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    Poulton Palmer

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    Everything posted by Poulton Palmer

    1. Thanks for the input Sascha, I think I finally get it now: Herr Fick received the Kriegsverdienstmedaille 2. Klasse in Silber "Kriegs Verdienst" (see first picture of back). Normally, according to Detlev Niemann this type only existst in a 25 mm medal. The one on the Spange is a 39 mm medal. (see second picture out of the book of DN). So Herr Fick must have upgraded it himself by buying a replacement as you assume. Ok, this sounds plausible to me, only I ask myself: * why should an officer of this status do this? He has medals and status enough? This Kriegsverdienstmedaille 2. Klasse in Silber "Kriegs Verdienst" in this 39 mm versionlooks very much like the kriegsverdienstmedaille 1. Klasse in Silber (only difference is the back I think, reading "Krieger Verdienst". This seems a little bit betrügerisch to me (hope you understand what I mean). Third picture also out of DN book: a picture of a Spange with also a Kriegsverdienstmedal in it. Hope I get feedback. Greetings, Poulton Palmer
    2. I have enjoyed the pictures. Very nice grouping, congrats! greetings, poulton palmer
    3. Hi gentlemen, No reactions yet about the Prussian war merit medal on the EKII ribbon. I still don't understand this. Here in short the war adventures of Herr Fick: 1. From Mobilmachung till end of november 1915: Batterieoffizier, Beobachter and Aufklärer with the 30,5 cm Mortar battery 8 off the Heavy art rgt 7: * Until middle of feb 1915: westfront, belagerung off Namur, Maubeuge, Antwerp, Stellungskämpfe in Flandern (ypres, Langemark etc); * until middle of april 1915: ostfront, battle of Ossowiec in northern russ. Poland in the 8 german army; * mai until september 1915: ostfront, attack in galizien and russ. poland (breakthrough at Gorlice, tarnow, Jaroslau, reconquer of Przemysl and lemberg, fighting at lublin till brest-litowsk in the 11th german army); * till nov 1915: ostfront, fighting nordostlich Brody in the 2. austrian army. 2. end november 1915 till april 1916: instruktionsoffizier at the ersatz abteilung of the heavy art rgt 7 in Vienna; 3. April 1916 until 1 okt 1916: batterie offizier, beobachter and aufklärer, later first offizier and selbst. Halbbatteriekommandant at the 30,5 cm mortar battery 11 (later nr 6) of the heavy art rgt 7 at the italian front: * mai until middle sept 1916: Offensive against italy: etschtal, breakthrough at Rovereto, attack fighting at Korny zugna, Campoluzzo, arsiero, Pryafora, Novegno plateau, Passubio; * 18/9/1916 - 14/10/1916: septmeberkämpfe in Fleimstal (Cauriol etc) then with 2 halbbattery at the Pustertalfront, fighting at Scluderbach and ruffredo, and fighting in Marmolatarea (fassatal); * 15/10/1916 - 8/11/1916: Fighting in the Fleimstal (Cauriol, Cardinal, Busa Alta etc); * 9/11/1916 - 15/2/1917: fighting and trenchwarfare at the high ground of the 7 gemeinden under command of the 6 and 22 Inf div; * 20/2/1917 - 5/6/1917: with the 1 halbbattery fighting and trenchwarfare in area Borcola and Passubio etc; * 8/6/1917 - 1/8/1917: defense of italian July iffensive at the 7 gemeinden and trenchwarfare at the spot; * 3/8/1917 - 10/10/1917: with the 2 halbbattery: trenchwarfare in area Borcola (Monte Majo, Passubio etc) * 20/10/1917 - 21/04/1918: Isonzo offensive: breakthrough at Flitsch, attack at the Neveasaddle, and attack fighting between Piave and Brenta (monte Pertica, asolone, caprile etc, finally trenchwarfare, both sides of the Brenta); * 22/4/1918 - 1/10/1918: Trenchwarfare, than juni offensive and after that defensive battles on the high ground of the 7 gemeinden (col del rosso, monte di Valbella etc) * 3-10/1918 - 15/10/1918: teacher in Säbelchargenkurs Medea nearby Cormons * 16/10/1918 - 1/11/1918: (Zusammenbruch) Kommandant of the positions art gruppe "Brian" in the area Caorle at the Piave. trenchwarfare and defensive fighting at the Italian breakthrough. I stop now. Herr Fick continued his military career also in WWII. maybe I will tell you later if interested. greetings, poulton palmer
    4. last but not least, an overview of his promotions throughout the years. For 4/5 promotions I have seen original documents in the grouping.
