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    1. Jesus Christ only had twelve, you know, and one of them was a double.'

    2. The biggest treasure are people who understand our passion and want to share it with us.

    3. The biggest treasure are people who understand our passions and want to share it with us.

    4. I want to learn Tuvan Throat Singing

      1. Claudius



        ...next request?

    5. Reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated. Hope all is well with GMIC.

      1. Craig


        Glad to see to you back

      2. Claudius


        <<<thumbs up>>>

    6. Ughhh...this new year stinks...I want the old one back :)

    7. Searching for the DFC...

    8. Mervyn... I believe it's Japanese.

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        Shame - one of our members could have translated. But, we can't leave foreign messages - they could say anything.

    9. A priest, a rabbi and an imam walk into a bar. Bartender looks up at them and says "What is this? Some kind of joke?"

    10. Will work for food and a cot under a palm tree!

    11. The 2012 Cinema Quiz has started. Come join the fun!

    12. Portuguese war cross medal

    13. THE SOVIET QUIZ 2012 is now up and running. Read the new rules and then just join in the fun!

    14. Put 'Lead in your Truncheon' - see Chris' latest challenge on the Lounge...........

      1. JimZ


        This sounds so much like putting lead in your pencil.... :)

    15. Put 'Lead in your Truncheon' - see Chris' latest challenge on the Lounge...........

    16. Put 'Lead in your Truncheon' - see Chris' latest challenge on the Lounge...........

    17. Snow and -20°C... The crappiest of seasons is finally here... Yuck!

      1. kapten_windu


        here is about 30 C, hot enough..=.=

    18. Happy Christmas. In the final analysis, the little frustrations and annoyances don't matter do they?

    19. Will be away for a few days, so as we say in Cornwall .......... Nadelek Lowen, ha Bledhen Noweth Da

    20. THE SOVIET QUIZ- the race for the honour of asking the first question for the 2012 quiz begins....

    21. Arrrgh! I jinxed it! The white crap's been coming down for 12 straight hours!

      1. IrishGunner


        Told you it was coming. :)

    22. Brian and I are looking for good articles - of some length and with illustrations - which could appear on the British Forums. If you live overseas perhaps an article - or, series, on the history of a Brit. Regt. that served there ? Articles jusged worthy will be pinned and the authors(s) will receive a specially created Certificate. Come back to either one of us with questions or, suggestions. Mervyn

    23. Dec 16th and still no snow... Weird! But I looove it!

    24. Hi Ho Hi Ho....I'm a happy boy.

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