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    Everything posted by QSAMIKE

    1. Hello Linas...... Sorry to say but this is a piece of costume jewelry...... I have the same badge (without the star) with green enamel...... Mike
    2. GREEN POINT CAMP May 9th. 1900 Dear Lord Strathcona, I have very little to report this week further than the preparation of the 321 remounts is being carried along at Maitland. All the horses at Green Point are ready and in good condition, and "A" and "B" Squadrons parade mounted every day. The whole staff of Farriers and Shoeing smiths are employed at Maitland and the work is progressing as rapidly as circumstances will permit. There seems to be some delay in the matter of transport. It has been decided that we are to carry with us 380 mules for pack purposes, and up to the present time there has been a scarcity of the animal at this base. I was advised last night that there are 1400 on ship board lying in the Basin ready to disembark, and that we are to have our mules from this lot. In addition to the three Maxim guns furnished by you we are to have a Vicker-Maxim "Pompom" as well. Lieut. Magee and 8 men have been at Stellenbosch for two or three days getting instruction in the working of the gun. There are only 26 of these guns at the front and all in charge of experienced artillery men. The officer in charge of the depot was delighted with the smartness and intelligence of the men and stated that it was by far the best detachment that had yet received instruction from him. Yesterday, in accordance with a Base Order, we proceeded to Beach House on a "Time March" in company with a regiment of Infantry and a Mule Battery. Other troops had gone by different routes and several regiments were on parade there. We were inspected by General Forestier-Walker and Staff and afterwards covered the retreat of the Infantry in a sham engagement. I was well satisfied with the conduct of the men.   I am. Yours Respectfully (Signed) S. B. STEELE, Lt. Col.
    3. Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen...... Required to complete group..... I am looking for the Cape of Good Hope General Service Medal named to R.S.M. C. Hewitt, Landrey's Light Horse aka Landrey's Horse with the bar Basutoland..... I understand that this medal exists and may be in one of your collections..... Willing to purchase or can replace with the following: Corporal J. Rice, Landrey's Light Horse aka Landrey's Horse with the bar Basutoland..... Please contact me if you have this medal or you know who has so that we can chat..... Thankyou in advance for your assistance..... Mike
    4. Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen...... I have just picked up a pin in a box of badges from World War Two and have never seen or heard about the organization..... It is a small oval pin, about 1/2 and inch in length...... Gold coloured metal with Blue enamel...... The initials read W.A.M.S. over what looks like a motor vehicle...... Around the edge reads "WOMAN'S AUXILLIARY MOTOR SERVICE" and at the bottom "FORD"...... What I understand is that the family was originally from Detroit and then moved to Canada when the Father joined the Canadian Army in mid 1940 leaving his wife in the USA..... She later joined him in 1944 just before he left to go overseas to the UK...... I tried to take a picture but the pin is to small to make out the details..... Mike
    5. GREEN POINT CAMP May 2nd. 1900   Dear Lord Strathcona,   The horses have been tested by the Veterinary Officers, and 47 have been destroyed. The balance are in splendid condition with the exception of 30, which will be turned into the Remounting Department and others taken in their place for the present. "C" Squadron was sent out yesterday to Maitland and will select out of a large number of remounts necessary for the regiment. The Remounting Officer at Green Point wished to hand over 150 of the remounts, but upon examination it was found that they were small and in poor condition. I reported it to the Base Commandant with the result that we are to select from a large number of good horses which have been sent to Maitland. With regards to the loss at sea. Two ships have come in within the last week, one which started with 500 horses lost 171 on the voyage. The other with something less than 500 lost 150 from pneumonia. It seems that the danger of catching it is very great. "A" and "B" Squadrons are ready to start at a moments notice, but the column which we are to join is not ready to start. I am looking carefully after that, and will not permit of any delay if I can help it. I see on reading some extracts from the Canadian and other papers, that we are spoken of as Mounted Infantry. We are not in any sense that. Very few of the men ever had any infantry drill, but were selected by your order for the purpose of scouting and doing any important work that experienced horsemen and good shots can do. I am well satisfied with them and believe that if they get an opportunity will give a good account of themselves. They are hard worked even here; from Reveille in the morning to dark, between drills, guards, picquets, attention to their horses and other duties they have not a moment to themselves. With a very few