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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Banned as British awards were, weren't they? Some just didn't mind, not even in 1918, not even in uniform. Here's Feldwebel-Leutnant Willy Schulze in 1918, wearing the uniform of J?ger-Bataillon Nr. 3. The last award on his medal bar is the British African General Service Medal with clasp "West Africa 1908". PS: from what I know only enemy's awards were banned to wear, but Belgium, the Netherlands etc. were not enemies. An e.g. Dutch decoration might have been worn at any time.
    2. Here's one of my father's nicer medal bars, used to be in Eric Ludvigsen's collection and was purchased at one of A. Thies' auctions. It is "pure Baden" and has beneath the war merit cross the Erinnerungszeichen (lowest class) and the Erinnerungsmedaille from 1906, both not common, both very hard to find mounted, and: both on non-matching ribbons... The Erinnerungszeichen had to be worn on Berthold order's ribbon which looks almost the same but has golden instead of yellow stripes, the 1906 medal had the same ribbon as the 1902 medal, is here worn on the ribbon of the (more common) Friedrich-Luisen-Medaille that again looks almost the same, but is a bit bigger and does not have the inscript on the avers. I hope you like that bar though. Does anyone have an idea what person it may have belonged to? What strucks me is that there's no 1902 medal but two awards for 1906...
    3. Yes indeed, very nice ones. I think I never saw one of those two before. Was the first one only used for officers? The Baden 1849 medal's document is similar decorated to the first one and they come up frequently, but I never bought one by now...
    4. I have no numbers but would rather buy this at US $480,- than the BZL4 for US $400,- as those with crown seem to be quite hard to find. My father used to have one, not single mounted, on a modern ribbon. If I remember correctly it sold for somewhat more than 300,- Euro.
    5. His matching, home-made ribbon bar, unfortunally* without the device that wasn't introduced until 1917, so it may be an earlier one or he just didn't bother. Only one long service award here, but no chance to say whether the XV or the XXV, as I don't know when the bar was made. *or fortunally: if it had the device, the auction wouldn't have closed at 1,50 Euro... :speechless:
    6. Mh, here's actually all said, isn't it? The first one is very nice, especially single-mounted, but the price is - at least for US buyers - way too high, I'd say. Those are not common but with ~3,000 awards... A "F" device has nox been shown, so I don't need to show mine. I've been thinking about buying Schulze's group too, but again it's a bit too expensive for me and my wallet, prefer at the moment buying in the US... I got this one on eBay.de some weeks ago, think price was about 150,- Euro. Not nice but rar, altered by the wearer twice, presumably in 1935/35 for the Honour Cross and in 1936 for adding his second "Wehrmacht" long service award he used to put into the drawer when he was awarded the XXV:
    7. Sorry Roman, didn't understand that posting. However, I guess you just got that one shown, so I'll post the pictures of the others to keep the record forever - those were a set and if they come up again, they might... should... have to be re-united. First, the tuxedo bar by Godet, with a lovely and extremely rare tag on the back:
    8. Eric, I hope you'll find the time soon. As said, I've never seen one, and I am Baden collector. Those red ones seem to be really rare. =)
    9. The crosses are not too hard to find - but the cases are. Hardly ever seen! Resurfaces? Do you have seen one yet? I was once told that exists, but that was an elderly collector whose brain isn't the youngest anymore. I've seen dozens of the three common variants - two in white and one in a pale blue - but never never ever that strange red one... pictures, anyone? I won't believe in a cross I've never seen. ;)
    10. Well, that was my only medal bar - now here's my only button with the ribbon. When I bought it I wasn't sure it may be a WWI combination with Lippe cross, but the ribbon looks more Baden-ish and the whole thing does neither look like WWI nor like 1930s. One question: what is that last ribbon? Was that a Badener with Württemberg long service award? Or is it any foreign decoration that does not come to my mind?! Thanks in advance...
    11. Nice bars Gentlemen... but where are the older ones I asked for... ? Indeed, H&S don't list it, but H. Volle (and therefore Nimmergut) do, but don't have a picture. As said, I've hardly ever seen those old ones, so cannot say something for sure about the "1805" one. I just realized I have just one 1870 medal bar to a Baden soldier, really really thought to have two or three... Well, at least some more lose medals and clasps, but as those are yet all shown no more need to show. Here my medal bar, not in best condition but original and not the worst with ("additional" to the common trio for any Baden 1870 vet in 1897) peacetime merit medal and military long service decoration IInd class from pre 1913: PS: got that bar from eBay.com some years ago quite cheap, think it was about <US $300. But on the other hand, back than those $300 were much more for me than they would be today.
