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    Dear collectors & friends,

    This medal bar was my last purchase for 2007. Actually I didn't receive yet, because the FedEx shipment has been blocked at the airport by the customs authorities... the usual pain in the a..!!! Hopefully I will get my dirty pawns on it at the beginning of next week.

    The bar is a genuine and typical Godet product; I love these bars... I couldn't resist not to purchase it!

    Although the combination of orders and medals on this bar seems quite uncommon, I don't think it would be possible to identify the original bar's owner. Too bad...

    Here is the detailled description of the decorations:

    ? Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 (OEK 1909)

    ? Preussen, Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Kreuz der Ritter mit Schwertern

    (OEK 1789), Silber vergoldet, mit Punzierung 938

    ? Oldenburg, Friedrich August-Kreuz 2. Klasse am K?mpferband mit Spange ?vor dem Feinde? (OEK 1563)

    ? Hamburg, Hanseatenkreuz (OEK 688)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer (OEK 3803)

    ? Weimarer Republik, Schlesisches Bew?hrungsabzeichen, sog. Schlesischer Adler 2. Stufe, 1919-1921 (OEK 3303)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, WH-Dienstauszeichnung f?r 25 Jahre, Kreuz (OEK 3852)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, WH-Dienstauszeichnung f?r 12 Jahre, Medaille (OEK 3854

    ? Bayern, Goldene Hochzeits-Erinnerungsm?nze, 1921-1935, E (OEK 552)

    To me it looks, from the combination of this decorations, that the officer served in the Kriegsmarine.

    I would gladly read your comments or thoughts on this bar!




    Very Nice bar.

    You know someone with some MS Access skills should be able to take those huge Excell files I saw of all the navy officers and their decorations, and run a query looking for an officer holding the EK, HOHX, Old, and HH and it should spit out an answer. Assuming the files are accurate. Unfortunately, I don't have that skill set.

    I've tried using pivot tables, filters, etc, but the files are too big.



    I spoke to Stuart about this bar a while ago and he provided me with a link to another forum where Rick had narrowed this down. Did he give you this information?

    Guest Rick Research

    Claudio-- I had it down to navy,

    Konteradmiral zS zV Wilhelm "Vater" Rhein (1887-1964)

    Daniel to a Marine Infantry/Reichsheer/WW2 army Oberst Hugo Oster (1882-19?? NOT the 20/7/44 Oster!)-- neither with any apparent connection to 1920s Bavarian Royalists. This one will need a photo of the suspects wearing their awards.

    I've got the upper row ribbon bar to match (lower Silesian, Wehrmacht 25, Wehrmacht 12, "Christmas 1918," and ?):

    No question whose I've got, since it's on navy blue backing. :catjava:


    Stuart told me about Rick's research, but I couldn't find on the forum. But it looks quite good: it has been narrowed down to only 2 possible officers... that's great! :beer: But no cigar, yet... I have to hope to find one day the picture of the officer with this medal bar.

    @ Rick: Are there any pictures of Konteradmiral zS zV Wilhelm "Vater" Rhein on the Admirals' Biographies books??

    That last Bavarian jubilee medal is really very weird to me...



    Guest Rick Research

    Close up, no awards showing. He was in the II. Marine Brigade in 1919. I don't remember where Daniel found Oster's Freikorps service-- wouldn't be surprised if Oster's award documents had been sold 20 years ago and he remembers.


    Thank you, Paul, for the interesting links.

    Interesting the friendly argument between Rick and Werner; at the end it seems that both agreed that the more likely original owner was an ex III. Seebatallion officer an later Oberst in Wehrmacht: Hugo Oster.

    Does anyone have the details of his career after WWI and if he was commanding a unit during WWII?



    Guest Rick Research

    It was Werner, not Daniel?

    Soooo maaaany groups. :rolleyes:

    :cheers: Werner

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