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    New book about YU-Awards

    Maybe that will change soon :rolleyes:

    Dear native speakers & experts,

    is there anyone, who might be interested to take part in a project to produce a comprehensive book about YU-Awards :unsure: ?

    The first stage might be to collect the material and informations on a special webspace - maybe at GMIC :unsure: ?

    Any proposals :love: ?

    Best regards :beer:


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    Hello Christian

    the mind is willing the flesh is weak!! :speechless::speechless:

    I would like to help as much as I can but my time resources are very low, sorry!

    AS you already know I HAD a complete YU orders and medals collection most of my items have been boxed. The only item I was missing have been the order of freedom and a couple of variants, otherwise the rest I had. I have sold the complete collection 2 years ago. Some of the pictures I have still with me.

    Regarding books one of the most complete references on Montenegro, Serbian an Yu awards is the third part of the Malinar exibition in Zagreb. Boris Priester as author and responsable of the auction prepared a 3 book series on the famous Malinar collection which was gifted to the National museum in Zagreb. The third book is the best done out of the series and is fully in colour ilustrating all the orders and medals.

    Unfortunately the edition is already long time ago sold out and I have not seen any copies turning around on ebay or other auctions for at least two years.

    Best regards


    New book about YU-Awards

    Dear native speakers & experts,

    is there anyone, who might be interested to take part in a project to produce a comprehensive book about YU-Awards :unsure: ?

    The first stage might be to collect the material and informations on a special webspace - maybe at GMIC :unsure: ?

    Any proposals :love: ?

    Best regards :beer:


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    Absolutely! :jumping:

    Though I hope whatever comes out is not narrowly (and fairly uselessly) focused on just "military" things.

    And it will take someone with the requisite language skills and broad archival access.

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    I am preparing a little project and might publish a book! :rolleyes:

    Dear Luka,

    great idea :love: .

    Let's discuss about it :D .

    1st stage: We need a lot of excellent scans of the orders & medals (incl. minis) in all variations (and the cases in all variations). Av. & rv. of course.

    2nd stage: We need a comprehensive documentation of the regulations, statutes and issued numbers of YU-orders & -medals. The question still remains: Where are the remaining stocks of "Partisan Stars", etc., etc. :unsure: ?

    3rd stage: We need excellent contacts to museums, archives, general staff, etc., etc. in Belgrade, Zagreb, Lublijana, etc., etc.

    4th stage: We need some genius, who can write the book at least in Serbo-Croation language (translations are no problem).

    5th stage: We have to publish a subscription list and to print at least 500 books in Novi Sad, Zagreb or Belgrade.

    O.K., we shall look to get some money from the EU for that project: History of former Yugoslavia & identity of the new states, bla, bla, bla ... Maybe some money from our friends of the RF (Putin & Co.) :love: .

    We need a PMD-bible for Yugoslavia :jumping: !

    Best regards :beer:


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    I think you have great ideas! I hope we will make something out of it!

    at least in Serbo-Croation language

    I was thinking about english? So it would be internationalCat%20Scratch.gif

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    I think you have great ideas! I hope we will make something out of it!

    I was thinking about english? So it would be internationalCat%20Scratch.gif

    Dear Luka,

    of course, the finished book HAS to be in English :D .

    I was just thinking, that at the first stages it would be easier for some experts in the Westbalkans (Ex-YU) to write in Serbo-Croatian and you and other GMIC-members could translate their research results into a proper English.

    Best regards :beer:


    Edited by Christian Zulus
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    • 4 weeks later...

    Lieber Waldemar,

    bringing your posting http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=203288 into the correct thread, I think, that we shall try to get subsidies from public sources and funds. Phaleristics is part of the science of history.

    Ranko might become the biggest help for editing and publishing :love: .

    As a first step, a booklet like the Herfurth on CCCP and Mongolian Awards would be fine:

    Best Regards :beer:


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    • 2 weeks later...

    Gentlemen since I have both Medals FNRJ and SFRJ I was able to make detail images and put them together in pdf file.

    You can see it for your convinience in jpg file. This is trial to create better basis for collectors. I have extremly limited Information Basis only Marian Furlan and Henad Bjelos book. If you have additional information please send it to me and will update this document.

    Can you use this kind of information? :unsure:

    Your comments please. :love:


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    Waldemar, if you need any scans from the community I'm ready to help you with your project and give some scans from my collection. Unfortunetly I have very few information on yougoslavian orders. We would need the help of a native that could provide us some more information.

    By the way, this looks very nice what you have done. :)

    Edited by Soviet
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    Dear Brian,

    your scans are excellent. Indeed I need high quality scans (300 dpi in case we will one day want to print) of your orders.

    Maybe in the first step we try to identify how many types and variation do we have i try to categorize them.

    Medal For Merit

    I made one page with Medal For Merit - there are as far I know two types. If no, let me know I will make corrections.

    Order of National Merit 1st cl.

    I need high quality scans of all types an variation you and other members have. Background should have one colour - I will remove it in order to have only order on transparent background. Lets focus in first step on this Order 1st. class.

    High quality scans are larger and difficult to send - you can send me to this email gallery@modern-art.ws but remember files > 10MB can probably not be send with email.


    I have almost no information - therefore I use text from 'our' book. Of course I will use additional Information if somebody has more and detailed data. In second step we could contact somebody and try to get additional infos.

    thank you for help, maybe together we will be able to start with this project.

    sch?ne gr?sse aus Vienna


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    Waldemar, I will look what I can do with my little scanner and I hope I am able to set it at 300 dpi. I guess I won't have any problem, because it is said that my scanner as a resolution of max. 4800x1200 dpi.

    Concerning the upload and download from big files I would recommend to use http://www.megaupload.com/

    We can upload for free files that are less than 500 MB.

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    Link to online Catalog of Yugoslavia Order and Medal: http://www.kolekcionari.com/viewtopic.php?t=765 .

    best regards


    Nice, Waldemar. It is a shame, though, that not all languages have online translation facilities. While those translations are usually poor, they are better than nothing, better than just looking at a page and saying "I wonder what it says" as is the case for many of us here.

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