exceptions the conduct of the men has been most exemplary, and their appearance has excited the admiration of many experienced soldiers. A steady improvement has been shown in the health of the men during the week. The number of cases of sickness have decreased by half. However, it has been found necessary to invalid two of the men, and they will be sent back to Canada probably on Friday next. Five cases more are now under consideration, and it is not at all unlikely that they will be pronounced unfit for active duty. I regret to inform you that one of the men whom I mentioned in a previous report as suffering from an abscess on the neck, died at Woodstock Hospital on Wednesday last. The man showed symptoms of the trouble on the ship and on arrival here was placed in Hospital and operated upon, but it was of no avail and I received notification of his death as above stated. The immediate cause of his death was Pyaemia. The deceased was buried at Fort Knocknee Cemetery with full military honours on Thursday last. I am, Yours respectfully,     (Signed) S. B. STEELE, Lt. Col.         CAPE TOWN May 2nd. 1900.   Dear Lord Strathcona, In accordance with your cable transmitted to me through His Excellency the Governor, I beg to forward herewith the report of Lieut. Stevenson, Veterinary Officer, as to the mortality amongst the horses on the ship, and as to the accommodation on board. I am, Yours very respectfully, (Signed) S. B. STEELE. ----------//---------- S T R A T H C O N A ' S H O R S E May 2nd. 1900. From The Veterinary Officer, Strathcona's Horse To The Commanding Officer. Sir, - I have the honour to make the following report regarding the horses on board the Transport Monterey. I accompanied Dr. McEachran when he purchased the horses for Strathcona's Horse, and thoroughly inspected each and every one, and although they were not in a fat condition, they were fit for riding on the range, and in my opinion fit for shipping. The horses were shipped to Ottawa where they remained until the 12th of March and the re-shipped to Halifax and loaded onto the ship on arrival of the trains. They were all loaded on the 16th of March and we sailed on the 17th. At the loading Dr. McEachran was present and I called his attention to several horses which he sent away for treatment. When they returned they were re-examined by Dr, McEachran and loaded in a part of the vessel set aside for that purpose with the exception of one which left behind on account of it being affected with Perpura. The first few days the ship rolled considerably and several horses died of seasickness; following the seasickness an epidemic of pneumonia affected the horses and from this disease we lost a great number. Although every precaution was taken the disease seemed to spread until nearly every horse on the ship was affected -- at least from 85 to 90%. The isolated ones were not the cause of the disease as they showed no symptoms, nor were they affected with the disease until the voyage was about half over. I held several post mortems and in every instance found the lungs very badly affected. In my opinion this disease was caused by the horses being brought, as they were, off the range where the mercury stood 35 to 40 degrees below zero, and dry climate to a damp and warmer one. The ventilation on board ship was as good as could be had. There were several wind sails put in at different hatches, and this helped to keep the air pure below. Where the horses were the mercury stood for several days from 88 to 90 degrees above -- which was from one extreme to another. It was impossible to have all the horses at the wind sails, but they were being constantly moved and several were saved simply by moving them where they could get more air. This with stimulants and unremitting care saved a great number. I received all assistance that I required there being three officers with their men on duty night and day. I was among the horses from morning till night and most every night till 12 or 2 o'clock. The rest of the time two or more of my assistants were constantly in attendance and if anything unusual occurred I was Immediately notified. I have the honour to be, Sir. Your obedient servant. (Signed) G. W. Stevenson, Lieut. Veterinary Officer
    6. GREEN POINT CAMP   April 25th, 1900   Dear Lord Strathcona,   As I informed you last week I commenced the mounted drills, but owing to the condition of the horses and the fact that our parade ground is so close to the remounting station of this base, the Chief Staff Officer thought it best to discontinue them for the present. The drills have therefore been on foot this week, four hours per day being devoted to them. The time is divided between physical drill, manual and firing exercise, extended and squadron drills, as well as skirmishing. On thursday last I received a request from General Hutton for scouts to be sent from this Regiment, and the following day the Chief Staff Officer enquired if we had any professional scouts in the ranks. I replied to the effect that there were no professional scouts in the Regiment, but that the majority of the men had spent years of their lives on the plains and were capable of taking care of themselves anywhere; [I did not approve of General Hutton