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    Everything posted by Söderbaum

    1. Hi I am searching some basic info on Hptm dR x Haehner. Apparently did he receive the PHOvH3mSchw in February 1918. The award was probably due his success in the battle of Cambrai in November 1917. He is also noted receiving the Das österr. Verdienstkreuz mit der Kriegsdekoration in early 1916 It seems rather certain he had his roots in FuAR 10. I have his promotions. Anyone who can help ? Gunnar
    2. Hi There was an Rittm from DR 16 who served in FFA 69, could it be that Regiment ? There were several Saxon officers within that unit but no Bavarian to my knowledge. Gunnar
    3. Hi Agree, what a wonderful badge !!!! Otto Hess (Heß) apparently served in SFS Borkum while receiving that badge. I only have some fragmentary notes from the KTB of that unit. The name of the observer to Hess is Lt dR MA Otto Holm. (a Swedish sounded name but he was born in Hamburg) Gunnar
    4. Hej Christer It seems by the information on ebay that he received the Ehrenbecher on 301016, so apparently he had at least one confirmed aerial victory. I dont believe he had more victories.. It exist two files in the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg for August Staiger. It is a small possibility that one of them is your wanted man.. Also in the loss list dated 090615 is an Gefr August Staiger from RIR 248 mentioned to be l-WIA. This Staiger was born in Stuttgart and also here it is a small chance that he could be the wanted man. Unfortunate I dont have more info on him at moment. Gunnar
    5. Hi This question was in an gigantic earlier thread called Rolls. Posted 23 September 2006 - 22:25 Z'OK... not printed yet (since am still 200 or so to go Gold Medals X from through with this state). Here are the Ernestine Knight 2nd Xs with no first names for aviation. Neal couldn't find these either, and he missed the probably unfindable Hofmann because of the way THAT was entered: Hofmann, Leutnant 3.2.15 "Telegraph Bn 2 now in Flieger Bn..." (illegible, REALLY illegible) etc I wonder if anyone meanwhile have found a first name for him ? Gunnar
    6. Nice photo Deruelle ! Do you by chance have his place of birth ? Gunnar
    7. Hi folks I am searching possible date and place of birth for Hptm Richard Walter from FuAR 13. I have his promotions. He joined Reichwehr after the War and is listed with these decorations, PHOvH3mSchw EK1 PFlE WF3bmSchw HH TH. Apparently he later left Reichwehr for civil service within Lufthansa. Anyone who have info on him ? Gunnar
    8. Hi folks It existed an Saxon Rittmeister George Herrmann from UR 18. He might be my wanted man but I am unsure about his War service... I also lack date and place of birth. However he was promoted Lt dR 20.03.1908. I lack further promotions. Anyone who have info on him ? Gunnar S
    9. Hi Torsten you are correct that Neese is reported as wounded. But in this case noted as verletzt which means that it was not due direct enemy action. Think that injured might be an English equivalent. As an flyer it was nearly always in starting or landing accidents. But it could also be other accident related incidents. I have no note that he died or when he died. I am no doctor and the note badly (schwer) is also an spread concept. It actually exist flyers who were reported badly wounded and who were back at front within a month or two. Gunnar
    10. Hi There are some info on Fritz Neese on ancestry.de. He joined FAA 238 on 03.07.1917. He is also listed in a loss list dated 29.08.1918 as badly WIC. He was born 01.01.1894 in Bad Meinberg, Lippe Gunnar
    11. Hi Paul I am also very interested to get a "copy" of that book (also Volume II which I dont have) How is the process going ? Gunnar S
    12. You can log in to the site, then you can turn the pages back and forwards. Gunnar
    13. Hi Matt Thanks for that link I did not have it. But I have meanwhile been able to find similar info on him. However that link probably have wrong place of birth because an personal file for him gives another place. If anyone have his date and place of death I would be thankful Gunnar
    14. Hi I have basically the same information as Alex. In the official list of "all" Marine flyers from May 1918 who have scored victories until then he is not mentioned. This list is however not entirely complete as some Marine flyers who have scored victories seems not not to have received an Ehrenbecher or Ehrenpreis or are missing due other reasons... The chances that he is among these few missing flyers is low... The rank on this Ehrenpreis is not correct. Chorus was already Kptlt zS on 10 Aug 1917. A clear answer could be find due checking the KTB of the unit he was flying within around this date. It is NOT enough to read through the KTB. You must also read the Sonderberichte and Anlagen to the KTB where incidents like these are described. However it is always nice to se an Ehrenpreis, Gunnar
