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    Hi Benten,

    Thanks for the information...

    ...I'm now imagining a SA Brigade having a relaxing weekend at a health spa....instead of the usual sports events and tough military training...


    ...another SA 'sports award' style of tinnie....

    ...according to Herr Tieste...this is definitely classed as a SA tinnie...even though there is no mention of the 'SA' by name or by use of the SA roundel...

    'Nordmark Voran, Kiel, 25.-26.5.35'


    A rather fine looking bronze coloured tinnie...

    I find the use of the SA eagle at the top most appealing...

    "SA-Aufmarsch Standarte-220 u. Kreisparteitag Meschede 7 / 8.10.1933"


    Thanks Burgerhaus...I'm guessing that tinnies bearing the name of Goebbels are not that common?

    As for SA tinnies....the combination of three things featured on this example: eagle, hakenkreuz, SA roundel....

    ..all serve to make a great looking tinnie...if I do say so myself...

    The tinnie also features in the centre a 'rearing stallion'...which is taken from the Westfalen coat-of-arms.


    "SA Dortmund Westfalen Treffen 8.-9.Juli 1933"


    First the tinnie...which according to Tieste, is available in both bronze and silver...

    ...SA roundel super-imposed over the hakenkreuz....always a nice looking combination on a tinnie...

    "SA Brigade 41 Th?r-Ost, Greiz, 30.6.-1.7.34"

    ...and secondly, the interesting point.....do you recognise the dates?.....30th June 1934 - 1st July 1934.....

    ...do the words 'Night of the Long Knives' ring any bells???

    ...on 29th June 1934, Hitler was told of a planned 'R?hm P?tsch' against him (most of the evidence was a fabrication by Himmler, Heydrich, Goebbels)...incensed at this 'betrayal'.....he decided to act immediately... in the early hours of 30th June 1934, Hitler along with the SS, arrived at Bad Wiessee where a SA leaders meeting was taking place....and arrested Ernst R?hm and most of the other SA high ranking officers....whilst they were still in bed (some allegedly in the same bed...)

    ...Ernst R?hm was executed by the SS on 2nd July 1934...

    ...and all of this taking place on the same weekend as the SA Brigade 41 were meeting in Greiz.....I wonder if any rumours of what was occuring reached the SA camp?...did the meeting last both days or did it end early?....

    Hitler only told the German nation officially what had occured, on 13th July 1934....

    So the date alone turns this nice looking tinnie into something far more interesting.


    Claymore it is interesting to know that your tinnie is from the time of the Night of the Long Knives.Very nice badge. Perhaps we will find what happened in Greiz at that time.




    Thanks Benten...

    ...another SA tinnie for you....and again, from 1933...seems like all the best tinnie's were dated 1933...

    "Einigkeit Macht Stark, G?ttingen, S.A. Brigade-Tag 24.9.1933"

    Translation of 'einigkeit macht stark' gives us something like = 'agreement makes strong'...

    ...and the badge features two small figures....one is probably a SA trooper....but who is the other figure?....maybe a Stahlhelmbund man?

    Posted (edited)

    Thanks for posting this nice tinnie Claymore. Indeed the left person could be a Stahlhelmbund man , or another ex-Freikorps ? , but perhaps also a NSDAP leader imo.

    Here a large SA tinnie about 5cm in diameter.

    A SA man and a wounded SA man. Look at their eyes?you better can?t meet these bad fellows of the 16th Standarte ; infact the difference between the SA and some Wehrmacht tinnies and this one are minimal. The SA men are depicted like they were soldiers.


    Traditions Treffen der SA Standarte 16 ( Rhein) 1 november 1936.

    ?Our faith carries us? .



    Edited by benten

    Hello Benten,

    That is a great looking tinnie.....and you're right...those two SA men look like very tough fellow's!

    Very nice...!


    ...and now...in a slight change to our normal program of only showing SA tinnies...

    ...we have a NSDAP tinnie....

    ...but I'm of the opinion that the SA would have attended this meeting as well....to show off their own 'Deutschland Erwache' standarte's...

    "Deutschland Erwache, Oldenburg, Standartentag 1936"


    Claymore, that tinnie I have never had in my hands. Beautiful. It reminds me of the heavy bronzed round tinnie ? 10. J?hrige Wiederkehr des Reichsparteitages Weimar 1926-1936 ? , which also has a standard with the word "Th?ringen" in it above and on the flag part ?Deutschland Erwache?.