making such a request or of meddling with the corps in any way, but] For my own information I asked for volunteers. When the men understood the question none of them volunteered. At first it was supposed that it was simply a number of special scouts that were going out to the front and that they would still belong to the regiment, but upon hearing that they would be transferred they refused to leave. This is a very good spirit and I am very glad that it turned out so. There are 100 horses yet to be tested for glanders. So far ten cases have reacted to the test and were destroyed. By tomorrow night the testing will be completed and the remounts will be brought in without delay. There is a considerable amount of sickness amongst the men, this morning's sick report showing 63 cases all told. Of course many of these are minor complaints and will not prevent them from going to the front. The change of water, and, in spite of strict warnings, the liberal use of fruit has caused many to go off duty with small complaints. As a matter of fact the majority are quite fit to go on. In a conversation with the Base Commandant the day before yesterday he informed me that he was quite convinced that the other Canadian Mounted Regiments were sent up country much too soon, and I believe that such is the case as their horses are suffering very much. Ours are improving every day and are looking very well indeed. The men's active service kits have been picked out, and they have been instructed as to how to fit them on the horse. Ammunition has been issued and as soon as the test for glanders is completed we will be ready to move. I am informed that a gentleman from Alberta stated in Liverpool to an agent of one of the officers here that the "Monterey" had glanders on board a short time before we embarked, and that he himself had lost several horses from this cause. I would suggest that an enquiry be made as if there was glanders on board this ship, there is no doubt that our horses caught it there. The wagons provided in Canada for military purposes do not suit very well here. The other Canadian Regiments have handed theirs over to the Army Service Corps. It is my opinion that the military men should study the methods of civilians in the carriage and transport of large quantities of supplies -- such as the C.P.R. construction, etc. [- they would not be quite so quiet so far behind the age]. There is no doubt in my mind that the whole of the English carriages are too heavy. [and that the Canadian Militia Department is too eager to imitate them in this respect. The wagons supplied to us are at least 800-lbs. each too heavy. Ours were made in Woodstock and I sent an Officer down to inspect them, but he made no report, and before we arrived at Halifax they were packed away in the hold of the ship out of reach altogether. However they will be used here and we are being provided with substitutes.   I am, Yours respectfully,     (Signed) S. B. STEELE, Lt. Col. Commanding "Strathcona's Horse. ----------//---------- Note: The report on the "Monterey" found not to be true. Notation in margin in Steele's own hand.
    7. April 21st. 1900: Following letter from General Sir Evelyn Wood:- "We have sent following telegram to the General Officer commanding lines of communication, Cape Town:- "Understood that Strathcona corps had serious loss of horses on "Monterey". These may be replaced from army remounts as soon as you are in a position to provide them." Lord Lansdowne quite appreciates your consistent generosity in offering to make good loss which arose from want of experience in the amount of air necessary for horses on board ship. It is one of the most difficult questions on board all horse and cattle ships. I am glad that we are not accepting your generous offer and that the horses will be made good from army funds." April 25th. 1900: Following letter from Lord Strathcona to Sir Evelyn Wood:- "I am much obliged for your letter of the 21st. inst., in which you make me acquainted with the terms of the telegram sent to the General Officer commanding lines of communication, Cape Town, authorising him to replace from army remounts the horses lost in the "Monterey" on her passage to Cape Town. Kindly convey my acknowledgments to the Marquis of Lansdowne for the consideration he has extended to the matter, and my appreciation of the generous action which his lordship has sanctioned. At the same time, however, I was quite prepared to pay the value of the horses, if my proposal had been approved. My difficulty, having no direct communication with Cape Town, was to know how to purchase additional horses in South Africa in time to be of any use. I do not like to think the loss occurred through the cause you apprehend, but you may have more information that is in my possession. We shall, however, know more shortly, when I receive a report from the Veterinary Surgeon on the ship. As a matter of fact, however, there are few countries in which more experience has been obtained of the shipment of cattle and horses than in Canada." April 26th. 1900: Extract from proceedings of a Board of Officers on board S.S. "Monterey" to report upon the loss of horses dated April 7th. 1900:- "Veterinary Surgeon, George T. Stevenson:- I