this is a list of Indonesian Satyalancana, i hope it useful for those who interested or collecting Indonesian ODM, sorry for no picture..
Satyalancana for Civilian:
a. Satyalancana Perintis Kemerdekaan 1 and 2;
For founder or leader of the movement that resulted in national consciousness and / or enterprising and active work towards it and therefore get the punishment from the colonial government or continuously active oppose colonial occupation and not against the Republic of Indonesia.
b. Satyalancana Pembangunan;
For helping the development of nation in general or particular areas.
c. Satyalancana Wira Karya;
For great and excellent work for the nation and being an example to others.
d. Satyalancana Kebaktian Sosial;
For excellency and outstanding contribution in humanity action and development.
e. Satyalancana Kebudayaan;
For excellency and outstanding contribution in cultural action and development.
f. Satyalancana Pendidikan;
For excellency and outstanding contribution in education service and development.
g. Satyalancana Karya Satya;
For excellent civil servant in service for long time.
h. Satyalancana Dharma Olahraga;
For outstanding action and helping development in sport.
i. Satyalancana Dharma Pemuda;
For outstanding youngman that involves in developing young generation
j. Satyalancana Kepariwisataan;
For outstanding service and development in tourism.
k. Satyalancana Karya Bhakti Praja Nugraha;
For excellent work in local governmental duties (in provincional/regencional areas)
l. Satyalancana Pengabdian;
For Police loyalty and long service (8, 16, 24, and 32 years)
m. Satyalancana Bhakti Pendidikan;
For Police (or other civilian) that involves in Police education and training
n. Satyalancana Jana Utama;
For Police excellency in duties and outstanding performances
o. Satyalancana Ksatria Bhayangkara;
For Police in carrying out police duties both field operations and field development and meet the requirements of professionalism and professional ethics that affect the progress of the Police.
p. Satyalancana Karya Bhakti;
a. Police members who actively participate in activities that produce tangible and memorable works that have an impact on the progress and development of the Police; or
b. Indonesians non members of the Police and the foreigners who actively participate in helping police duties in all areas that produce tangible and memorable work for progress and development of the Police.
q. Satyalancana Operasi Kepolisian;
For successful and outstanding performance in a police operation
q. Satyalancana Bhakti Buana;
For a member of Police who has done the international police mission abroad by showing discipline and responsibility
r. Satyalancana Bhakti Nusa;
For member of the Police who have been carrying out basic tasks on the border and / or remote area region of the Republic of Indonesia
t. Satyalancana Bhakti Purna.
For police veteran who had serviced in police forces at least 30 years