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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Greg, Many thanks for the compliments to my "precious". And also for the additional confirmation on the value. I deeply appreciate both. Thanks, Dan
    2. Hi all, Well, I just got a pleasant surprise to come out of my original attempt (now laid aside) to reconstruct these medal bars. I'd ordered all the common medals that I did not already have for like $3.50 each. And yes, that was after watching Ebay for several weeks hoping for some without their ribbon mounts,etc. Only ones like that I saw were in the Ukraine and I'm still a bit skittish about ordering from over there unless it's someone highly recommended to me by those I trust. Anyhow there was a mixup in the order and instead of sending me the 40 years Soviet armed forces I got two 30 years anniversary GPW. When I realized the mistake I informed the dealer who offered an immediate and full refund including the shipping or the same amount as credit on any of his other stock I was intro'd in. And I've dealt with him before so knew this would be the case. Well, was getting ready to pack them up and take them over to the post office today when I actually took a good look at them. Turns out I'd "forgotten" this was one that has different varieties. Three types I know of according to Byrne's Soviet medals book... one for military, one for civil and one for foreigner's. I checked the one I already had and sure enough it's a military issue. However, from the two I received in the shipment one was military and one civil! Needless to say I'm thrilled and have written and said I've decided to keep one and send the other back. And I've no idea if this is a harder to find piece or more valuable or what but either way I could not be happier! So now I have two of the three types on that one as well as two of the three on the Lenin Centennial medal. Now all I need are the foreign awards as well as the several types of the long service medals set... along with the umpteen others I need to finish out the entire set. More mountains to climb... but hey, I like climbing! Oh, I'll be happy to do up pics if anyone would like to see but didn't know if there's be enough interest. Anyhow just wanted to share my good news! So I feel like this was not in vain or a total disaster after all. Thanks, Dan
    3. Hi all, Hope it's okay to pop this one in here. I missed getting this photo off Ebay a while back but just had to save it as this HSU looks just like a close friend of mine. I'm curious to know if anyone out there might have an idea who this is? I'm assuming he's a Sergeant of some sort by the shoulder boards he's wearing. Anyhow I know our experts in this field will probably be able to tell quite a bit more from the photo than I could. Sadly, as far as I know there was nothing written on the back of the photo... just the picture itself. If by chance anyone can ID this gent and give any information on him, how he received his awards, etc. I'd love to hear about it. Many thanks! Dan
    4. Hi Darrell, Ahhh, my friend! You make references almost unnecessary! Thanks so much for the info. I mean, literally, other than some basic references to know which is which I don't have anything detailed. These are ones I got in trades... other than the Oct. Rev... I "think" I got that from Alexei... all many many moons ago (no, not quite twenty years for a change. ) so don't even remember what I've got in them and no earthly idea on values for them now. I did have a couple more of the labor orders and now regret having let them go. Then they were still common and cheap... but hoping to pick up a few more before things go any higher. Gotta run, work is piling up. But very much appreciate the info on these. I simply cannot wait to get my McDaniel... but probably have to work out selling that SA buckle to do that. Thanks, Dan
    5. Hi Stogieman, Many thanks for the compliment. Do tell on the number on the OR... I'm pretty much flying blind on all this stuff until I can get a copy of the McDaniel book so no idea what's what for the most part. Thanks, Dan
    6. And last but not least my Order of Labor Glory 3rd Class: Thanks for taking a look. And as always any additional info, etc. would be most welcome. Thanks, Dan
    7. Now for my Order of the Red Banner of Labor:
    8. Hi all, Just got back from work a bit ago and decided to go ahead and post a few more of my Soviet Orders. So here goes... starting with the October Revolution: This is one of my favorites. Always liked the design although there are not too many of the Soviet Orders I don't like. Tons of enamel on most of them. And that's always a good thing. Oh, and checking the photo just now I noticed it looks like there is enamel damage on one of the arms of the star... however it's just a reflection. There are no problems with any of these.