am Lieutenant and Veterinary Surgeon in Strathcona"s Horse. The horses shown on the attached schedule marked "A" died on the dates and from the diseases shown against their respective numbers. Ninety percent of the horses mentioned in the schedule were purchased by Dr. McEachran and myself in the North West Territories, and a few in Montreal. They were all sound and in a healthy condition when purchased. While in Ottawa ten percent developed colds, but recovered from the colds after treatment. On Monday, 12th March, they were shipped from Ottawa, arriving at Halifax 16th March and immediately shipped on board S.S. "Monterey". A number of horses were sent to the Veterinary Hospital by order of Dr. McEachran to be steamed. After having done this they were taken and put on board, and practically isolated from other horses. After careful examination by Dr, McEachran and myself we found hardly anything wrong with them. During the 18th and 19th. March a considerable number were attacked by seasickness on account of the rolling of the vessel. Several died, as per numbers in attached schedule. On the 19th. March pneumonia developed in a transport horse purchased in Montreal, Reg. No. 566, and on 20th. March it died. No doubt death was hastened by the rolling of the vessel. My opinion was, and is, that the sudden change from a very dry climate to a damp moist atmosphere was the cause of the disease. The ventilation was as good as could be had on board ship, and every possible care and attention was bestowed on the animals during the trip. I has associated with me in care of the horses Quartermaster Farrier Sergeant McMillan, a certified Veterinary Surgeon as my assistant, and with him several practical horsemen who thoroughly understood the care and handling of horses. These troopers, with their officers, were in constant attendance in the stable, feeding and caring for the horses during the voyage. In addition to above, ten men and one non-commissioned officer were detailed daily to assist me." Quartermaster Farrier Sergeant McMullin in his evidence stated that:- "There was sufficient draught to cause pneumonia on the ship, but it was impossible to close this draught and secure sufficient air for the horses. Another cause, no doubt, was the horses having undergone the sudden change from a cold and dry climate to a warmer and moist climate. We have had all the assistance necessary for the proper feeding and care of the horses since they were put on board. I do not think it was possible to do more for the horses than was done. The conditions on board ship render it very difficult to treat horses from pneumonia properly. About eighty-five or ninety per cent of the horses were in my opinion affected with pneumonia. The stables were properly cleaned and disinfected daily." W. W. Gunn, a Trooper in the force in his evidence stated that:- "The hay and oats supplied to those horses was of good quality and a sufficient number of men were on duty to see that they were properly fed and watered". April 26th. 1900: Telegram from Montreal, stating that draft would sail from Montreal by S.S. 'Vancouver" on the first of May.
    8. Mickey Can you please post a photo of the naming..... Mike
    9. Hard to say North with this type of picture...... Have to look close up of each bar but from this distance the France and Germany Bar looks OK...... Mike
    10. Mervyn..... I have a medal to the Cape Colony Cyclist Corps where you would think the rank would be "Cyclist" but it is Private...... Go figure !!!!!!! Mike
    11. Hello Bjorn..... Might be a good idea to post a picture or pictures..... Mike
    12. S T R A T H C O N A ' S H O R S E Green Point Camp Cape Town, April 18th, 1900 From Lieut-Colonel Steele, Commanding "Strathcona's Horse", To The Right Honourable Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal G.C.M.C. 7 Victoria Street, London, England. My Lord, I have the honour to submit this my report on the disembarkation of your Corps and also as to the work carried on daily since we went into camp at Green Point, Cape Town. As cabled the "Monterey" arrived at Cape Town in the 10th instant at 11 a.m. but stood at anchor in the harbour until the necessary arrangements were made for the disembarkation, which commenced the day following. The Traction Transport provided at the Base, together with our own transport arrangements made the task an easy one, and the Regiment encamped at Green Point on the night of the 11th instant. It required the next day, however to complete the unloading of the stores, etc. and when this was done, the work of getting the camp straightened up was commenced. The camp ground is very far from being a good one, but it might be worse. The great trouble is that there is not sufficient room for the Regiment on parade, and that it is rough and stony. The harness and saddlery were fitted and the men's kits distributed and everything calculated to contribute to the comfort of the horses and men done. On the 13th instant I called on Lieut. General Forestier-Walker, and was informed that Lord Roberts was very anxious to have us at the front as soon as possible, but that I must not be disappointed at not being ordered to Bloemfontein as he had important and special work