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    A group has just arrived and, in my ignorance, I no so little that I am embarassed to post it. :blush:

    But you know me, here it comes. As friends help, I shall revise the posts to reflect their wisdom.

    The medals.

    Edited by Ed_Haynes
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    Guest Rick Research

    #s 5 and 6 are the award booklet for the little lieutenants' school badge up top above the long service medals, which is the unified type from late 1950s. This is quite interesting-- I have never seen the paperwork for one of these before-- because it refers to officers graduating from "normal military schools." (In Olde Dayse here a "Normal School" graduated school teachers.)

    The stamp (I will work at it) from that is something Radio-Technical School (of Anti-Aircraft Defense-- "PVO" I think), signed by Major General of EngTechSvcs Morin on 19.9.58, per decree of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR 20.9.58, as a graduate in 1958 for

    Anatoly Petrovich Kostylev.

    The stamp is partially illegible from missing ink.

    #3 is his full set of long service medals,

    10 years as Kapitan, 24.1.66/12.3.66 signed by CO of Unit 01644 Colonel Guzh

    15 years 6.12.71/22.2.72 by CO of Unit 67960 Colonel Bur'yakov (or Bur'yanov)

    20 years same unit and commander, dates 2.2.77/22.2.77

    So he went in in 1956, born ? 1937-ish, Lieutenant 1958, probably Sr Lt ca 1961, Captain by 1966... probably a Lt Col.

    #4 is the Medals Booklet to him for a Military Merit Medal awarded 21.2.78/7.4.78 which might be quite interesting. :catjava:

    I don't think school cadets were eligible for the 1958 armed forces jubilee medal. But you're missing the 1978 MMM, 1965 and 1968, probably 1970 Lenin, and 1978 jubilees.

    I think this is Air Force.

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    • 1 month later...
    Guest Rick Research

    Ha. Easyyyy. The three before the last one are a bit too big (off screen) but just need to scroll over them a bit.

    1st Awards Record Card is actually the later one--

    Anatoly Petrovich Kostylev, Russian, born 1937 in Tashkent, member of the CPSU, middle education.

    Lieutenant Colonel in "PIRTU" (Somethging Something Radio Technical School) of Anti-Aircraft Defense (PVO)

    In army since 1955

    Commander of "ZKP" which I think means of an Anti-Aircraft Regiment (they have more words for the same thing than we do)

    living at Apt 17, House 18 of "TTZ-1" in Tashkent.

    Records Service to the Homeland 39, 142 on 17.2.84

    Signed 22.2.84 by Commander of Anti-Aircraft Defenses of Turkmenistan Military District, Lieutenant General of Artillery "Dukhov" with seal of Unit 55888.

    2nd ARC also as Lt Col adds CPSU member since 1967 and joined armed forces in October 1955.

    Decorated as Senior Officer in Detachment for Military Readiness and Military Application of "ZRV" (I think this comes out to Anti-Aircraft Radio Forces) in Unit 78441 in the city of Tashkent. Records Military Merit Medal without number (of course) on 21.2.78, signed 8.4.78 by CO of Unit 67960, Colonel "Bur'yanov."

    Service record--

    Born 6 November 1937 in Tashkent, Uzbek SSR. Komsomol 1957. Graduated 10th Class from Middle School "in the name of Kalinin" in the city of Kokad, Uzbek SSR in 1954.

    Graduated from (Something) Pushkinsky Radio Technical School of Military Anti-Aircraft Defense Of The Country (very excessively FRENCH, this drawing out the service purpose) in 1958. Attended academic couyrses for military commanders for 2 months in 1985.

    Lieutenant 20.9.58

    Senior Lieutenant 10.8.62

    Captain 2.9.65

    Major 18.10.69

    Lieutenant Colonel 13.11.73

    Colonel 29.11.86

    No combat service.

    Married: wife Zoya Mikhailovna Kostyleva born 1940, son Gleb born 1965.


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    Guest Rick Research

    Post #17 =

    Called to service 1 October 1955 at Kokansky Local Military Commissariat (RVK), Fergansky Oblast to attend Pushkinsky Radio Tech School for AADotC Forces.

    1.10.55 Cadet

    20.9.58 Graduated and placed at the disposition of the commander of forces in the Northern Caucasus Military District.

    That signed off on by the School Commandant, Major General of Engineer Technical Service "Morin"

    DO ANYBODY please feel free... it is now the Usual Dark and me slaving over scribbled Sutterlin in the Mecklenburg-Strelitz 1914-33 awards mines alllllllllllllll DAY already. :rolleyes:

    Cutting to the chase,

    Francis Gary Powers, anyone? :unsure::ninja:

    He retired 18 November 1988 Per Para 59/Point 5 which was presumably in this case the "up or out" age limit having reached age 50.

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