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    Guest Rick Research

    I recently realized that virtually all of my actual-wartime (or at least pre-Hindenburg Cross) OFFICERS ribbon bar swords for silver decorations are... real silver.

    Here is a sample bunch. The only one, oddly enough, that is NOT real silver is to the only Bavarian in this group, at bottom. I have his complete group, and that was a 1915 MVO4X. (That's a Bavarian-national NAVAL officer 2nd from top.)


    Please post your silver (real or alloy) X officers' ribbon bars "pre Hindenburg." If there are bars where real silver Xs are on what is clearly an NCO decoration, those too.

    This may also apply to CROWNS on these little M1915 ribbon bars. haven't gotten into those.


    Maybe this is a dumb question but how do you tell the difference between real silver and what ever else is used to make the swords?

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