    12. Yeah, once again the old story. It's lost, forget it. The group _will_ be blown to all winds, no chance to win all auctions. I almost knew this had to happen as it way too happens often. When it was on auction I said to a Lippe collecting friend he should buy it for exactly this reason, but the price was to high for him - and now it's lost... :violent:
    13. Great bars, I like especially the first. That was a split set on eBay - did you get the matching tuxedo and ribbon bar, too? The third ribbon on the 2nd bar is for the Ehrendenkm?nze of the Deutsche Ehrenlegion, a 1920s Vets awards. The last and second to last are more likely Bavarian firefighter's decorations, but no idea which ones exactly... :rolleyes:
    14. Thanks for starting this thread and your nice bars, I like the first one especially. 😃 I had yet many of the medals (and some more in hands) but still cannot differ those - could please someone tell me how to do that... You missed the "1805" issue. Well, most of that bars I've never seen by now... ;o( Mh... did any Badeners fight in 1864? I don't think so, but to be honest - I don't know for sure. Well, the "homefront" guys who fought in Baden against the revolutionists were something very special and therefore especially decorated. Only 50 examples of the engraved medal to be worn on bravery ribbon were coined, all awarded with the different battles engraved. Does anyone here - Wild Card? - owne one of those... ? It would be really really great to see one of those, or any bar or just mounted groups even without the battle clasps for actions before 1866. I've never seen a Baden bar with French St. Helena medal but the one pictures and described in OMM 40... PS: I've some medal bars with the medal too but will show them, if someone wants to see any - tomorrow, as I've got to go to bed now PPS: I realized just now your 2nd has a "1870" and a "1871" bar instead of the "1870 - 1871" one. Do you know why, has this any special reason? Those two are both rarer than the combined one, but I've seen that once before. It just makes no sense...
    15. I guess we both wartime bars. Thanks, I think that makes the sense I couldn't come to with it. The Baden 1902 medal was not given to any soldier but only to the elderly served (think those who yet had 8 or 9 years of service). It doesn't seem he had and though "qualified" in 1897 for the Prussian "Erinnerungsmedaille" - this is quite common, many soldiers/NCOs missed the Baden 1902 medal due to some years of service. But: any Baden officer in service got it, no matter if he was in Baden at that point or was "anywhere" in the Reich! ;)
    16. Mh yes, thanks. That's as far as I came, hoped we could precise this. Apparently we cannot and this is why I dont's like this buttons that much, I really prefer bars. That's again a rather nice and rare one but again, as my two matching 8 place buttons with MVO3aX or MVK1aX we don't know much about them... =( How about that one? Prussian Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen or Red Eagle order 4, or is that Hamburg?! Followed by Baden long service or anything else? He does have another long service in last place... oooh, I get lost in all my ribbon stuff... :speechless:
    17. This one looked very interresting so I bought it - but I have no idea what for exactly it is. A Bavarian in the Imperial navy, a Prussian to get the Bavarian, and is it rather a MVO4 than a MVK2? What for is that blue ribbon?! I think that is a difficult one without the medal bar... PS: any more information someone comes to mind with the other stuff in this thread? Thanks in advance for any help. =)
    18. Lovely awards, especially the Baden medal with "1813" bar, just great. =) One piece of information to add: the bars to the Baden medal were not handed out until 1866, and now we unterstand why the "1805" to "1815" bars are that rare - given up to 61 years after participation... PS: Wild Card, if you ever sell any of the pre "1866" issues, don't hesitate to PM me. ;)
    19. Mhh, I did. And as silly as it sounds, pity this one wasn't stolen. Would have been nice to see something from that stuff coming up... :catjava:
    20. Timo, yes, that is Godet. PS: Thanks to all that tried to solve my bar above, but that seems again to be one more of the "undoable". I hate when bars look very identifiable but though actually are not... Rick, one thing about the oak leave devices: this is a Godet made bar. I'm pretty sure at least they had those in stock. Possibly others didn't, but Godet *should* have had. By the way, I know at least one bar that has the oaks though there should be none - so now you know why there weren't enough devices for bars that should have. PPS: Rick, regarding your bar from #17: I'd take it. Well, seriously (sure, I'd take it even seriously ). What I actually wanted to write: are you sure that is a Lippe house order? Baden's Berthold Order used the same or a very similar ribbon. I've hardly ever seen a "Berthold" in a mounted group, but any Z?hringer with swords should outrank a Berthold without... PPPS: if that was the clue, I'd say the bar is the prize for solving the mystery. :catjava:
    21. One of the best WWI bars I've seen for a long while and one of the bigest and best looking bars I've ever seen. My gut says it's good and if the price is okay, I think you should buy it. :)
    22. Bumping this thread up once more for the Lübeck boys. Please, can you confirm Bernuth to get an Lübeck cross... ? That would be... yes, would be very nice. :whistle:
    23. And it is wayyyy oversized, isn't it? That's the opposite to a "Prinzengr??e"... Two very nice bars, I like especially the first one.
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