I will take it point by point... and just as devils advocate as i have NO IDEA if these are good or not...
1) "we have members here collecting for 30-40 years and not even one person have seen any other piece made by the same maker." indeed... but this is also true if Preissler HAD made them... why has noone seen one?
2) "why this quality?? How could you make money with this quality star?? Why not Godet? Or Meybauer ? I am sure that person would make a fortune if he would go with one of this makers.."
quite simply.... if you can get 100 of these for EUR5 a piece, and sell for EUR15 a piece... thats 3 times your investment.
To make a Godet, or a Meybauer, you are going to spend a fortune, for a small return. It would probably cost you more to make than you could sell them for.
Go to the firm in pakistan, spend a little bit, no need to go to any trouble.... and they are delivered to the door.
Once again... I have no idea when these were made, just pointing out how easy it could be.