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    I was fortunate to get a couple of the ex-Nowell collection items from the last DNW auction, including a spange with the following combo:

    Prussia 1870 EK2

    Prussia Red Eagle Order 4th Class, marked "FR"

    Prussia Crown Order 3rd Class, marked "Zehn"

    Prussia 1870 KDM, no inscription

    Prussia Centennar-Medal

    England 1887 Golden Jubilee Medal

    I thought this was a fairly unique combination with the English medal, although it is curious that the owner has the 1897 Wilhelm medal but not the EK2 oakleaves or any battle bars on the KDM. If anyone would like to volunteer to post scans of this bar, that would be nice, as I cannot post pictures. In the meantime, I thought it would be interesting if members could post their German bars with English decorations.


    I was fortunate to get a couple of the ex-Nowell collection items from the last DNW auction, including a spange with the following combo:

    Prussia 1870 EK2

    Prussia Red Eagle Order 4th Class, marked "FR"

    Prussia Crown Order 3rd Class, marked "Zehn"

    Prussia 1870 KDM, no inscription

    Prussia Centennar-Medal

    England 1887 Golden Jubilee Medal

    I thought this was a fairly unique combination with the English medal, although it is curious that the owner has the 1897 Wilhelm medal but not the EK2 oakleaves or any battle bars on the KDM. If anyone would like to volunteer to post scans of this bar, that would be nice, as I cannot post pictures. In the meantime, I thought it would be interesting if members could post their German bars with English decorations.

    Hello VtwinVince,

    You can't post pictures?!?!? I, for one, would love to see this bar, front and back.


    Lovely bar! "Unfortunally" to a civilian, makes it a bit more complicated. He's not wearing a long service award but actually should, if he were an Oberstleutnant level officer - and from RAO4/KO3 he were. Most likely an ex-officer. Are there any rolls of British awards (and medals) to Germans?


    The DOA does list a Jubilee medal for Great Britian in gold a silver. I am not sure if it is the above medal.


    Paul, I suppose that could be the diamond jubilee medal? Thanks Claudius for hosting the pictures. I'd like to see more bars with English decorations, so if anyone has any, please show them.



    The British medal in question is very likely a Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. These medals were awarded in 1897,

    and I quote from Ribbons and Medals by H. Taprell Dorling - “It was given in bronze to certain of the soldiers and sailors who

    took part in the processions through London and who were serving on board the men-of-war when the fleets were reviewed

    by the Queen”.

    What does the reverse inscription say?


    Wild Card


    In the german Marineverordnungsblatt only one awarded to german naval officers is published, Korvettenkapitän Gülich, at the german embassy in that time, i think the Marineattacheé.

    Gülich Allerhöchste Belobigung Kadett 1872, 07.29. Prüfung zum Seekadett mit SEHR GUT

    Gülich Pr. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz XXV Kapitänleutnant 1889, 05.28.

    Gülich Pr. RAO 4. Kl. Kapitänleutnant 1889, 06.19.

    Gülich Zans. O. d. str. Sterns 2. Kl. 3. St. Kapitänleutnant 1889, 08.27.

    Gülich Pr. Kronen-O. 3. Kl. Korvettenkapitän 1895, 08.10. kommandiert bei der Botschaft in London

    Gülich GB Erinn.Med. 60j. Jub. Queen Victoria Korvettenkapitän 1897, 07.31.

    Gülich DR Chinadenkmünze für Kämpfer Kapitän zur See 1901, 05.10.S KAISERIN AUGUSTA

    Gülich DR Spange TAKU Kapitän zur See 1901, 05.10.S KAISERIN AUGUSTA

    Gülich Pr. Kronen-O. 2. Kl. Kapitän zur See 1901, 08.04. KAISERIN AUGUSTA, Kommandant bisher

    Gülich Württb. Friedrichs-O. Komturkreuz 2. Kl. Kapitän zur See 1901, 09.06. II. Matrosendivision, m.d.Vertretung d. Kdrs. beauftr.

    Gülich Norw. O.v.Hlg.Olaf, Kommandeurkreuz 2. Kl. Kapitän zur See 1902, 01.11. KAISER WILHELM II., Kommandant

    Gülich Mon. O. v. Hlg. Karl, Großoffizierkreuz Kapitän zur See 1902, 10.08. KAISER WILHELM II., Kommandant

    Gülich Bay. MVO Komturkreuz Konteradmiral 1904, 10.12. Kmdt. Wilhelmshaven

    Gülich Pr. Kronen-O. 2. Kl., Stern z. Konteradmiral z.D. 1909, 01.27. FestungsKmd.t v. W'haven




    I am a little confused, 1887 or 1897 ?

    Of cause not Gülich, he did not have the Iron Cross 1870. There were only 8 or 9 naval officers who got the EK II 1870, i think this is a former army soldier in diplomatic service.



    Posted (edited)

    I am a little confused, 1887 or 1897 ?

    I was confused too and therefore I looked again in the English medals catalogue:

    1887 = 50th coronation jubilee

    1897 = 60th coronation jubilee

    As you can read in the catalogue for the 1897 medal: The medal is very similar to the 1887 issue, differing solely in the date and anniversery on the reverse.

    Best regards, Komtur.

    Edited by Komtur

    I am a little confused, 1887 or 1897 ?



    That is why I asked "What does the reverse inscription say?" back in post #10.

    The answer is there - on the reverse. :cheers:

    • 4 weeks later...
    Posted (edited)

    yup........ that is of course a bar you can forget from time to time.... :speechless1::love::speechless1:

    Do you have a name for that , let`s say , not too often seen combination....???

    Yes Heiko Grusdat, the owner was Mohamed Hussein el Zeini.

    Gentlemen, if you would like to see one of the most complex

    cases of medal bar owner identification, go to:


    I cannot recall an example that better reflects the capabilities of The

    Forum and it’s members.


    Wild Card

    Edited by Wild Card

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