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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Me not... I knew someone who faked these Marschallstäbe. I don't know if it's these here we are talking about, but he won't produce any more. On the other hand, there was no severe limitation. He might have made more, or less than said here. Who knows...
    2. mhh, I looked at Nimmergut and found the NC ribbon: dark blue with ornage stripes on the edge, similar to Prussian XXI long service brooch's ribbon.
    3. Matt, if it were it came on another ribbon. This is a typical bravery/war merit award, that should be way more left on the bar. Still, stranger things happened.
    4. saschaw


      Wow, never seen one like this before. Looks just great! However, Sedlatzek is not (yet) known as actual maker of just one award. He bought and re-sold awards, and assambled medal bars and ribbon bars.
    5. The picture is small, and it might be due to wear. The coinage is exactely the issued ones, while the other, inofficial coinages differ slightly.
    6. The KDM is not a "Spangenstück", but I don't like anything else in this group.
    7. Discs? The iron medals were coppered before silvered, but that makes no disc but just a finish... sure yours is three-part?
    8. So now it just neeeds someone who wants to and can afford the group. Please, go for it. I cannot...
    9. Sure it is bronze, not iron? Use a magnet... Almost correct. This mark is seen on ALL official strikes of this medal that are not silver: bronze, iron, zinc. Up to June 1916, they were struck in Karlsruhe state mint in silver, then they changed to B. H. Mayer and non-silver. If yours is bronze, congratulations. Those are the rarest while zinc, iron and silver are rather common with a total of guessed 170,000 awarded in WW1. Not to be confused with "Spangenstücke", which are usually silvered bronze or brass - but not official strikes, and always without the mark.
    10. I guess I was the very first to contact and advise him, before this thread was started. Maybe it works...
    11. Up again - I found him by coincidence. He's still in the 1913 Hof- und Staatshandbuch für das Großherzogtum Baden: Dr. Vinzenz Czerny, Wirklicher Geheimer Rat, Exzellenz, ordentlicher Professor a.D., Direktor des Krebsinstituts und Samariterhauses. In the meantime, my photo pre-dates 1897, he upgradet his BZ2a to BZ1 and added BFL, KO2, a Serbian St. Sava order plus the usual stuff to get: Prussian 1897 and Baden 1902 medals. I still have no idea what's behind the armrest... it is nothing of the mentioned.
    12. One more with "mustard" ribbon. Pre WW1, home made lapel "bow", upgraded in ~1934... smells like petty officer with Kronenordenmedaille, Rote-Adler-Medaille, China, AEZ, 1897... Anyone to agree or disagree?
    13. The knight's cross grade's Kriegsdekoration is just the ribbon: The striped one instead of the red peace time ribbon. The crosses are the same in this class.
    14. Nice one! However, I'm not 100% convinced it must be a Württemberger's: A Prussian junior officer's bar might look the very same... without long service awards, always some difficulties here... Here's an earlier one presumably to the same person. Offered last year(?) by Bretzen:
    15. I'm not thinking it... it's rather you are thinking they were good?! Tolle et lege, svp. http://www.medalnet.net/Iron_Cross_1870.htm
    16. Nice original bar, but I'd assume as well played with. A WW1 Albrecht does hardly make sense here, as well the 1913+ long service award is unlikely. That bar would look much more trustworthy if it had a peace time Albrecht, and an older long service awards on it.
    17. Nice discussion. Paul, can you proove me the moon is not made of cheese? I bet you cannot! However, I'm pretty sure Jupiter is! PKeating, might I ask why you're posting fake Iron Crosses in this thread? I cannot see any connection, nor did you write anything about them... ?
    18. Is known by whom that was made? I have no idea who was Halley's Predecessor, and when exactely... but it looks undoubtfull interresting.
    19. Not to unlikely to get an Albrecht (cross) pre-war and then only a FAM?! How about Altenburg jubilee medal? Would match the Altenburg bravery medal... PS: used to be mine... :whistle:
    20. Nice, honest bar! From mid-1916 on, from what I know. They changed material as they changed from Karlsruhe state mint to B.H. Mayer in Pforzheim. This happend in June 1916, however they (B.H. Mayer's) exist as well in silvered bronze and silvered iron. I do now know when they made which, but the bronze ones must be from mid-1916.
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