for us in another quarter. It will require about ten days longer before we will be in a position to proceed to the front and by that time our horses will be sufficiently rested and the remounts taken on the strength. Drills Drills were commenced on the 14th inst. and continued for four hours daily since. The men are improving every day. A mounted parade was ordered for this morning, every available man attending. I was perfectly satisfied with the manner in which it was carried out. Horses. A marked improvement was shown in the condition of the horses from the first day on land. Unfortunately, however, four cases of glanders developed, and it was necessary to destroy the horses affected. Every precaution has been taken to prevent an epidemic and it looks as though we have stamped it out. There are plenty of remounts available, but from my observation of the horses in the remounting station adjacent to this camp, none of them are to be compared to those of your Corps, being smaller and lighter in bone. Rations. The food supplied to the men is wholesome and there is plenty of it. I have not heard a single complaint so far. Fresh meat is served with every meal, together with plenty of vegetables and things of that kind. The forage consists of a good ration of hay and oats of good quality. Condition of the Men. The weather so far has been fine and this, no doubt, has helped the men to become accustomed to the change of air and climate. Very little sickness has developed. Four of the men enlisted will be permanently unfitted for duty suffering from abscess, rupture and one with a weak arm. Some others are troubled with minor complaints but in the opinion of the Lieut. Surgeon, all with the exception of the four mentioned above, will be able to go forward with the Regiment. I will let you know by cable when the Regiment leaves Cape Town and will forward to you a weekly report afterwards. I have the honour to be, My Lord Your obedient servant,         S. B. STEELE, Lt. Col. Commanding "Strathcona's Horse"
    13. Telegran to Lord Strathcona...... April 17th. 1900: In reply to enquiry, Dr. McEachran attributed the loss of the horses to cold, draughty sheds in Ottawa, and stormy trip to Halifax. Horses contracted colds before being put on board.
    14. April llth. 1900: Telegram: - "Monterey" arrived Cape Town, April 10th. 163 horses died on the way." Telegram from Colonel Steele to Lord Strathcona: - "Arrived to-day. Lost 162 horses from pneumonia in spite of every care taken. Only five men on sick list."
    15. Good Morning Gentlemen...... There is a fantastic book on Sweet Heart Pins / Broaches...... MILITARY SWEETHEARTS by Pamela M. Caunt ISBN 0 9523709 0 5 Very well illustrated and priced (wellout of date)..... I have a first edition but I understand that this book has been updated by the author....... It has sweethearts that date back to 1890...... Mike
    16. Telegram To Lord Strathcona.... April 10th, 1900: Commissions signed by Her Majesty for officers of the corps forwarded to Colonel Steele in South Africa.
    17. CAPE TOWN 10th. April 1900 Dear Lord Strathcona, The regiment arrived here to-day after a good passage as far as the officers and men are concerned, but very unlucky as to the horses. The weather for the first two or three days out of Halifax was very raw with the result that although the ship was free from serious draughts the great majority of the horses showed signs of pneumonia, and if it had not been for the great care and skill displayed by the Veterinary Surgeon we would have lost more than we have. The weather between the tropics was very trying on the horses; but I caused wind sails to be used to the full capacity of the holds, and was assisted in everyway by the master of the ship, Captain Parry. 162 horses died in spite of all we could do which is nearly one third. Ten percent over the full number required were purchased to cover casualties and I was sure that would be ample, but as it turned out 100 remounts will be required. I am informed that there are plenty and that we can be ready to march in a few days. The officers and men have taken the greatest interest in their work particularly the care of the horses. I have kept them at work every day, except that between the tropics I caused the drill to be early in the morning. They have, as reported to you officially, made great progress. The Staff Officer in Charge of the disembarkation appeared to-day as soon as we arrived, and it has been arranged that we go under canvas for ten days, the same as the other Canadian Corps, and then go to the front. We are to camp about a mile from the town proper out in the suburbs. I intend to keep our work up so that when we get to the front all will be quite at home at their work such as the drill, which is simple but necessary to enable them to be moved. They are, as I wrote you before, very efficient already and very anxious to prove to you that they appreciate, as we all do, your kindness in every way. The officers of the ship have done all in their power to help me. The First Officer was struck off all other duty to enable him to see that everything required by the regiment was attended to at once. In fact, I think that no better man could be found than