    15. Hi I have that Chorus became commander of the newly establish SFS Libau on 160515. On 230615 some sort of sickness caugt him an he left the command. And as Alex says he was back sometimes in 0915 after getting nominated for a new command. Gunnar
    16. I suspect that this book dont give any info..?, I dont have it myself. Gittermann/Zillmer/Grunau: "Das Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 71 Groß-Komtur im Weltkriege" Aus der Reihe "Heldentaten deutscher Regimenter" , "ehemals preußische Truppenteile", 91. Band. Sporn Verlag Zeulenroda, 1936, 450 Seiten. Gunnar
    17. Hi I am searching basic info on Hptm Walter Behrenz from Gren. Regt. 4, who apparently served the entire War within the Fliegertruppe. He might be related, even an older brother to Hptm Herbert Behrenz from FüR 33. For Herbert I do have complete information including complete War service. Herbert also served the entire War within the Fliegertruppe. Both were promoted Oblts the same day on 25.02.1915, while Walter was promoted Hptm 18.08.1917. Anyone who date an place of birth for Walter Behrenz..?.. or hints to find it..? Gunnar
    18. Hi folks I am still hunting for possible hints to identify Hptm x Poser from FAR 20. Also in 1918 he served within the Fliegertruppe. I think he was born around 1883. Gunnar
    19. Hi Paul Actually nearly all Personal Akten from the Marine, I think mentioned it in an earlier thread, like over 200.000 were sent back from Freiburg to WaSt in Berlin in mid 1990s before anyone had the chance to check them. The origin of this material was from the Potsdammer archive. Today they have some Marine files in Freiburg, but it only seems to be a couple of hundred (P8). But I have his aviation career within Marine Air Force rather complete as all unit records etc are available in Freiburg. It was not unusual that Army flyers went over to the Marine Air Force. It also existed an exchange agreement between the Army and Marine regarding flyers at least from early 1916. Gunnar
    20. Hi folks I am still hunting this German officer and flyer to find basic info. Recently when visiting the archive in Freiburg, they do have an file for an Württemberger Hptm dR Karl Heyer but he was no flyer.. Anyone who have hints to come further..? Gunnar
    21. Great Dave..!! I was recently hunting for him in the archive in Freiburg, but I failed to find him. Date of birth is a key to find further info on him in other still available sources. :) Gunnar
    22. Hi Hptm x Dressler from IR 47 served within the Fliegertruppe during the War. He is not the later Rudolf Dressler who was born 11.02.1881 and who served in the Luftwaffe during WW2. I lack his date of promotion to Oblt. I also dont have any basic info on him, like date and place of birth and first name. Anyone who have info on this Dressler or hints to find him..?? Gunnar
    23. Hi I am hunting the first name for Hptm Liesner. His original Regiment is apparently FAR 71. He is not the later Obstlt Gerhard Liesner from WW2 but he might be an elder brother or related..? During the War he served within the Fliegertruppe as an observer. He was the commander of at least one aviation unit. After the the War he was living in Berlin as Hptm aD, but I have been unable to find him in any adressbücher so far.. He was born 21.11.1887 in x. If related to Gerhard it might be in Königsberg..? Anyone who have hints to find him..? Gunnar
    24. Thanks Dave for added info. I am glad he survived the War and I will hunt further to find his date and place of birth. Gunnar
    25. Hi folks I am searching added info on Hptm Herkules Hippe from 4 Ing Insp. Apparently he had joined the Fliegertruppe already before the War started. Already in the autumn of of 1914 he became commander of an flying unit and until sometimes during 1916 he was commander of two further aviation units. On photos he is wearing an observer badge. After that I lost the track of him and he probably rejoined the Army. He is not listed in 1919 Dienstalterliste, so he might got killed during the War..? I have his promotions, but I am lacking date and place of birth as well if he was killed. Anyone who have added info on him..?, or hints to come further..? Gunnar
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