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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Those are miiiiiiiiiiine ... It came with two EK I and of course name etc. of his grandfather ... and a picture of the ~1936 medal bar that he doesn't want to sell (yet) ... The bar awards are: - Preu?en, Eisernes Kreuz 1914 II. Klasse; - Bayern, Milit?r-Verdienstkreuz II. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern; - Sachsen, Ehrenkreuz mit Schwertern; - Baden, Orden vom Z?hringer L?wen, Verdienstkreuz am Band des MKFVOs; - Dt. Reich, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer; - Preu?en, Medaille des Roten Adler-Ordens; - Preu?en, Kronenorden-Medaille; - Bayern, Jubil?umsmedaille f?r die Armee; - Dt. Reich, Wehrmachts-Dienstauszeichnung f?r Kriegsmarine I. Klasse; - Dt. Reich, Wehrmachts-Dienstauszeichnung f?r Kriegsmarine III. Klasse. Hard to tell without any devices, yessssss ...
    2. Guys, please don't make too much affort for these. I don't need a _name_, I can see his career and this is actually enough. Maybe once the other puictures reappear and can be reunited, or other pictures come up ... I'll check later for numbers on shoulder straps, but it's too blurry, I fear.
    3. But not the club, but someone from Erfurt. One more for my list of persons I won't sell to anything. There is no legal way to stop this ...
    4. May be, I've no idea - the first and only "bar photo" I've ever seen. At it is the youngest photo of these five, so it may be the right idea. Without knowledge _who_ it is and when he died, no chance to be sure. No names on the pictures, nothing was said on the eBay auctions. I found just a date, "2. Oct. 87" on the oldest of these three. From the uniform it might be a Baden Infantry Rgt. 110 etc. - apparently not a Leib-Grenadier 109. I know, that's why this is one of my favourite photo groups: small but nice. Those two I didn't win on eBay, but at least can reunite them visually here in the thread. If they ever come up again, please tell me.
    5. Once more him, again some years before. There were some more on ebay, but how to get all? It never works ... I can be glad that I got those three which make a nice set.
    6. I don't know which Zähringer with oakleaves it is, but with 30 years in between to the 3bX for 1870 (not many awarded, by the way!) it should rather be a 3a in Gold ... I don't know exactly because I don't have the bar. This it is, has anyone ever seen a photograph of a medal bar?! It's taken in 1905 in Karlsruhe ...
    7. Gentlemen, please take a look at this nice medal bar. It looks enormous fresh and new, but it seems old and kosher to me. What do you think about it? And might the combination be traceable?
    8. I still have an actually good feeling with this one. Might please someone link it, I couldn't find it on eGay. A good feeling is not enough for such a bar ... PS: it screams "Navy!" to me but cannot be, as a Bavarian in the navy should wear the Prussian Dienstauszeichnungskreuz - so something else ...
    9. IS this bar bad or MAY it be bad? The picture isn't the best and the Austrian's place isn't to wrong if the bar is from 1938. I've never seens the second Austrian award before on a German bar - is it impossible to be there? PS: as it's an Bavarian's bar it's not just from 1934 with the Ehrenkreuz but at least from 1936 - look at the precedence! Can as well be from 1938 which makes the Austrian a German war award, anywere between the other German war awards from Saxony, Hamburg and Preu?en ...
    10. The two long service awards might be okay like this (are they?), but the rest is "a bit" confused ...
    11. Live a hundered years, learn a hundered years. Sure, I never said anything else, at least didn't want to. The Prussian medal was given to Prussians, the Baden to guys from anywhere - and from this anywhere my guy had to be from to qualify for the Baden but miss the Hohenzollersche. Most other states had their awards for 1849 and/or 1866, buuut Hessen-Kassel didn't awards commemorial medals for one of those ...
    12. Sorry Rick, but that is not right. The "Hohenzollersche Denkmünze" was awarded to all Prussian soldiers who fought in these days, no matter where they were. With this additional info we (actually: a German collector of mainly pre1900 awards) came to: this isn't the bar of a Prussian, at least not of someone who was Prussian before 1866. It's rather likely to be someone from e.g.Kurhessen: they fought in 1849 for nothing, they had no 1864 action, they lost in 1866 with no decoration for it. Possible to you? A Prussian is in our humble opinion absolutely impossible with this combination ... What think the Kurhessen guys?
    13. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The reasons for a Karl Friedrich medal in WW I vary, but "bravery" describes it roughly ... well, what else should it be for a high ranking BRAVERY medal. By the way it is rather the 1939 Knight's cross pendant than one to the German Cross in Gold.
    14. Apparently not an RAO with swords (ribbon!). Why should it be no RAO4th class?! That's the most likely, I'd think ...
    15. Methinks the same: invisible and almost no chance to identify it - but one one of the best of this category, congratulations :cheers:
    16. Hey Micha, I brought this up before here - but twice cannot be worse than once ... :violent:
    17. The medaillon is apparently not real Gold, so it should be silver gilt. I can see some greenspan (?! "Copper(II) acetate") on your picture you postet 22:28, so it's brass, copper or bronce - which makes it a bad one, in my humble opinion. As Claudio says, I'd prefer a real golden one, too.
    18. War time service counts double, so 1914-1918 (if he made it through) makes ten years - at least five more pre war to get the XV cross. He was a NCO rank. As the "TK" and "NTK" appears several times, this is probably his Initials.
    19. I'm glad I found this ooold thread again ... The bar shown by me 'Aug 26 2006, 21:52' came now up on a German forum, with better pictures of course. I was right, neither the bar nor the eagle are good, and the owner will take it apart. At least the Iron cross is a very nice one. Now that's (sometimes) an Expertise's worth ...
    20. Me neither, not of those - but many other things. Would the combination make sense withe a Golden one? I'd wonder, but don't know ...
    21. It looks gilt but some people let their bronce decoration gilt to look better. May this be the case here?!
    22. It's a "Milit?r-Verdienstkreuz mit Schwertern" from the times that the Bavarian MVK was just one-clased. In 1905 it was divided to two, in 1913 to three classes. Since 1905, this old version was an equal to the new 1st class - but they're not too common.
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