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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Leutnant Emil Kost later Dr. Emil Kost from Schw?bisch-Hall, W?rttemberg the shoulder board appears to have two color piping with Fuss-Artillerie device and 98 number.
    2. Reiterabzeichen in Silber (early L. Chr. Lauer - pure silver version stamped 990) with period pin replacement. Hardy
    3. My mistake Ed - I read the words researched and group in the forum title and thought it would be the best place for the plates to be researched (since quite a few members here understand Russian). Besides, I find these plates not at all generic - rather highly specific. If there is a better sub-forum for this, please have it moved - sorry for the Faux pas Regards, Hardy
    4. I'm not sure - I have to wait until I can make better scans. The only information I have is that both plates were brought back from the Eastern Front by a member of the Wehrmacht. Hardy
    5. Nice late date document - My father contracted Ruhr (Dissenteria) and was evacuated from Afrika in January 43 - he received his "AFRIKA" cuff title over a year later in the late spring of 1944. Hardy
    6. What I could find out with Rick's information: Factory No. 29 was located in Zaporozhye - The Tumansky M-88 engine was developed just before the war and was used in the aircraft types Polikarpov I-180, Sukhoi Su-2 and Ilyushin DB-3F / Il-4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumansky_M-88 Hardy
    7. I just acquired these manufacturer plates, apparently brought back by a German soldier - but what are they off? I appreciate any help Regards, Hardy
    8. Rod; Karl B?hler must have been a good friend or relative of the writer since he mentions him on the card and is in possession of his picture. Is the Pickelhaube named to B?hler? If not, the Pickelhaube could have belonged to the writer (Homberg) rather than B?hler. Assuming the items all came from the same household (That of Mina Homberg). Hardy
    9. It appears more like a coin that has been modified than a medal. Hardy
    10. The writer of the postcard is addressing Mina Homberg as Frau and starts with: Liebste Mina. From that I know that Mina is married and the writer is most likely her husband. Therefore, if I'm right in my assumptions, the writer of the postcard is Mr. Homberg. I believe the card is signed: dein Dich liebender Schatz Your loving darling (not sure on that) Regards, Hardy
    11. Thanks Webr55 and Rick, Rick, there is a device visible on the shoulder board, but I cannot make it out by the poor scan I have from the seller. We have to wait until the original photo arrives in a few days (perhaps I should have waited with this post until then). It could as well be that the writing on the back "Leutnant Emil Kost" is not the person depicted on the front. Regards, Hardy
    12. Hi Prosper, have a look here: http://www.militaria-fundforum.de/showthread.php?t=47409 and here: http://www.stephan.de/php/de_neuesfenster....a84765ce3b4364b Hardy
    13. Sorry Rick, I just posted an innocent request. It was never my intention to waste your or anyone else's time. I have a portrait that shows a person, identified as Emil Kost, in a W?rttemberg Leutnant uniform decorated with EKI/EkII, W?rtt. Verdienst Medaille and wound badge in black. I will post the picture as soon as I can scan it. Hardy
    14. after WWI he was known as Archaeologist and Studienrat Dr. Emil Kost. He died on Feb. 15, 1953 in Schw?bisch Hall. I'm looking for any info on his service in the W?rttemberg army during WWI Regards, Hardy
    15. Great and rare items - thank you for sharing - could you post close ups of the Kragenspiegel sculls? Regards, Hardy
    16. Thank you for your reply David - I checked the Bavarian IR22, but I ruled it out since the 3rd Bavarian Division gave up IR22 in April 1915 to the new 11th Bavarian Division. Besides the wrong cuffs for the Pionier Bataillon 22 - the color shades of the Korkade would be wrong (for Saxon the center would be a light shade for white color) David it is just a single photo, but I like the unusual image of Artillerie men with rifles in the trench. Regards, Hardy
    17. I just want to share this image with you. Any other J?ger zu Pferde pictures out there? Regards, Hardy
    18. Can this unit be identified? - one can clearly see the 22 on the shoulder straps. Since the Prussian and Bavarian Infanterie Regimenter Nr.22 had Brandenburg cuffs I ruled them out. Dragoner Rgt. 22 from Baden I ruled out as well. Pionier Batl. 22 I ruled out since it should have Saxon cuffs. I think the men are from the Feld-Arillerie-Regiment Nr.22 - since the 13. Division to which the FAR22 belonged was deployed at Neuve-Chapelle in the Spring of 1915. On the back is written: Im Sch?tzengraben bei Neuve-Chapelle 7 + 8 Mai - Wimert, Sch?fer Any help is welcome. Regards Hardy
    19. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=22175 http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=18852 http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8748 http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7145 Regards, Hardy
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