    9. Hi Darrell, Oh I know... I should be ashamed of myself! You've no idea how I needed that laugh! Been one of those days. But hey, it's getting better since it's nearly over. Have to head in to work tonight around 10-10:30 and no idea what I'm facing but hoping it'll be an easy night and I can finish up and rush home... and yes, try and get back on here so I don't miss any more excitement than absolutely necessary. Knowing my luck ya'll will start giving away great prizes worth hundreds and hundreds of dollars... and I'll get stuck with the white elephant by the time I get back on. Thanks! Dan
    10. Hi War Lord, Nuts! Been one of those days work wise and this is the first chance (8:22 p.m. cst) I've had to get on. Figures he'd come and go while I wasn't on. Jack... sorry I missed you! PM me when you're back on... Kim and I would love to hear from you! Also Jack, would love your imput on this piece again if you wouldn't mind. Been going crazy with this... do you happen to have the weight and measurements for this one? Anything that would move this one way or the other? Many thanks! Again sorry I missed out. Dan
    11. I did however find a pair of shoulder boards on Ebay several months ago with what look like those same pips. I have no idea if there is any connection but hoping it helps. If anyone can shed any light on these, their origin, value, etc. I'd sure appreciate the help. No idea if they are Imperial, Weimar, TR, military, civil or what? Thanks, Dan
    12. Hi all, I've had these for over twenty years. They are very similar in size, shape and construction to WWII German tabs but the pips are a mystery to me. I've checked all my references, the net, kept my eye out on Ebay, etc. and have never seen another pair like them.
    13. Hi all, I'd posted this in the Valuation and ID forum to start with but no response so far. This is actually a project I'm doing for a friend of mine. I'm trying to get any information on this picture that I can. It's from a print block she owns. I believe I've correctly ID'd these as officers of the United States Army circa early 1900's but I'm far from an expert in this area, hence my wanting to post it here. Again I'm not positive but it seems the officer seated in the center is wearing what I believe is the aguillette of a Presidential Aide. If so, I wonder if it's possible to identify that individual, or any of the others or perhaps even what they are doing together. It seems that some of them, the younger officer to the left especially, are wearing what appear to me to be shooting medals or a similar type of sporting or competition medals. I've also made semi-educated guesses on ranks, etc. based on the limited references I have on hand. I know that there were comparatively few medals given by our government at that time and feel it would be a stretch for that young an officer to have been awarded quite that many actual medals and his seniors so few. The one on the far right also appears to be wearing some sort of armband... perhaps he was a referee at the "shooting" or "sporting" event the others participated in. At least that was my guess. I'm hoping one of the experts here can confirm or deny my guesses and perhaps even ID some of these individuals, etc, and perhaps even give a rough idea of the value of this print block. It has a piece of purple paper glued to the back, and in very legible pencil it says, "Officer Frances" and what I assume is the last name, looks to start with a T...and the rest looks like it is "ureurs", or it could be "ueurs". They just look like a bunch of "u"s, and one looks like it could be an "r". But the "r" isn't right after the t..or it could be with an extra loop in the bottom of the "t". I have pics of that paper on the back if it would help but since these all have to go for approval to the moderator I figured I'd hold off and just submit the one picture and info for now. I've seen some out and out miracle identifications take place here so I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed on this one. Many thanks, Dan
    14. Hi Raz, Many thanks! I'm sure someone will post some more info. Still waiting on that weight/measurement data to get matched up. Thanks, Dan
    15. Oooooooh! Now I don't know why but that one strikes me even more! I really love the ribbon design and colors with that particular medal design. Will definitely have to keep my eye out for that out. Ya'll are going to have to send me a rough list of pricing on these cause if I go hunting now it's like a guy going in with one shell in the chamber knowing there are like a gazillion big cats just waiting for dinner. Thanks, Dan
    16. Hi Hendrik, Well, thank you! I deeply appreciate that. It's a beaut too. In fact I've seen a few of those on Ebay and have been tempted. Perhaps now I'll have to go for one at some point. I think it would be a nice addition to the set. And I definitely want a Legion of Honor at some point. Many thanks for thinking of me and my enamel obsession. Dan
    17. Hi Rick, Hey, I'm really glad to see you... thought perhaps you'd really stroked out... was getting concerned! Rest assured though... the "golden horse" is untouched (other than measuring, weighing, etc.) and will remain so. No solvents, no blow torches, no harsh or abbrasive chemicals, scrub pads, steel wool, etc... I promise! I do hope we can figure it out though. I just keep hearing the same thing from WL on it... and it's like... yes... yes, I know... it's supposed to be black. Sigh. But if nothing else I'm glad that and my French post have gotten a ton of things going. I think I've answered about sixty some odd posts on those two subjects alone today... least it feels that way. But as with all of this it's all been great fun! On the book... I'm glad at least that it's safe in my riker now and no more harm will be done by any unscrupulous individuals lurking around out there. She might be messed up but I love her just the same. Oh, just out of curiosity, don't suppose you do research on U.S. material? I've had a picture that is from a print block that belongs to a friend of mine and other than some semi educated guesses I've made we've no idea of what all it really is. Also some tabs and sort of a set of boards (German?)... all over in the valuation/ID forum: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7307 http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7305 Didn't know if you'd by chance seen them and if not if perhaps you could shed any light on them oh wise and revered one? Many thanks, Dan
