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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. I don't want to say something sure as the pictures aren't too good, but my guts don't like any of the awards and would give it a miss...
    2. Heureka! Heureka! Well, maybe heureka... it isn't even the correct ribbon but close - and made sense. Here on the sales, offered by hipnos... I took his pictures as they'll dissapear from the sale room, but don't tell anyone I stole them...
    3. But for WWI action, wasn't it? However, I don't like that bar - even if it didn't glow under black light (does it?). It glows yet without black light to me...
    4. The 4th ribbon on the 4th bar has a white stirpe, doesn't it? It think this is rather an Silesian Eagle... I wonder what the 5th ribbon of the 3rd bar is. May it be a faded Bavarian MVK to a Prussian?
    5. Weeeeell, it's not that easy. With the Prussians there's something very special: the star to the 2nd classes of REO and CO were grades on their very own, awarded later than the crosses. With most other German state merit orders it was different. In Baden e.g., and I think most worked like that, there were commander's 1st and 2nd class, awarded with or without star - however, as one class, not as two.
    6. I'm with Heiko in all he said - the second one has a Saxon FAM and I don't like the first one. The ribbons look to fresh and I don't like the combination.
    7. Lovely bar - is it yours? The 1934 honour cross is just a darker one, still "bronish". The last medal is a Siamese court merit medal(?). I love Siamese awards on German bars, but they're hardly ever seen. I think I saw that bar some years before - at C. Zeige's auction, Hamburg? The IInd to last medal is a Brunswick jubilee medal, non- or demi-official - at least it won't be found in Nimmergut's catalogue. I think it's the one with a scull on the back, a jubilee from about 1909 to a Brunswick unit?! Please correct me, I don't really know that one. The averse is very similar to the 1815 waterloo medal, but that would make no sense at all in a WWI group...
    8. "awards moved up" was my first guess, too, but methinks the same that the Romanian is more likely a NCO level award, and if he was still in the military he had his brooch below on the breast, for how long whatever - still it doesn't seem he stayed at the military as he hasn't awards for 1864, 1866 or 1870/71 - but the 1864 ribbon is used on the backside, so one could date the bar in at least that times without knowing when the Romanian was awarded (I wouldn't have an idea on that, honestly). I love bars with foreign awards in last place, I love bars that early, I love especially bars with Baden 1849 medal - and the 1861 Prussian coronation medal is as well something rather special on a bar.
    9. And the whole thing... Someone knows what it is, maybe even what those cost about? Thanks in advance...
    10. My actual reason to get the thread up is this medal I had in post today: a French Waterloo medal! I never saw that one before nor heard of it. Do you know it? I assume it isn't an award but just a memorial medal that someone chose to wear - it comes even with an old ribbon. It's about 42mm and from silvered bronce with a "BRONZE" punch in the rim.
    11. Ah, now this is some very interresting information! Assuming the bar itself is an original one (I'm not sure but honestly don't know) a peace time "silver bear" made much more sense on it than the medal, wouldn't it? From what I know the silver and honey bears with swords are very rare, though I have no numbers and with no rolls, as Rick said... PS: scottplen, welcome to the GMIC - just realized you're new here. If you're the scottplen I think my father bought one of your bars on eBay that's in the post right now.
    12. It's the example of "HEINR. SEGGELKE. CORP. 2. LIN. BAT.", unfortunally missing the suspension: PS: might someone please tell me what those are going about nowadays in this condition? I think I'll sell it, as it isn't from Baden, is it... ;o)
    13. Thanks to you all. So the pinkish ribbon is clear. What (German) people were awarded an Alexander order usually? Am I right thinking that many of those went to yet well decorated people, in addition to their German bravery awards? Those WWII ribbon bars tell us nothing but his duration of service... that one seems to had no pre war service, though may have had German Cross or even Knight's Cross of the IC - who knows? I think Bulgarian orders weren't trown away to just anyone?! To the Prussian ribbon: I read recently that Red Eagle medals were given in WWI as war merit awards to NCOs - on statute or black and white ribbon. Might be one of those here as well? The infomation comes from recently BDOS Magazine...
    14. One more, but I don't want to open a second thread at the zinky guy's forums, as I know here are people that can answer the same question - what is the last ribbon for? It's a pure WW II bar, so the last award, with a crown device, should be something from an allied monarchy. But what? Bulgaria used the blue-silver ribbon for war decorations, I don't know a Romanian award with this ribbon...
    15. It's unusual I'm asking this question and I'm not sure if I did before, but I'm having this bar for years now and don't know what the second ribbon might be for. It almost looks like a Prussian Red Eagle order or Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen ribbon, but the position doesn't match and the ribbon is not the same, too - to few orange. Furthermore, the bar does not look like one for an old served guy that had RAO or AEZ. I would suspekt a German WWI bravery/war merit award from any fact, but none comes to mind with such a ribbon... Help! I need somebody's help!
    16. Thanks Noor, I almost feared one more group split up... Rick, I then was still talking about if it was a pre 1913 NCO bar with a empty ribbon or "Spangenst?ck" to one of the pre 1913 bars - those were far behind (usually last position) as actually no medal bar awards. The post 1913 long service awards outrank the Red Eagle medal as the older long service crosses did, yes. I'm pretty sure I was right with my guess it's an "Alexander" soldier by the pins, so it's army, not navy - but "Garde". Now, any chances to find an 1913/1914 NCO from a Berlin regiment by his decorations? If we knew which Russian decorations he actually held maybe the 1909 DOA might help, if he had them yet back than which is rather unlikely. I wonder why this guy was that heavily decorated by the Tsar, but had just one (merit) medal from his own king... ? It looks unusual.
    17. Oh, that's pity - but you absolutely made the best of it eitze, now please don't you split it up even more.
    18. Sure, always possible - but then, for a pre 1913 bar it should be behind the "yellow-white whatever it may be for" ribbon, peut-?tre even behind the Russians. So we're on 19313/14 NCO for sure, yes? The bar used to come with a three place button ribbon (some years older, yet without the second stanislaus and the blue ribbon) and some pins, don't know if those are still with the bar? It was those pins that indicaded Alexander-Garde - I had this still in mind but looked it up by now...
    19. I'm pretty sure this was a guy's from Kaiser Alexander Garde-Grenadier Regiment Nr. 1, Berlin - but the blue ribbon strucks me. Cannot be LW2, but nothing else possible up to 1913 for an NCO with the plain blue ribbon. Now, makes this it an officer's or an 1913/14 NCO-bar?
    20. Hey, great you got them - and managed to keep most together. For those who aren't much on eBay: all this was offered lose, with an additional ribbon bar (eitze lost), a casted awarded EK I and a vaultet EK I. Maybe the information on EK I might help to get the guy... ? EK I to NCOs aren't to common, from what I know.
    21. Baden, Silberne Verdienstmedaille - here an 1881 to 1908 type which should go well with the bar. Or are we on Prussian 1897 medal? But the hooks, those hooks... (picture rights by U. Bretzendorfer ) Plus, I'm on a 1870 medal in steel - don't ask why, just a feeling...
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