Captain Parry and his officers and other staff. I assure you, my Lord, that I have experienced the greatest pain in seeing the bad luck we have had through the death of so many horses, but I hope that it is the last of it. I have, as I am sure you know, done my best and so have all the rest. I will write fully later. Yours respectfully (Signed) S. B. Steele Part 2 CAPE TOWN April 10, 1900 From The Officer Commanding "Strathcona*s Horse", To the Right Honourable Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, G.C.M.G. 17 Victoria Street, London, England. My Lord, I have the honour to submit this my report on the voyage from Halifax to Capetown. As already cabled the Regiment arrived here this morning. The voyage as far as the Officers and Men are concerned has been pleasant. Everything to conduce to their comfort has been done by Captain Parry on the ship. But I was very unfortunate with my horses. For some days after we left Halifax there was a heavy swell which caused the ship to roll to a very considerable extent giving the horses much discomfort and some of them seasickness. On the 19th March the Veterinary Surgeon discovered that owing to the change from the dry atmosphere of Ottawa to that of the damp of the North Atlantic Ocean the horses had contracted pneumonia to a frightful extent, no less than 80% of them showing signs of it, and from that date until our arrival here nearly every day has been marked by the deaths of several. The Veterinary Officer, Lieut. Stevenson, the Farrier Quarter Master Sergeant and the Officers and Men of the corps have been unremitting in their attention. Everything has been done that experience could suggest without avail. Up to the present date the deaths have numbered 161. On the 7th instant I assembled a Board of Officers to report upon the horses dead and submit herewith copy of the same. You will observe from the evidence that everything in our power has been done to bring the horses around. In addition Mr. Gunn, who owing to his experience in the shipment of horses, was sent along to give the Veterinary Officer all the assistance in his power. I placed him, together with every goodman that could be selected out of the Regiment at the disposal of the Veterinary Officer. The forage provided for the horses has been of a very good quality, but owing to the seasickness and the novelty of the surroundings it was some time before they would eat it with relish. When the ship arrived in the Tropics the heat between decks was most intense, the thermometer going as high as 93 degrees. Fortunately for a part of the time there was a good breeze and as soon as the weather began to get warm, wind sails were put up in every hatch and everything done to cause a draught of air to go down, but in spite of this position of the horses was most trying. The surviving horses number 383 saddle and 52 transport, which will enable two Squadrons to take the front complete. I am not aware at present whether remounts can be obtained to replace the horses lost. I can hardly express to you my sorrow at the circumstances under which we have been placed owing to the death rate among the horses. For my part I have done my very best to see that all care was taken. In fact I have taken great personal interest in this matter and was ably seconded by Major Belcher, who is a man of great experience and ability. I may say further regarding the horses that from the commencement I was anxious to have them in a fit state to undertake this long journey and also that no chances should be in the way of contracting contagious diseases. I therefore issued instructions in Ottawa to have all sick horses isolated, and the following appeared in the orders of the Regiment. "R.O. 119. Horses arriving from the West with any visible discharge from the nose, must immediately be isolated. A stable must be provided for this purpose. The Acting Quarter Master Farrier Sergeant will inspect the horses on arrival." Drills. The following drills were carried out during the voyage: - Musketry, Manual of Firing and Revolver. As soon as we got on board the men were told off in the boats upon which they would fall in were it necessary to abandon ship. As far as possible everything laid down in the Queen's Regulations was carried out strictly and I must say that I am very much pleased with the manner in which Officers and Men exerted themselves to help in my efforts to maintain order on the ship. In drilling it has been found that the men showed interest and steadiness. It is something new for a body of men to drill at the Manual and firing exercises on board ship, and the fact that the vessel has been rolling more or less during the whole voyage the smartness of the men is simply marvellous. Lectures. During the voyage lectures were delivered to the Sergeants, among the subjects touched upon were Scouting, Outposts, Advance and Rear Guards, Screening and Enemy, etc. Guards and Piquets. The following guards were put on the horses: • A Major three troops with troop officers from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and a Captain, three troops, with troop officers from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. The ship was patrolled by Regimental Police and sentries