    18. Hi Dave, Whew! Well other than my being upset at it being a "nice" piece that was screwed up by some moron, money wise I'm not hurting so at least I've got that going for me on this one. Sure wish it was something that could be fixed and brought back to it's glory. But perhaps in the future such things will be possible. Many thanks for the input. Dan
    19. But then, wouldn't it come out like most iron or cast iron I've seen... when you polish it it simply does not come out gold... not in my experience. Just doesn't happen. And if sandblasted it should look pitted, not nice and smooth. Only the edges where the leaves are done and such look a bit on the rough side... like original file marks, very fine, one direction... like something a craftsman would do to smooth out and finish a piece, and then finished off with this gold finish or plating or whatever it is. But no sign of black... a bit of the tarnish and perhaps some of that old "smut" but it's just soooo jagged in there... I mean you could almost saw wood with it where those leaves are. And the surface details are the same as every other example I've seen... hands down. In my experience, castings tend to lose detail... this one is not like that. It's very detailed... the horse, the swaz, the inscription, etc. I'm not sure if they were supposed to be like "ultra finally finished" on the edges or what. This is just like from the Twilight Zone! Perhaps... and again I'm just brainstorming here... like what were they like before that nice black was put over them? Perhaps, could this be some kind of an "undercoat" similar to a primer before that black coat was put on... and for whatever reason this is an example that was never "blacked"? Again I'm just throwing it out there... no idea what else to do? And yes... I know, I know... It's Supposed To Be Black! Arrrrrgh! Still just don't know what to say... other than... I've had it for like twenty years! Here's hoping we can figure it out at some point. Thanks, Dan
    20. Hi Motorhead, An excellent find! Wish I "had" flea markets where I am. They do on the other hand tend to have a ton of estate sales where quite often "finds" pop up and can be had for a song. Folks out here have farmsteads and even family homes that go back to the late 1800's and seems each generation pack rats away "everything"! Then somewhere along the way, especially when someone dies and they need to get rid of everything they have one of these (if not several) huge sales and stuff just shows up that you would not believe and for prices from "back in the day" or even earlier. Anyhow terrific piece. You are indeed a lucky man! Congratulations! May you find many, many more! Dan
    21. Hi Darrell, You mention tarnish... and this (hard to tell in the picture) has a beautiful looking tarnish on it. Does paint tend to tarnish... in my experience it's regular metal that does. Just go into any coin shop or ask any coin collector... they "love" a beautiful tarnish and would kill to prevent someone coming along and "cleaning" it. I just don't know what else to think or do... yes, "supposed to be black"... the world way back when was "supposed to be flat" too. Don't know if this is one of those or what. Don't know if this was special ordered for some big wig or what. Wish to high heaven I did, believe you me cause I'm just as befuddled as anyone. Sigh. Perhaps I should try to find a psychic to see if they can lay hands on it and get it's back history or something? Cause short of that I'm out of ideas. And as the old saying goes... anything is possible. Thanks, Dan
    22. Hi all, I'm simply out of ideas. All I know is this is the way it was when I got it and I did "nothing" to it save to clean off the grime from it sitting Lord knows where for who knows how long. Just a bit of dish soap and water and a very light wipe. Did not change the color except to make it non-grimey. "SMUT KLINK!" So other than being de-smutified it's the same as when I found it. I'm just as dumbfounded as anyone here. In fact, when I got it all I knew was it "looked" nazi (duh! ). I seemed to have vaguely remembered something about it in Jack's FF&F so I got it... at the time $50 was not a big deal (Oh how I miss those days!) so figured it was worth the risk. If nothing else I'd have a really cool, albeit rather pricey paperweight. Got home, looked it up and yes, it says "Only Black". So what's a guy to do? If anyone can give me any more "non-destructive" (Don't want Rick to have another stroke! ) then I'll be happy to do anything I can to try to help solve this mystery. I just know what I have, pictured same, have done everything but have it X-rayed and put under an electron microscope and sadly I don't have those options available. But anything that is within my power to do (short of harming it... again out of extreme deference to Rick... ) I'll gladly do. Cause I'd love an answer more than anyone. So any more ideas, please pass them along. Just out of curiosity, did the measuring and weighing and such help at all? Keeping my fingers crossed that we'll figure this out yet. Dan
    23. Hi Darrell, Back from finishing my Honeydo for the day. Car is completely detailed from stem to stern... meanwhile... what does the rest of the clan do? They're both napping! Sigh. Well, at least I got my thing done. As always, a fantastic set! I'm in awe. Thanks for showing them off, Dan
    24. Hi Darrell, Well, I really like it. The ribbon color on this one and many of the other French pieces really look very fetching for some reason. I could collect them for that reason if no other. I guess it's one of those things like enamel and cases... just love em and gotta have em! Thanks, Dan
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