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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. I'd like to show some ribbon bars that are making me crazy. I'm not sure if any might be traceable, as I'm not even sure at the moment what the awards are. Missing names don't drive me crazy - not to know what awards are represented does! I'm starting with a home made, wide ribboned and likely war time Bavarian/Baden NCO's bar with Bavarian MVK 2nd class with swords, a plain blue ribbon, Baden long service award, Bavarian long service award and Baden war merit cross. Two state's awards and matching two states long service award is odd, but oddest is the plain blue one. I thougt it is most likely a Prussian crown order medal - but then realized the "Kreuz f?r Verdienste um das Brieftaubenwesen" has the same ribbon. Might it be for the pidgeon award... ?! And exist award numbers, even a list for it? #1:
    2. Lovely bar, and pretty sure traceable! A court flunky type with BRAVERY award in #2?! As there's no 1870 medal ribbon I assume the WMV3 was given for WWI and the bar is most likely from about 1914/15 - and the missing ribbon presumably EK2. In my opinion a officer, with some peace time orders and decorations. W?rttemberger with pretty much Coburg and Gotha (and Bulgaria) connection...
    3. Silver gilt issue indicates 1916 to 1918 period. But that one from the pictures would not be anything for my collection.
    4. The last one is Schaumburg, from better and later pictures. What a ugly medal bar he wears at this time... he later added, don't ask me how and why, a knight's cross of the Karl Friedrich merit order (whose grand master he was, of course), a Dutch order and the stuff that comes by time - Prussian 1897, oaks to the EK, three clasps to the 1870 medal - and two clasps onto his Baden Felddienst-Auszeichnung. Those could have been worn from 1866/1871 on, but there wasn't enough space on that ugley bar, as we can see. A similar and "his" medal bar is shown in WHM Rastatt, but I have my doubts about it... some stuff is missing, and one of the clasps on the FDA ist "1848."... PS: you missed to mention the Schaumburg medal at W?rttemberg's Wilhelm II., too. ;)
    5. Rick, I do not see a Hohenzollern Double on Roman's bow. Isn't that just and EK2 with a Hohenzollern anything?! Here's one of mine HOH3X bars, but I'm pretty unsure... MEZ2, KO4X/RAO4X plus HOH3X and EK2, leaving out all China, Africa or Kolonial medals etc. Might be a phantasy put together bar... I'm not sure... Rick?!
    6. That happens, happened yet a bit. Look how much wasn't sold at Thies' auction. That's not how it was one or two years ago. Russian stuff especially seems to normalize, at least a bit. I hope it all goes back to... hum... 1980s prices. Honestly, I almost have to think it was boredom. I didn't realize the bar matches yours but was very surprised about the price. It is a really nice one - but not thaaat special...
    7. Here's a similar case, but I fear it isn't that easy. A Saxon NCO (please don't ask me for his proper rank) with WWI bravery awards by four German states! He has a general merit cross with swords, a silver Friedrich August medal and a XV, plus EK2 and the (military) merit medals from Baden and W?rttemberg. But, none of those has published lists... Unique combination but impossible to track him down?
    8. Feldmann's ribbon bar went to Russia, if I remember correctly. At least the buyer - or the one I think - bought that didn't speak German but English with an accent and Thies talked to him something about the Russian auction part... Those ribbon bars at current Thies' auction made prices... wow... :speechless1:
    9. Sorry for being off-topic with a WW2 ribbon bar, but there's one more ribbon that I think is from Romania. Rick, could you tell me what this is exactely?
    10. Those changed in ~1892, the then ribbon for the merit medals is the same as for the merit crosses.
    11. Rick, they finally did a reprint at Battenberg Verlag. Available everywhere, at least in Germany. A "must have" reference, at least for those old of us, as Rick and me, who have the 1991 issue. :P
    12. Lovely war time bar and I'm pretty sure to an junior officer. A NCO with two state awards I'd assume to have a long service award. Comparing the principal Hohenzollern to the SEHO rolls brings hims up. The rolls are available... :P
    13. Nice bar, but I could not find him immediately. I did a cross check of all Dutch pre-WWI awards to W?rttembergers and the Hessian WWI awards. Maybe he got the Dutch order post-WWI... The wearer was a W?rttemberger, wasn't he? I'm not 100% sure, but about 95%... I don't have W?rttemberg's WWI rolls to check those but the WF3aX with Hassian Milit?r-Sanit?tskreuz might bring him up, however... Edit: Dr. H?cker and Dr. H?lscher from W?rttemberg had the Hassian cross, no other known non-W?rttemberg awards neither in nor pre WWI
    14. It is, against all rules. More than two MVO/MVK ribbons for WWI should not be...
    15. Recently, a matching miniature tuxedo bar (sic) was offered on eBay. No idea if they happened to be reunited... ? Would be a great set, otherwise still a stunning bar. :P
    16. :speechless1: And I looked thru whole the DOA 1904, but only checked the guys with AEZ in Gold... Thank you! One question: does the KO4 (has to have a "50", right?) really outrank the HOH4? I actually doubt it, but am not sure about the 4th classes of HOH...
    17. Very nice bar. As the Wilhelskreuz is without sowards and he wears a military long service award he had to be a ex-NCO civilian. If he was out of the military pre 1913 he upgradet his older style long service brooch. A Wilhelskreuz without swords always indicates a non-military recipient. Isn't that helpful? =)
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