    Hi Benten,

    Yes, I know which tinnie you mean....as I said, I only picked this up because it looked so good....but I usually stick with SA tinnie's...

    ...for example...

    ...a nice round (37mm dia) SA tinnie....with a very prominent SA emblem in the centre...lying on a bed of oak leaves...

    "Tag der SA-Gruppe Mitte, Magdeburg, 25.-27.6.1937"


    ...and another round SA tinnie...again for the same SA-Gruppe as above....

    ...this tinnie is for the year previous...1936...

    ...I've seen this tinnie in books, but you can't really appreciate how big it is until you place it next to other tinnies...this measures at 50mm across....

    ...notice the SA monument that is used...it is identical to the monument found on the plastic 1939 tinnie for the same SA-Gruppe (I posted an example on the previous page)...

    ...I'm not actually sure if it is a 3rd Reich monument or an earlier war memorial stone....maybe it still exists today?

    ...it would be nice to see a picture of the actual memorial...

    "Einweihung S.A. Ehrenmal Der Gruppe Mitte, Magdeburg, 23.2.36"


    ...I still very much admire plastic tinnies....

    ...they seem to have survived the years passing without too much distress...

    ...note use of the 'rearing stallion' from the Westfalen coat-of-arms...

    "SA Wehr-Wettkampftage 1939, SA Gruppe Westfalen"


    Hi Benten,

    ...another plastic SA 'tinnie' for you...a fairly easy to find badge...

    ...the detail on this badge is as sharp as the day it was made...perfect condition....I really like the strong imagery of the SA emblem, oak leaf, and hand holding a sword....all entwined together...

    "SA. Gruppen-Sport-Wettk?mpfe 1938, Gruppe Kurpfalz"


    Claymore that is a very nice tinnie . As you know I also like plastic tinnies now. This tinnie has a very strong design. My mail adress if wanted :) driesart@hotmail.com




    ..another SA tinnie...

    ...the use of the sword and wreath seems to be very popular on a vast range of SA tinnies...I like the small SA roundel placed on the sword pommel....

    "SA-Gruppen Wettk?mpfe, Gruppe Hochland 1938"


    ...time for another SA tinnie...

    ...but not a 'tinnie'...instead it's made with porcelain...a fantastic material to work into a badge...

    ...the badge is for the SA Gruppe based in Bay-Ostmark....I wonder if the use of porcelain is part of the local industry ?

    ...there is a maker's mark (signature?) etched into the front of the badge, just below a SA mann's thigh....the letter's 'HF'....

    ...the detail on the Standarte and the SA mann is quite wonderful....the small 'hakenkreuz' on the armband...

    ...I'm very pleased with this badge!

    "Sport u. Wehrwett-k?mpfe SA Gruppe Bay-Ostmark 1937"


    ...and for some reason...the same SA Gruppe saw fit to make up two tinnie's for the same year...

    ...another porcelain 'tinnie'...

    ...a great combination of a soaring eagle carrying aloft a hakenkreuz device....above the endless marching columns of SA men...

    ...the maker's mark is again evident ('HF') just to the right of the hakenkreuz....

    ...another spectacular badge...if I do so say myself!

    "SA Gruppe Bay-Ostmark 1937" (note that the number '7' is very faint)


    ...it would appear that this SA Gruppe favoured the use of porcelain...

    ...now we have a 1939 porcelain tinnie...with fantastic detail....a great combination of a mini-SA award emblem and the SA roundel.....

    ..unlike the previous two porcelain tinnie's, there is no maker's mark anywhere on this 1939 version...

    "SA Gruppe Bayer-Ostmark Sport u. Wehrwettk?mpfe 1939"


    Nick and Claymore have some real jewels here on display. I personally don't have too many SA but I grabbed one yesterday at a show. Must participate. Kampftage Der Frankischen SA. And Nick, those are fine and rather uncommon pieces you have shown. Youhave done well. Have a nice weekend. Robert


    ..but I do have this new one....

    ...another SA tinnie...a bold design centred around the use of the SA sports award image...

    "Kampftage Der SA-Gruppe Franken 1938"


    ..and once again...another SA tinnie :D

    ...note use of the 'rearing stallion' to signify the Westfalen coat-of-arms...with a barely visible 'hakenkreuz' behind the stallion...

    ...one thing I would like to try and find out is......I've read the stories of how and when the artwork for the 'SS' runes were finalised...but what is the background story for the designing of the SA emblem???...

    ..."Sportkampftage der SA-Gruppe Westfalen 1937 Dortmund"...

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