    5. next picture gives a little overview of pictures and documents relating to Herr Fick. Then 2 portrait pictures, where you can clearly see the Schirmmütze.
    6. Good evening gentlemen, The officer in question is named: Herr josef FICK. I have got quite a lot of papers from him but didn't have the time yet to read them extensively. For now I will post a few pictures which will hopefully clarify a few questions. greetings, poulton. the first picture is a picture of an old(er) picture which came with the grouping. The second one is a picture of a page which Herr Fick wrote himself (and signed each page) about his awards (for most of them I have Urkunden). This page is part of a 7 page report he himself wrote about his career etc.
    7. Here you see the bar worn in austrian way. Also take a look at the breast eagle in combination with the collar (Austrian army???)
    8. Hello gentlemen, this weekend I came in the posession of this grouping by trading. I did have to let go of some beauties but got this in return. It is a grouping consisting of: * Offiiziersschirmmütze Gebirgsartillerie with edelweiß; * nice medal bar; * 2 spangen; * all the documents the former wearer still had (many stuff was taken by occupation forces); but nonetheless a very impressive document grouping with Urkunden, maps, letters, photographs etc. Also an extensive biography of his life and army career. My question to you is: take a look at the medal bar. You see the Prussian Kriegsverdienst medal on the ribbon of the EKII klasse. This is also written down on documents and if you can see on the close up of a picture where the owner wears it in austrian style. I have never seen this before: prussian war merit on EKII ribbon. Can someone explain this to me? By the way, if my comrade who traded this with me, reads this: thanks I will take care of the grouping. Greetings, Poulton Palmer
    9. No Paul, I just know the medals. Researching is still a blind spot to me. I shouldn't know where to start. Greetings, Poulton
    10. Here are two of mine. Poulton.
    11. Hi nice bar! Indeed Waldeck is relatively hard to find. I don't have any yet. Nice combo with the LW LS. Congrats and greetings from Bruges, Poulton
    12. Hi guys, what do you think of this medalbar? (I am sorry for the pictures but couldn't get them larger unless poor quality) If original: do you think it is researchable?? Greetings, Poulton
    13. Hi guys, Concerning the first page of the first post: Hucks216 is right: in your specific situation, the cost of the datasearch is 16 euros. Second page, first post: On your request I confirm you that the personal papers (Wehrpass, Wehrstammbuch, Stammrolle) of Mr Müller are not present here, they are presumably destroyed in the war. Out off the data that we have, we can confirm: I presume the rest you can deduct yourself??? Second post, first page: According statement from 1/9/42: NCO It is known here that the concerning person has survived the war. Mr M. lived in 1955 in etc. I hope to have helped you. Please take a look at our bill. Per page is it 8 euros. Etc Second post, second page: is clear off course. Greetings, Poulton
    14. Hi Dave and TacHel, thanks for your input. I think the conclusion is right! I am very happy with the spange which I bought from a fellow GMIC member. Greetings from Flanders, poulton
    15. Hi Chris, this is a nice jacket! I don't know much about this kind of collectionables but I like to see tunics from such highly decorated soldiers!. I do have a question. This is an officers' jacket of GD, isn't he supposed to have shoulder boards with the initials GD on them? Greetings, Poulton
    16. Good day to everyone! I just took another look at these bars and I saw that they were withdrawn from the auction by the seller. Are they sold to someone after negotiating directly? Or something else? Strange. Greetings from Flanders, Poulton Palmer
    17. Hi Paul, ornate they are indeed, but genuine? I was looking at the biddings on these two and the prices were already very high. Probably they are indeed genuine? Pictures of the back are not available. Greetings, Poulton
    18. Hi guys, I just bought this new ribbon bar. I am happy with it. What do you think about it? Greeings from Flanders, Poulton Palmer
    19. Hi guys, I just saw these on german ebay. If they are real they must be of highly decorated officers. I think they are real fakes off course. But I am not an expert. There are people here on the forum with great knowledge about these kind of ribbon bars. Can you please look if I am right? And why are these fakes, where to look at (for me it is more or less a gut feeling). Greetings from Flanders, Poulton Palmer
    20. Hi Christophe, congratulations with such a nice ribbon bar! Where do you keep finding them! Poulton
    21. Gutentag Dete, this is superb! ich bin eifersüchtig! I am looking everywhere to buy such a bar but I think I don't look at the right places!! If someone has some spanges for sale, you can pm me. And Paul has the name of the owner! this is simply a dreambar! Greetings, Poulton Palmer
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