I earned by being a moron and telling my wife about an auction that was being held a block away from the house today. Woke up, thought, do some chores, get them out of the way, make a nice breakfast and relax. Oh now, got to the breakfast part and she'd gone off to see, then come back and grabbed me to go. Then, after fifteen minutes "she" has to go eat... leaving me hungry and frustrated with a bunch of tool guys with endless bank accounts buying up every single solitary thing I was intro'd in. But I did get the most important thing... a Dremel tool with accessories for $21 so guess it wasn't a total loss. Been better had it had a ton of accessories but ya take what you can get. And no pocket or sheath knives... all those tools and no knives! I couldn't believe it! But with those vultures they'd have pushed the prices through the roof. They could afford it, but I couldn't. Oh well. I'll play some Medal of Honor... blow some things up... shoot some enemy troops and I'll feel much better. Have a great one! And again I do appreciate the info. I'll file those pieces away under Thanks, Dan
    21. Hi Rick, Welcome aboard! Now that you've been thoroughly infected... please save some for the rest of us... don't buy em' all up at once! Great little medals... can't wait to get more myself. Don't know what it is but I sure do love the little things. Dan / aka "The Troublemaker"
    22. Hi Chris, Now I'm really going to go nuts until I can manage to find some of the green ribbon ones. Just terrific pieces! They're like chips... can't make due with just one... gotta have a whole bag full. I'm afraid I'm thorougly hooked. Thanks for posting these (drool drool! ). Great pieces one and all. Keep em' comin'! Dan
    23. Sigh. It's been an insane day and now this. Not your fault. It's just gotten (at least for me) where I can't tell the real from the fake anymore. Now I'm officially glad I gave up on TR quite a number of years ago. I've sold off the majority of what I had and now I'm tempted to just get rid of all the rest of the TR save a few pieces that were gifts or that I got from Jack Angolia as those have great sentimental value... like the GPB. Thanks for admiring that one. Have loved it since the day I got it. I swear... I spent a ton on reference books and have read them to death and it seems something else always pops up. I guess it's my own fault for not specializing in one thing and just getting into a little of everything. I don't have much in these... perhaps $10 each but still... just gets me so frustrated. I really did love TR... the history, the stuff. But there's just no fun left in it anymore. It's like the large number of badges Avitas got only to find out they were bad. I hate it when that happens. Again, don't feel bad... not your fault and I don't shoot messengers. Live and learn I guess. In fact I had a dream right before I woke up this morning. No idea where it came from but it was like someone was telling me to sell out the rest of my TR and put it towards other things I want/need right now. Perhaps this is yet another sign that I should do just that. Thanks for the heads up. Dan
    24. Hi Gerd, Well, always try to hope for the best... but yes, you're right. Know all about German workmanship... our VW Golf has nearly 300,000 miles on her and she's still kicking. Don't think she'll ever stop. She's a 97 Harlequin. Supposing eventually we'll need a new engine and tranny, but hardly ever any problems, loves the road and just won't stop. [attachmentid=40112] Thanks! Dan
    25. Hi Gerd, Really kinda figured on the one in #9... but are you positive on #11? Seems insane that they'd do such an obscure piece. I never even knew what it was till I saw it on that dealers site... unless they're all bad and that info was incorrect. Please let me know as I have one but in gold... with no attachments on the back. Have nothing in mine but just for the future knowledge of others it would be nice to know. Thanks so much. Dan
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