placed all over the ship. Feed and Rations. The rations supplied to the Regiment have been very satisfactory. A few complaints were made but they were owing, no doubt, to the fact that the ship was not originally intended for this purpose. All these things were rectified in a very short time. The ship was inspected regularly according to order and anything found wrong was immediately set right. Health. Surgeon-Lieutenant Keenan vaccinated all the men on the 23rd. Some of them were a little sore after it and a number were off duty for a short time on that account. There has been considerable seasickness as well but not as much as I expected. I enclose the report of Dr. Keenan by which you will see that five noncommissioned officers and men are suffering from complaints which will unfit them for service duty. I also enclose you a copy of the Veterinary Officers report. Canteen. In accordance with regulations a canteen was opened under the supervision of a non-commissioned officer, who was on duty daily. Conduct. The conduct of all ranks has been quite satisfactory. Any cases brought to my notice were simply the result of inexperience and not likely to occur again in the same individuals. Studies. I distributed the different works on Patrols, Scouting, Advance and Rear Guards, Screening the Army, etc., and I am pleased to say that everyone has taken a great interest in the work and no doubt with the experience the men already have in a wild country they will give a good account of themselves. A fire occurred on the evening of the 27th March at 7.50 when the officers were at dinner. On the alarm being sounded the men paraded in order and in perfect silence. The fire, which was confined to the troop galley, was not of a very serious character, but it gave one a good idea of how the Corps would behave under such circumstances. The Regiment was paid on the 31st of March and 7th of April, Lieut. Ketchen acting as Paymaster for me. Amusements. With the ample supply of books and periodicals and the articles given by you for the comfort of the men, they have been able to spend their spare time very pleasantly. Your generosity in this regard will never be forgotten. There were two concerts held on board which were greatly enjoyed. When we crossed the Equator on the 31st instant I gave all not on duty a half holiday to celebrate the event. A funny representation of a visit to the ship by Neptune was given much to the delight of everyone. Captain Carpenter, two officers and 104 men of the Royal Regiment Canadian Infantry were, as you know, on board. Owing to the great pressure of work in connection with your Corps it was found necessary to call upon this detail to furnish the night guard. Their duties of course were not nearly so severe as those of "Strathcona's Horse" but considering the inexperience of the men their work was well performed. I wish to assure you in conclusion that every officer, noncommissioned officer and man considers it a very treat honor to serve in the Regiment raised by you. In fact when we left Halifax we were the envy of the whole Dominion of Canada. I have the honour to be, Sir,   Your obedient servant, S. B. STEELE, Lt. Col. Commanding "Strathcona's Horse'
    18. According to B.B.M. the 2nd Dragoons were entitled to the Bar so long as they were in country at the corresct time...... According to your checking the Index card he was...... Mike
    19. April 5th. 1900: Telegram from Lord Strathcona to Minister of Militia and Defence: - "Authorized to select fifty men and one subaltern with personal and horse equipment, but without horses, to be sent to Cape Town to replace possible vacancies in force. Men to be forwarded to Liverpool whence they will be sent on by Government transport. Same conditions to be recognised as with regard main body."
    20. Hello Sandro...... I have no idea why they would be in the wrong order..... He is a member of the Royal Engineers, a Sergeant and to get the MSM have over 21 years service...... I thought he might have been an Irishman as the heads of the monarchs are facing inwards.... I have heard but cannot confirm that some Irish would wear theie medals this way because they were anti monarchy...... Mike
    21. Hello Sandro..... They are in the wrong order but they are: The Queen's South Africa Medal The Meritorious Service Medal The 1914-1918 War Medal The 1914-15 Star The Interallied Victory Medal They are also on in reverse....... Should be in the following order: Queen's South Africa Medal 1914-15 Star War Medal Victory Medal Meritorious Svc. Medal Mike
    22. Hello Dan...... G PORTEGIES 2ND HUSSARS KGL I have gone through the medal roll published in 1992 but could not find your man...... Also: It states that there was only the 1st and 3rd Regiment of Hussars of the King's German Legion....... Mike
    23. I have two slighly different ones shield shaped to the BEF Sports that were won by my Grandfather for Boxing...... Sports were used to keep troops busy and occupied when they were out of the trenches...... Mike
    24. Enjoyed watching all 3 parts...... Was surprised at the Honours and Awards the two final crews rec'd...... Thought they would have gotten more...... Mike
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