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    Hello Gentlemen,

    is it possible to identify the former owner of this ribbon bar ?

    Iron Cross 1914

    Red eagle order 4. class

    Hanseatenkreuz Hamburg

    Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer

    commemorativemedal china

    commemorativemedal colonial

    Long service cross

    liberty cross finnland on non combant bow

    liberty medal finnland

    Thanks for your upinions


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    Hallo Andreas ,

    That is not the Liberty Cross for civilian you have there :love: It is the Liberty Cross 2nd Class 1918 !!

    And that makes the bar very unusual . Not many where awarded in 1918 and even fewer to Germans. This makes the ribbon bar

    possible to ID :jumping:

    This is the ribbon bar to Johannes Jantzen 1880-1945 , look for his name here on GMIC and you will see the big medal bar .


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