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    J Temple-West

    Senior Moderator
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    Everything posted by J Temple-West

    1. Hi Shaneos3 As with the other two badges you've posted...another fake, I'm afraid! This one is a cast copy of an Assmann Observer badge. F.W Assmann did produce late badges with this type of cast-in hinge, but these were injection moulded and the reverse of the wreath should show circular ejection marks. Also, the rivets and catch are nothing like those produced by the firm of F.W Assmann on their late examples.
    2. I agree with Darrell. These "SOG" marked fakes have been around since the 70's. Thinking of investing in one? Don't! BTW...Welcome to the club, 4BNBAD. :cheers:
    3. Sooooo frustrating, Jan! I'll keep my eyes open for one. Fingers crossed.
    4. Bob Well they certainly went to town with the stamping on this shield! Still doesn't make it an original. Save your pennies.
    5. A very clean example of a 2nd pattern (eagle & wreath) Juncker PB, Bob. Although original, not sure if the flock-lined case is the case that was issued with the badge, but still makes a nice set!
    6. I've been through all the 'Dienstaltersliste' (36-44) for Waffen/Allgemeine SS that I have and have found nothing under this name. Most of the lists only go down as low as SS-Hauptstrumfuhrer, some lower. it could be that he was a junior officer and is not listed. There are other lists...possibly in one of those. As Rick says...A little more information would be useful.
    7. Hi Karsten Nothing under RK holders, DKiG or Ehrenpokal for Helleberg. I?ll go through the officer listings and let you know if I come up with anything.. :cheers:
    8. Great addition, Karsten. Lots of stripped and repainted examples about, but this one looks spot-on.
    9. Rivets, hinge, catch/catch-plate and raised maker mark all point to it being zinc. One of the cleanest examples of the zinc version I've seen... clearly unissued. Nice set!
    10. lastly..a later shot of the otter. Not bad for a dark rainy day! Anyway, back to collecting.
    11. Time for a service, Rich. Had the same problem with my last camera. Most digital SLR?s will only let you go to ISO 200. Luckily this new Nikon D90 allows you to force ISO 100. The settings for the Ob?s badge were ISO 100, f/5.6 at 1/125. Of course these would chance according to the lens used. Lens used: Nikon prime lens ? 60mm f/2.8 Macro. Totally nothing to do with our collecting, but thought you would like to see what this piece of kit can do at long range. I?ve had to cut the file size by 2/3rd?s for the forum (this goes for all the photos shown) so the following are not as sharp as shot? Lens on all three of the following: Nikon?s 55 -200mm VR.
    12. Nice, Jan.... A classic! And a hard "Bird" to find in any condition. Well done!
    13. Just getting to grips with a new camera...Depth of field, f/stops, ISO...and on, and on.
    14. Thanks for the new pictures, K. Much better! Always better to get more than one opinion...but mine is that this is a cast copy of an original badge. The softness of features of the obverse could be due to wear...but, for me, the reverse tells the tale. If compared with a textbook example (below) of a nickel silver or buntmetal ROAG by this maker, the differences in construction and finish are clear. All original badges of this type that I've come across have the same die mark to the reverse of the wreath, something that copies do not. The rivets, although close, are not typical, and the same for the catch/hinge. Let's see what other members think.
    15. K I would very much like to see some clearer pictures of this badge. There are some very good copies of the "B&NL" ROAG out there. Going on there pictures, I'm not seeing certain characteristics that I would like to see.
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